Nail Your Regimen Challenge 2014

[USER=373223 said:
snoop[/USER];20715785]faithVA Have you thought about mixing the two clays to see what happens?

I have but I haven't really played around with the idea that much. I just got my new shipment of clays early this week so I haven't tried much of anything. I will probably try each of them again solo for a few times to get the ratios correct and then try mixing them even if only just to use one of them up.

Since I don't wash that often it can sometimes take me a long time to figure out some basic ratios. :ohwell:
Washing tonight. Figured out the ratio for my castille soap, conditioner mix. Going to try leaving the mud in for two hours to see how that goes.
Just 8 more weeks until year end. My regimen is coming along nicely. Between now and the end of the year I am going to do a few more test.

1. Going to try a ratio of conditioner and baking soda with 2 oz of conditioner, 1/2 tbs of baking soda and 6 to 8 oz of water. I have done 1 tbs previously.

2. Still working on ratios of clay/water and oil and comparing the pink with the rhassoul.

3. Going to try mudwash, leave-in, oil and styler versus the full MHM 5 step regimen.

That's probably all I will do and I will probably have those finished by months end. Should have my final regimen ready to go for December.
I'm still sticking with the MHM. I added argan oil under my gel which gave me great softness. The tea blends I use for my flax gel are working very well so I'm sticking to that. The only change will probably be to put a soft butter under my gel instead of the plain argan oil. If this winter is anything like last winter, (I'm in NYC) I'm gonna need a sturdier barrier under the gel which should help to keep my hair moisturized.
I'm not doing any changes to my regimen between now and 2015. If you see me talking about making changes PLEASE call me out. I tried using flexi's to stretch before doing a twist out and the results were pretty close to simply twisting on t-shirt dried hair, so why take the extra step?


Thursday's and Sunday's:
Cowash with Trader Joe's Conditioner
Apply Pantene 2 minute mask
DC for 1 hour
T-shirt dry
Make 8 twists with Cantu Naturals Leave in, Coconut Curl Cream, and shea butter
Pibbs dry for 1 hour

Once a month I will do my protein prepoo and then continue with my regular regimen.

Twice a month (on Sunday's) I will apply the TJ's conditioner to dry hair as a prepoo, shampoo with TJ's shampoo, and continue with my regular regimen.

Daily I will moisturize and seal with Cantu Coconut Curl Spritz and shea butter.
Bump bump.

It's been a while since I've updated. I've gone through a lot of changes this summer but I find that doing a lot of what I did while relaxed seems to be my key. Apparently the only difference is the time it takes to do my hair not really the process. This challenge has been awesome bc I feel like it helped motivate me to find some direction.

Any right now what seems to work is:

Pree-poo with heat (water and coconut oil)
2 washes with shampoo
1 wash with CD Marula cream cleanser
Deep condition with CD Marula and SE mega cholestrol
Under the dryer for 30 minutes
Cold rinse
Seal with CD marula oil and coconut oil
thin layer of cantu

I've been setting my hair as of late. It straightens it out for my work week but maintains the integrity of my hair texture. I throw in a protein treatment every month instead of weekly or bi-weekly. I pin curl and oil my scalp with coconut oil every other night. Those nights I comb through sections of my hair (with a comb) to get out any shed hair which has made washing a breeze.

Setting my hair:
Currently using CD Marula hair styling lotion and JC wrap lotion
I create three sections of my hair and roll each section
Each section gets a nice layer of the products I mentioned above, then I pull a reasonable sized section comb through and set.

Sit under the dryer for about 40 minutes and my hair is good to go.

The fact my SO noticed my hair is longer either means it's longer, or the whole taking care of it again and it's getting healthy is just apparent.
I just want to say many, many thanks to faithVA for starting this thread. It's been interesting to go back and see what I was doing at the beginning of this year compared to now and what has/hasn't worked for me. It's also served as a reminder.... Thank you ma'am for always contributing so many useful things to the forum :)
I just want to say many, many thanks to faithVA for starting this thread. It's been interesting to go back and see what I was doing at the beginning of this year compared to now and what has/hasn't worked for me. It's also served as a reminder.... Thank you ma'am for always contributing so many useful things to the forum :)

