Mz.MoMo is BALD!!! Pic heavy

That was such a beautiful act of kindness! You're such an awesome friend MzMoMo and I pray for the healthy recovery of your dear loved one.
I usually don't get teary eyed, but this made me start crying right in the middle of the library. I lost one of my close friends to cancer when we were still young (23). We had the same name and shared a lot of other similarities. When she lost all her hair, I took the plunge and got an asymmetrical bob (which was the shortest my hair had every been). I only wish I had the courage to go as short as you did. You will certainly brighten your friends day when you guys are reunited!
You made my day to read something good for a change, you look great with short hair and I know you made your friends day. I'm feeling a little choked up, here is a :bighug: for you and your friend, my prayers are sent for her complete recovery.
Tell your friend to keep her chin up and keep active. I love that you are standing by her in this way. You look great and like you said it will grow back.
You're amazing! What a beautiful act of friendship and compassion. You look quite striking bald, btw. Your friend is in my thoughts and prayers. I wonder if there are any amateur wig makers out there who would be able to turn your hair into a wig for your friend, or a professional who'd be willing to do it probono?
Go for you my lovely lady!!

(I misread for a minute and said it said BALDING then I was like OH NO my girl is sick?!)

Good on you honey!!! Keeping your friend in my prayers.

:lol: @ balding

No no! While I am happy my baldness is willing, I do hope this will help my friends self esteem so she will leave the house and not just go from her house to the hospital and hospital to the house. I will drag her out kicking and screaming if I must. I know how important attitude can effect healing and if she thinks the worse or has only neg thoughts that is what she will bring on her self and THAT is not happening on my watch, I dont care what country I'm in! I'm just glad I will be home soon to annoy the hell out of her until she listens to me lol

And pray I dont ever start balding please!!! That is terrible! I would be writing Pantene asking for my hair back lmao
You gonna make me cry! True friendships are rare and both you and your friend will touch many lives with this act of love!

I am in tears right now....cancer is such an ugly, nasty father just passed from lung cancer aug 12, 2011...I am so happy that she has a friend like you to stand next to her. You are an prayers are with your friend and yourself....may God bless you both
Such a selfless act...very touching. Your friend is very blessed to have a friend like you. I hope her cancer goes into remission forever...and you lovely ladies get to grow your hair back together. :hug3:

Lmao would it be weird if when I sent the hair I sent my reggie too so they will know how it works lmao :lol:

I just had to add that this made me :lol:

I'll be praying for your friend as she undergoes her recovery. It is not easy being sick and feeling alone.