Just a question, does your hairdresser you saw put in your braids? Sometimes when you don't use expensive services anymore, they try to scare you into using their services again. For example, when I recently had my hair done, the beautician pulled a lot of my natural hair out, and said: "with a relaxer I wouldn't have pulled out barely any hair." Well since I do my hair myself, I knew that she was a bunch of bull because when I do my hair, I hardly have breakage.
If you couldn't tell the difference and they did, that's strange. I know most of us on this board know when our hair is not as healthy as it should be. How long is your hair? Did you notice breakage when you combed? What did your hairdresser do to your hair when they did it? I know I sound biased towards hairdressers, but I've been to enough of them to know when they're not happy that you're not doing something they want you to do.