My Waist Length Hair!

I've been waiting for you to post some more photos. Those were well worth the wait. Just lovely!
Supergirl, you are my idol!! /images/graemlins/weird.gif

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Me too!!!

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Count me in too.
Lovely hair /images/graemlins/clap.gif

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Me too! /images/graemlins/drunk.gif

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me three, you have beautiful hair. happy growing! /images/graemlins/clap.gif /images/graemlins/rosebud.gif
Hairlover, I think your "me four"..haha count again girl. :)

Supergirl, keep doing it girl..beautiful healthy waistlength hair..thats what im talking about.

Congrats Supergirl! I just looked at your album. Your hair is absolutely gorgeous!! I hope mine reaches your length one day!!
Congratualation Supergirl!!!
You are my hair idol.
I hope mine reaches your length one day.

/images/graemlins/cool.gif /images/graemlins/shocked.gif /images/graemlins/laugh.gif Wow, wow, wow! That already looks like waist length to me! But what do I know! LOL!!! Your hair looks wonderful. See, now I know why, whenever you write or recommend something, I am always like /images/graemlins/bookworm.gif!
STUNNING!!!!! /images/graemlins/clap.gif Co-signing with look to be @ waist length to me too.
Allandra said:
Girl, you ARE there!

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Ditto You are waist length /images/graemlins/clap.gif
Wow SG. You're hair looks great. It looks as though it is waist length. I can't wait to get there myself. I'm just trying to get passed braclasp length. Maybe by March 06'.
Honey girl!!!!!!!! your hair is ffaabbuulloouuss! is your regim still the same or have you changed anything! CONGRATS /images/graemlins/love.gif /images/graemlins/up.gif YOUR BETTER GO ON AND GROW DAT HAIR GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! /images/graemlins/dance7.gif
Look at all that hair. I love it./images/graemlins/love.gifI think you are waist-length. Thanks for sharing. You are my inpiration!/images/graemlins/clap.gif

/images/graemlins/user.gif :saving Supergirl's album:
WOW!!!! I would consider you waist length already, but shoot for the moon. Your a hair inspiration.
Allandra said:
Girl, you ARE there!

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Oh Snap! If Allandra said it then it's on! /images/graemlins/notworthy.gif

Thanks y'all--it is so great to have a website to get all of these great hair tips from, and then to get encouragement on reaching your hair goals, and THEN to get congratulated when you do! It's awesome /images/graemlins/trampoline.gif

For those that asked, my regimen is still the same but of course the products change periodically. /images/graemlins/wink.gif It's funny--but reaching your hair goals does not stop you from being a PJ. /images/graemlins/nono.gif That's alright though! Also, my most recent regimen is posted in my BIO. (just click on my username)
Can someone be feature of the month twice!?!?
Wow, your hair is Super-beautiful, Supergirl /images/graemlins/clap.gif

Your name should be changed to SuperHairGirl or SuperHairModel!

Your hair is gorgeous!

What else is there to say?? Lovely hair... simply lovely!! /images/graemlins/up.gif