You are welcome CodeRed. I'm glad that you found the thread useful and hopefully it helped you with your regimen. I appreciate everyone for hanging out with me while I try to figure out my own :yep:
So I know that I've been saying it but I'm pretty sure I'll be motivated enough to cowash tonight. DH complimented me on how soft my hair was after I washed in Sunday. It was either the new conditioner or the rancid mud wash. :nono:
[USER=373223 said:
snoop[/USER];20765217]So I know that I've been saying it but I'm pretty sure I'll be motivated enough to cowash tonight. DH complimented me on how soft my hair was after I washed in Sunday. It was either the new conditioner or the rancid mud wash. :nono:

I've used rancid mudwash before :lol: Actually a few times. But the last time it was so bad I ended up having to wash my hair again the next day.
I just want to say many, many thanks to faithVA for starting this thread. It's been interesting to go back and see what I was doing at the beginning of this year compared to now and what has/hasn't worked for me. It's also served as a reminder.... Thank you ma'am for always contributing so many useful things to the forum :)

^^^ yes, this thread is very useful, I'm able to see how my regimen has evolved. I look at the 50-11 steps I used to do and laugh when people complain about how many steps are in the MHM. I'm actually saving steps
I agree. Thanks, faithVA. This thread has been very useful. I looked back at my original post and I've accomplished more than I set out to with my goals. I still follow basically the same wash routine, but I've streamlined styling and products to things that work best for my hair, like african black soap instead of shampoo.

I need to keep working through my DCs, but I know I need moisturizing ones with light protein. Also, I think my airdry technique is ok, but I want to try some new techniques/styles.
I've used rancid mudwash before :lol: Actually a few times. But the last time it was so bad I ended up having to wash my hair again the next day.

I cowashed yesterday and figured out that it was the conditioner not the mud. :lol: I have started using Giovanni Smooth as Silk images of the 50/50 and I like it. It's supposed to be more moisturizing and I think it is. I have to check the ingredients in the 50/50 but there may be some aloe vera in it. None in the SAS. If that's the case then I know that my hair is really sensitive to it.
I'm in the middle of trying to straighten my hair. Doing the DC step now. I've never done a blow out before pressing so I'm a bit excited at what the results will be like. I've also only tried blowing out my hair once or twice before (in high school) and maybe my mom once when I was in elementary school.

I'll also be pressing it myself which I've unsuccessfully done once or twice before.

BUT now that I know about DC'ing first and blowing out first and all this fun stuff I hope things will be much better.

I'll post pics only if it looks semi successful.
I am gonna join yall next year. My regimen has evolved so much this year, but I think I have it figured out...kinda :blush: Please tag me for 2015 faithVA
[USER=406999 said:
Prettymetty[/USER];20775631]I am gonna join yall next year. My regimen has evolved so much this year, but I think I have it figured out...kinda :blush: Please tag me for 2015 faithVA

I hadn't planned on doing this challenge for 2015. Perhaps someone is willing to host for 2015.
I don't even know how to find my last post amongst these 43 pages so I'm going by what I think I wrote.

Wash once or bi weekly
LOC Method with Taliah Wajid protective mist bodifyer, shea moisture deep treatment masque and seal with JBCO.

I remember trying to find a shampoo that works and doesn't strip my hair and was using ORS aloe shampoo, which was striping but I diluted it as to not be too drying.

Now since I have tweaked my routine I have noticed a big difference in my hair. I have now started using Shikakai powder and Rhassoul clay for my washes. I only put shampoo on my scalp and put the clay on my hair. So far so good. My hair feels conditioned and a lot softer after its air dried.

I still use the protective mist bodifyer (I love that stuff) but now I seal with QB heavy cream, but will be just using JBCO when I run out of the QB. it seams to do the same job but its cheaper.

I also started search and destroys and my hair feels so healthy and has retained a lot of growth in the past two months.

My hair feels super soft and I don't have to moisturise too often either. The mix of these products work really well for me. I think my biggest change has to be clay washes and S&D.
For me, NTM leave in at the roots + blow dryer on cool = soft, fully dry, less tangled roots after every wash. The best air drying method for me thus far. The key is remembering the leave in beforehand though or my roots will get dry and crispy!
I'm in the middle of trying to straighten my hair. Doing the DC step now. I've never done a blow out before pressing so I'm a bit excited at what the results will be like. I've also only tried blowing out my hair once or twice before (in high school) and maybe my mom once when I was in elementary school.

