My stylist trimmed my Neck length hair to Ear length! (pics)


New Member
Today I went to the salon for a relaxer and trim at 9 weeks post. I had about an inch and a half of new growth and I was so excited to see my progress. I was not hesitant for her to trim my hair because the last time she gave me a trim she only cut about 1/8 of an inch off. When they took the rollers out of my hair, she brushed the curls out to loosen it up for my trim. As she was bruching it, I could feel it touching the bottom of my neck (excited).

Me facing away from the mirror, she proceeded to trim my hair. I wasn't worried cause the ends falling into my lap weren't even a 1/8 of inch long. After she trimmed my hair, she wrapped it up as usual. I couldn't wait to get home, comb it out and see my progress. But to my surprise when I combed my hair out, it barely passed ear length. :mad: I was almost in tears! I'm so sick of scissor happy stylist! I'm not getting another trim for a long time. Here's a pic:

More pics in my new album. Link in Siggy.
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I'm sorry this happened to you! Something similar happened to me that led me to find this board. My old stylist trimmed my hair from shoulder to chin length within a period of eight weeks. I had to cut her loose! Don't worry though. It will grow back. My hair not only grew back, but is currently the longest it's ever been 17 months later.
Awww, I'm sorry too. :kiss: I know you're looking for length, but the thickness and over health look great.
i'm starting to think it's jealousy or something! anytime they see a head full of good hair they always just want to chop it right off. sorry this happened to you.
You have to be sure to let them know not to cut more than a certain amount. In fact, tell them you'll cut your own hair. It's not that difficult to learn. I bought my scissors for cheap (like 10) because every hairdresser I've been to is like, "Gurl, lemme cut dat!", and I used to let them convince me that I needed it when I didn't. Now look at me *shaking her bra-strap length hair*

But if it makes you feel better, the cut it cute.
Aww, sorry! this happens to alot of us. I know that doesn't change things, but know it will grow.

Sometimes, my hair feels shorter when it's first done and slightly curled. A week later, when the curl loosens, it hangs down at least a lil' bit more.

Next time, do what I do. Insist that she give you a handheld mirror and have her trim in front of her big mirror, so that you can watch. Knowing you're watching helps stylists to know to be very careful.
Thanx for all your support girls. On the bright side, it is a little thicker. But... I really hate this stupid hair cut!:mad:
It hurts but overall your hair is beautiful and look so healthy. I had the same cut last year (same lenght) and in one year I had great result doing only baggie method. You can check my album. Hugs and be patient. And no more allowing anybody to cut without you supervising...
ur hair is beautiful but im sorry that she got scissor happy with ur hair...did you ask her to cut or trim it???? dont worry by the time u know it'll be back and plus some....
blackhair said:
It hurts but overall your hair is beautiful and look so healthy. I had the same cut last year (same lenght) and in one year I had great result doing only baggie method. You can check my album. Hugs and be patient. And no more allowing anybody to cut without you supervising...

Yes mam... :lol:. Thanx :)
bluediamond0829 said:
ur hair is beautiful but im sorry that she got scissor happy with ur hair...did you ask her to cut or trim it???? dont worry by the time u know it'll be back and plus some....

Thanx. I told her to trim it, but you know stylist...:nono: they never listen.
I feel your pain, this is way I only get my hair trimed at the Dominicain shop, they understand what you mean when you say trim.
I'm sorry about your "trim". Your hair looks beautiful and healthy, though.

At my last "trim" my hairdresser cut more than was necessary. Last year I had a discussion with her about trimming. I told her that I don't want my hair to stay the same length, but it's staying there because of her "trims". That time she cut less than before.

2 weeks after my last "trim" I ran into a friend who hadn't seen me in a month, and the first thing she said when she saw me was "You got your hair cut?". I remember combing my hair the night of my last trim & retouch , and I could tell that she cut off more than what grew in. My mom made a comment about my hairdresser's trims, too. She said it seems like she takes so much off.

I decided to buy a pair of sharp, high-quality scissors and trim my hair myself from now on. If I do a bad job or if it's too difficult I'll ask my mom or grandmother to do it.
I must defend hairstylist, you said you only saw trimmings on the floor or lap?
to trim the end of damaged hair she would have to go layer by layer and remove the damaged hair ends, making your hair look healthy as it looks in your photo. keep up the good work and you will have strong healthy long hair.
i'm sorry about that. i agree with you about the stylist. i've already informed my hubby he'll be clipping my ends after my next relaxer.
What does your husband know about cutting hair? The hair at the top of your head will not meet up with the end at the nape will it? I'm sorry but stylist should listen to the client, and the client should be able to tell the stylist what they want.
Sorry to hear that happened to you. I do like the suggestion some of the ladies here gave to tell the stylists you'll trim your own hair or just trim your own hair without going to a stylist.
Your hair looks thick and beautiful and with your hair knowledge (and our help if you need it), your hair will continue to grow thick and beautiful and as long as you want it to be.:)
I think its cute. It looks VERY healthy. Dont worry you got a fresh start now and it wont be long until bsl!

ETA: New album? Took you long enough:lol: :p
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I feel your pain too, that's why I'm close to WSL and not already WSL, a stylist cut my hair above BSL, when I was just touching bottom BSL I was really upset, but I made a comeback and you can too, juststay away from SHS's. I also trimm myself, I'm not getting a cut until I'm well past my goal and can afford a 3" "trim"
Awww, that sucks. Get you a pair of trimming shears and learn to do it'll never have to worry about this kind of crap again!

Hang in there'll come back in no time.

Can't see the pic but I'm sure it looks great from what the other ladies have said.
I'm so sorry this happened to you hon. But, for what it's worth your hair looks great! It's so healthy, shiny and thick!
hairmaster said:
What does your husband know about cutting hair? The hair at the top of your head will not meet up with the end at the nape will it? I'm sorry but stylist should listen to the client, and the client should be able to tell the stylist what they want.

Why are you asking her this? Apparently, she has made a decision that her husband can do a better job than most stylists and I, for one, agree 100%. I don't do stylists either. A lot of LHCF members do not do stylists.

A great majority of stylists are misinformed, scissor-happy, untrustworthy and they perpetuate bad hair practices.
Nigeria sorry to hear about that however your hair looks so healthy. You will be back to shoulder length in no time, but you hair will be thicker. ;)