My Stylist PO'd at Me


Well-Known Member
Can your stylist really cop an attitude because you no longer want to see them? I've been with her for the last 3 years and honestly, I don't like the way she does my hair anymore. She has changed so much to point I cringe when I have to make an appointment with her.

So, I called her up and canceled my appointment (which is two weeks away) and when she asked me why, I just explained to her that I've found someone else. WOW...I shouldn't have said that :nono::nono:. She then proceeded to not yell at me per se but raised her voice telling that 1) whoever this is I'm going to won't do a good job 2) I NEED her because I can't do my own hair 3) the ladies at the new shop will make sure to burn out my hair because of it's length 4) the prices will probably be higher than what she charged me and last but not least 5) black stylists cannot do hair because they are jealous when clients with hair longer than them come to their shop :perplexed:perplexed

I felt so bad that I went ahead and just kept my appointment with her. I feel like I'm abandoning her.
so she's white?
but anyways I mean I would expect them to feel offended, however that number 5 thing abt black stylists? ummm no
and i dont think you should see her if you dont like how she does your hair, would you want to go back and let her give you a reason for not wanting to see her? who's to say she wont be vindictive?
Girllllllll, I would move right along from her, would have probably interrupted her during her lil rant saying "thank you for your services, but as I stated I've found someone else. You have a nice day." and hung up. If you "I don't like the way she does my hair anymore" and "cringe when I have to make an appointment with her," then it just might be best to move on.
You need to do what's best for you and your hair. You shouldn't stay out of fear, I'm sure she'll find other clients.
Sounds like she needs her clients in order to pay her rent and bills.

You just set her back on her electricity bill for the month :lol:
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A good stylist would have responded along the lines of: "You've been my client for quite some time, what's causing you to move on from me?" She should have been more open about why you were leaving and seeing if there was anything she could do to correct the concerns you have with how she does your hair.
I left my last salon because the stylist got to big for her britches. She thought she was the ish. I'll give it to her, she could do hair BUT bragging about it and all her worldly possessions (b/c her hubs is making bank) and making clients wait hours upon hours is not a good look. I left quietly by cancelling an appointment and saying 'll reschedule at another time but never called back.

The new chick I'm with is on the opposite end of the spectrum and about to get the same treatment. She has such limited skill I hate going to her. All she knows how to do is relax and roller set with tight crunchy curls. I live in a humid state (FL) and she says that's the only style that will hold in my hair. She doesn't know how to do updos. All her clients leave looking the same way -- with roller sets. BORING.

The perfect stylist is out there and I'm thinking it might be me....I just don't want the responsibility of doing my own touch-ups and updos when I want to go for a different look...I can handle the rest.
It sounds like she was really upset with you, and may have some animosity towards you for thinking about switching stylists. For me, that would be more of a reason not to keep my appointment. I would be too afraid that she'd slip up and do something to my hair.
You need to speak up for yourself. Like others have said, do what's best for YOU AND YOUR HAIR, not your stylists pockets. If you're cringing over the way she does your hair, why is this even up for discussion?

She is extremely unprofessional imo. As a professional, she should've been more concerned about why you were unhappy with your experience there with her, considering you've built a relationship these past 3 yrs.

By you caving in and keeping your appointment, you've just let the bully win! :boxing:
Oh wow, you're nice. You actually stayed on the phone and listened to her finish her rant.

Girl, I would've thanked her for her tips and told her I had to go and wished her well.
so she's white?
but anyways I mean I would expect them to feel offended, however that number 5 thing abt black stylists? ummm no
and i dont think you should see her if you dont like how she does your hair, would you want to go back and let her give you a reason for not wanting to see her? who's to say she wont be vindictive?[/QUOTE]

you bet not go back!!! *lmao slave mode* she knows you aint gone be there forr long and who's to say she wont really jack up yo head outta spite?? you need to kindly say you'll reschedule and never come back :look: dont let her bully your pocketbook because that is all she is worried about. otherwise, she would have tried to make her self look good not dog you or other stylists she's never met before.
You should cancel the appointment and not go back. I can't believe she said those to you. You should not feel bad about finding a new stylist. Good luck.
I would not keep that appointment. She'll probably cause you a setback on the sly just so she can say "See you need me. Your other stylist won't know how to do xyz."

If she works in a salon maybe you can call the salon directly and leave a message for her saying that you're canceling your appointment. No true professional would harass a customer to stay. Her skills should make you want to stay. You deserve better.
Girl pluh-easeee-eeeeeeee!! I would have Kanye shrugged all up and through that telephone and kept it PUSHING. She can list TWENTY-FIVE things, but at the end of the day, I'm gonna need her to know that:: she is PAID for a service...and that service is now slack…be GLAD she got the COURTESY of being informed of the impending departure PRIOR to it happening. I’m.Just.Saying.

I agree with ShyIntellect; had she been a stylist worth her salt (AS A WHOLE) she would have wanted to know why and what she could do differently...maybe even try to keep you as a client, by communicating how she can change/do better. She would not have stoop to insults against you and your judgment call/decision nor would she have and degraded a total stranger/innocent bystander in waiting (the next stylist).