I'll also be pressing it myself which I've unsuccessfully done once or twice before.

BUT now that I know about DC'ing first and blowing out first and all this fun stuff I hope things will be much better.

I'll post pics only if it looks semi successful.

So trying to do this myself was a mistake. It'll probably be the last time I do this, ever. First, the wash process takes up the regular time. Np. My hair was so easy to detangle with a comb. Very little hair lost. I'm glad to know my finger detangling had been working.

I steamed with Keracare masque and all hell broke loose. My ends knotted right up.

The blow out process took forever, but probably because I didn't know what I was doing. I twisted each section and when I took the twists out my hair felt dry but I loved the stretch. (I'm going to try to achieve this with a roller set.)

So I tried pressing my hair but it kept reverting. It could be the temp and or humidity in my house but the same thing happened last winter when I tried pressing it. I think I might have chewed up my ends. Lots of broken hair. I guess the plus sude is that my hair is much softer now.

I put it in flat twists and will take them down tomorrow. Ugh! Never again!
I'm not doing any changes to my regimen between now and 2015. If you see me talking about making changes PLEASE call me out. I tried using flexi's to stretch before doing a twist out and the results were pretty close to simply twisting on t-shirt dried hair, so why take the extra step?


Thursday's and Sunday's:
Cowash with Trader Joe's Conditioner
Apply Pantene 2 minute mask
DC for 1 hour
T-shirt dry
Make 8 twists with Cantu Naturals Leave in, Coconut Curl Cream, and shea butter
Pibbs dry for 1 hour

Once a month I will do my protein prepoo and then continue with my regular regimen.

Twice a month (on Sunday's) I will apply the TJ's conditioner to dry hair as a prepoo, shampoo with TJ's shampoo, and continue with my regular regimen.

Daily I will moisturize and seal with Cantu Coconut Curl Spritz and shea butter.

NappyNelle this is my most recent regimen. I will say that over the years what has helped me retain length has been frequent cowashing, deep conditioning, and moisturizing my hair. I use a lot of product when I'm doing any of these steps and for some reason I think that helps too? Like I'm actually coating the strands?

I wear my hair in a twist out, ponytail, or bun. It's probably out 3-4 days a week and up the rest of the time.
How many months post am I again? Almost 5? It looks like I won't relax until December so I'll just keep playing around with my hair for now :spinning:

Should I continue to deep condition?

I've tried so many DCs in the past...many have worked initially but never keep my hair moisturized that long. I have rinse-out conditioners that work better than the high-end DCs I've tried. Think I'll just settle with cowashing for now before I waste more money on another DC...

I'm also going to stop cross-wrapping.

That sounds crazy to do because I as raving about it earlier in my regimen...but after 2 months post it just flattens & mats my NG together.

I still think keeping my NG stretched is important though...I'm thinking pigtails (on DRY hair) at least the first few nights after a wash.
[USER=303161 said:
spellinto[/USER];20793825]How many months post am I again? Almost 5? It looks like I won't relax until December so I'll just keep playing around with my hair for now :spinning:

Should I continue to deep condition?

I've tried so many DCs in the past...many have worked initially but never keep my hair moisturized that long. I have rinse-out conditioners that work better than the high-end DCs I've tried. Think I'll just settle with cowashing for now before I waste more money on another DC...

I'm also going to stop cross-wrapping.

That sounds crazy to do because I as raving about it earlier in my regimen...but after 2 months post it just flattens & mats my NG together.

I still think keeping my NG stretched is important though...I'm thinking pigtails (on DRY hair) at least the first few nights after a wash.

Next time you try DCing, try heating your conditioner up in the microwave or in some hot water and see if that helps a bit. I found that even with using heat, heating the conditioner worked better.
Not being able to moisturize all week was annoying so I'm glad that I got to wash my hair today. I decided to try my own twist on the the MHM again, but this time I used AVC (1 AVC:2 water) instead of baking soda. I DC'd with steam using mayo and oils, then steamed with mud, then conditioned. After I moisturized then put my hair in two strand twists.

