Mz.MoMo is BALD!!! Pic heavy

Awww that was a very sweet act. I didn't read the whole thread but I'm sure she is gonna tear up when she sees you!
Oh Jebus! BostonMaria Please dont jump lmao

We are all praying for my friend and I know she will make it through this. She has 2 small children who still need their moms so she's fighting not just for her self but for them.

I sent her the pix (because I still have a several wks before I go home) and she said she cried. Surprisingly several other people were very touched by my new look on FB. My mom passed away 10yrs ago from a stroke and I have a lot of her good friends on my FB (they make sure I stay on track for her lmao) and they all said with no hair all they can see is my mom.

The girl who cut my hair off, her mom is currently fighting cancer as well (I dont remember which kind) and she cried. lol

I was like "Why is everyone crying?!?!? I look great!!! :lol: Or does I?!?!? :look: " Lmao

While I really like it, I will not be keeping the style. I will stay bald through the summer with my friend and then let my hair grow back and do its thing
Your post made me cry. You are beautiful and you did a beautiful thing. I pray for healing for your friend. She is blessed to have someone like you in her life. I can tell you are going to be a shining light for her during this process.
What a beautiful, selfless act and you're a great friend. She's in my prayers.....My oldest sister is going through chemo now for breast cancer and has lost her hair......Tears came to my eyes reading your story.

You look good and I love your eyes....
I don't know your friend"s name, but I prayed for her to get better. I think that it's great she cut it all off before the chemo. What you did for her is beautiful. I hope that she gets through this and everyone else with cancer as well. Was it possible to donate the hair that you cut off to your friend?
WOw the cut looks great on you! You are such a wonderful friend! I wish your friend all the best!
Wow. You're the 2nd person that I know that has done this. It is an amazing and selfless act. I'm in awe of you. In AWE, I say. :clapping::clapping::clapping:
I don't know your friend"s name, but I prayed for her to get better. I think that it's great she cut it all off before the chemo. What you did for her is beautiful. I hope that she gets through this and everyone else with cancer as well. Was it possible to donate the hair that you cut off to your friend?

No but I really wish I could or had the resources to do so. It takes like 6 full heads of hair I think to make a wig and they have to match in texture. They are then dyed the same color and are made into a wig. I dont know of a wig maker and I dont know anyone else with my hair texture and enough length to help make the wig :(
This choked me up. I know that this must mean so much to your friend. I hope and pray for her recovery. You look so beautiful with short hair. I can undertand why the girl who cut your hair cried.
What a wonderful way to support your friend!

I think your new hairstyle looks fabulous. My dad's wife has the same hair cut. Invest in some cute hats for the fall & winter.
I think you're an amazing person. You look great. Prayers are with your friend and with you as you travel this journey with her. Be blessed.
You look awesome! My prayers are with you and your friend. That was such an amazing selfless thing you have done..cudos!