Life is too short to fake it…I say do you…who cares about her attitude. Pssshhhh…miss me with ALL that. But now, you going back to her to avoid her feelings of possible abandonment?? For a slack service that YOU pay HER for?? We CANNOT continue to let people punk us into submission on ANY account. You better abandon her and tell her to find a support group.

Bottom line...just do you.

Is this your stylist or a boyfriend? LMFAO

I "dumped" a stylist a few years ago and she went bezerk. She'd blow up my cellphone and leave me nasty message. Her daughter bumped into me at the mall and told me that if I didn't go back to her momma that my hair would fall out. I would've taken her seriously if her own hair wasn't so chewed up and frizzy LMAO My sister continued to see the stylist and had to stop going cuz she kept harassing my sister as to why I didn't go to her shop. I had to drop her like an ex-boyfriend! She was "upset" because I didn't let her do my hair for my wedding. Psycho!

OK I'm rambling LMAO Run, Forest! Run! Don't go to her.
Is this your stylist or a boyfriend? LMFAO

I "dumped" a stylist a few years ago and she went bezerk. She'd blow up my cellphone and leave me nasty message. Her daughter bumped into me at the mall and told me that if I didn't go back to her momma that my hair would fall out. I would've taken her seriously if her own hair wasn't so chewed up and frizzy LMAO My sister continued to see the stylist and had to stop going cuz she kept harassing my sister as to why I didn't go to her shop. I had to drop her like an ex-boyfriend! She was "upset" because I didn't let her do my hair for my wedding. Psycho!

OK I'm rambling LMAO Run, Forest! Run! Don't go to her.
My stylist was to proud to beg. She didn't bother to call to see what was that showed me my importance or lack thereof.
Please do not go to that appointment. I don't want to see another thread with you saying your hair has been jacked up.
I recently decided to leave my stylist of about 10 years...I've become a DIY in all areas :)

I just never made another appointment :yep:

I may stop by the shop to say hi every once in a while. She was very nice...but would overlap my relaxers too much and always wanted to trim without checking my ends. I didn't even know these things were bad until I found LHCF lol

So yea, I say just don't show up if you're afraid too cancel. However, if you were 'cringing' when you had to make the app., you shouldn't have made it in the 1st place. But you were being nice, so that's good. I guess I'm just a cold hearted b***:blush: :lachen:
skip that appointment and don't even call and cancel. and if for some reason you do still go, do not be upset because she caused you a setback, 'cause that's exactly what she'll do. make your hair look super cute, but when you get home you'll notice some damage startin from that super cute style.
please don't make us say "we told you so"
Is this your stylist or a boyfriend? LMFAO

I "dumped" a stylist a few years ago and she went bezerk. She'd blow up my cellphone and leave me nasty message. Her daughter bumped into me at the mall and told me that if I didn't go back to her momma that my hair would fall out. I would've taken her seriously if her own hair wasn't so chewed up and frizzy LMAO My sister continued to see the stylist and had to stop going cuz she kept harassing my sister as to why I didn't go to her shop. I had to drop her like an ex-boyfriend! She was "upset" because I didn't let her do my hair for my wedding. Psycho!

OK I'm rambling LMAO Run, Forest! Run! Don't go to her.

:lachen::lachen:How she gonna threaten your hair!?:lachen:
Please do not go to that appointment. I don't want to see another thread with you saying your hair has been jacked up.

I was thinking the same thing because if you go back she might jack your hair up on purpose so you can keep going to her.. I wouldn't trust her now anyway the way she spoke to you.. Please don't go back.. I really feel that she is going to jack your head up..

Good Luck
skip that appointment and don't even call and cancel. and if for some reason you do still go, do not be upset because she caused you a setback, 'cause that's exactly what she'll do. make your hair look super cute, but when you get home you'll notice some damage startin from that super cute style.
please don't make us say "we told you so"

I agree. Please don't go.
Her reaction is the prime example on why you should leave her. And whose to say that now she's ticked off at you that she won't fulfill her own stereotype of jealous AA stylist. I equate that to pissing off your waiter and then continuing to eat the food he serves you. :nono:
Is this your stylist or a boyfriend? LMFAO

I "dumped" a stylist a few years ago and she went bezerk. She'd blow up my cellphone and leave me nasty message. Her daughter bumped into me at the mall and told me that if I didn't go back to her momma that my hair would fall out. I would've taken her seriously if her own hair wasn't so chewed up and frizzy LMAO My sister continued to see the stylist and had to stop going cuz she kept harassing my sister as to why I didn't go to her shop. I had to drop her like an ex-boyfriend! She was "upset" because I didn't let her do my hair for my wedding. Psycho!

OK I'm rambling LMAO Run, Forest! Run! Don't go to her.

That is crazy.. Your hair would fall out.. Did she need the money that bad.. I'm glad you left that foolishness alone
Ugh leaving stylists is sooo hard, if you like them as people and you've been going to them a long time. Good luck deciding what to do hun.
skip that appointment and don't even call and cancel. and if for some reason you do still go, do not be upset because she caused you a setback, 'cause that's exactly what she'll do. make your hair look super cute, but when you get home you'll notice some damage startin from that super cute style.
please don't make us say "we told you so"
Co signing! Please DO NOT go back! Seriously!