I forgot about how good mayo DC's make my hair feel. I don't think that I'll do the AVC rinse for quite some time (not sure it added anything to my hair), but I think that I'll try to bring back the mayo now that the weather is getting colder.
Hair changes have been going well so far :-)

I've been keeping my new growth as stretched as possible. As a result, my wash days & night time routine look slightly different

On wash days I...
- cleanse and deep condition w/Hair One
- apply Hair One before t-shirt drying, then NTM leave in
- blow dry on cool w/high speed <-- tension method stretches NG & reduces tangling
- proceed to detangle, moisturize, and seal
- finish air drying in 2 taut ponytails to stretch NG

I have been using Hair One as a cleanser, deep conditioner, and leave in. I still use protein and a clarifying shampoo 1x a month, and sometimes I use VO5 conditioner to cowash. I do have a sulfate shampoo, but I use it sparingly because I prefer cleansing creams. I may toss it if it doesn't get enough use.

I also stopped cross-wrapping at night because, at almost 5 mo post, wrapping mats & tangles my hair in the morning. Instead I wear two buns (no hair ties) or tied ponytails (w/hair ties); sometimes I also create 4 twists for waves in the AM. In all night times styles, my ends are secured underneath my satin scarf.

I've only incoporated these changes a few days ago, but my hair has this fluffy (but not dry and poofy!), detangled softness to it now that I really like :yep:
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I'm on week 2 of more frequent washing/wetting washing. I have to wait until I re-twist my hair to fully assess my progress, but right now I don't think it's harming.

So my new routine is full wash on Sundays, co-wash Tuesdays, and water wash on Fridays. I might even increase the water washing depending on how my hair responds.

One thing that I've noticed is that I have to will myself to put my hair under the water on the days that aren't my regular wash days. I now realize that I still have a bit of a mental block when it comes to how frequently we're "supposed" to wash our hair.
I'm on week 2 of more frequent washing/wetting washing. I have to wait until I re-twist my hair to fully assess my progress, but right now I don't think it's harming.

So my new routine is full wash on Sundays, co-wash Tuesdays, and water wash on Fridays. I might even increase the water washing depending on how my hair responds.

One thing that I've noticed is that I have to will myself to put my hair under the water on the days that aren't my regular wash days. I now realize that I still have a bit of a mental block when it comes to how frequently we're "supposed" to wash our hair.

So far so good with the 3 day a week washing/wetting. I've reduced M&S to those days and my hair seems soft in between. I'll have to drastically change my Sunday wash day routine -- most likely to co-wash (shampoo wash when necessary), no DC. I need something uber quick. I think that frequent wetting will help keep my hair from drying out.
And I'm modifying it again lol... Not making my own shampoo but:

Shampoo 2x per month (every other week)
Homemade deep treatment under steamer(once per week and I'll experiment with doing it only during shampooing to see if that'll work)
Rinse out conditioner

I discovered the leave ins I was using didn't make any difference after I kept forgetting to apply them and there was no difference in shedding/breakage. I've been without a leave in for over 4 months now. I think this Irish Moss is what's really strengthening my hair.

I also plan on cutting down on my shampooing/doing my hair to 2x per week: Shampoo/deep treatment/rinse out conditioner on Monday, co-wash on Friday. This setup will be every other week. The other complimenting weeks will be either deep treatment/rinse out conditioner on Monday with co-wash on Friday or co-washing both Monday and Friday.

We'll see... I want to get this hammered out by the end of the year. This is a good time to experiment too because it shows how well your hair withstands winter with your regimen.

Modifying again... hopefully for the last time.

I'm really liking this co-washing. I've been doing nothing but co-washing for 2 weeks now and my hair is soft and clean with a happy scalp... minimal breakage/shedding... The only thing is I've been trying different conditioners and this Redken Real Control is causing a little breakage whereas the others didn't. I think it has been ever since I started using it... will rotate other conditioners instead. My regimen will now be shampooing every other week and co-washing 3 times or more per week, as needed. I know in the summertime I'll probably go more... Trying to keep this as simple as possible. Co-washing has saved me so much time, effort and hair... I tried it before but it didn't work out because I was doing too many other things to my hair... It won't save me money though because I'm still buying conditioners when I don't need them lol.