My Rollerset (pics)

Thank you! :grin:
You can see the puff of my roots in the 3-4 day pic, but for some reason I love it!

Whoever said practice makes perfect was telling the truth! The more I practice my rollersets and pin curls, the better they get. :yep:

I do to. You did a great job.
Ok, you cannot put up those beautiful pictures and not give me a step-by-step tutorial so I can get the same results!! Your hair is looking so healthy and fabulous! Keep up the good work!

Very nice FAMUDiva!

I hope do a tutorial. What did you do at night?
Ok, you cannot put up those beautiful pictures and not give me a step-by-step tutorial so I can get the same results!! Your hair is looking so healthy and fabulous! Keep up the good work!

LOL! Girl, you are funny. I must admit the step by step is not my own... I used Macherieamour's tutorial.

Girl, her roller method is the bomb! I only use water and NTM Silk Touch leave in. I rolled more sloppy this time because I was in a hurry. Hope the link helps :)
Very nice FAMUDiva!

I hope do a tutorial. What did you do at night?

I pinned curled it at night with those 2 pronged roller clips. I did a good number of pin curls just by using my thumb or finger to pick up the curls like ringlets and then spiraled it toward my scalp. Once I had my hair on my scalp I secured with the 2 pronged clip (the little silver ones). I did it for my whole head and then just put the bonnet on it. In the morning, I just took out the clips and shook my head. I only finger combed it after shaking.

It lasted for another day and a half after the 3-4 day pics. So it was about 5-6 days and then I started "smelling" my hair and decided it was time for my weekly shampoo.

ETA: Here's the step-by-step I used:

Thanks Macherie!
Yeah, what she said! How did you rollerset the first time and what did you do at night?

LOL! I can't take credit for the method because I followed Macherie's method (see links above). I did pin curl at night to keep the curls in tact.

FamuDva I love your hair! I can't wait to get to your length.

Thanks Lady! You will be there in no time! Now, if I can just get to BSL or better within the next year! My hair grows SLOOOW!
Ooo. I like. :yep: Looks great!

I'm having hair "issues" these days and my rollerset is rebelling on me for some reason....
Do you get any tangles or sheds with your sets?
Ooo. I like. :yep: Looks great!

I'm having hair "issues" these days and my rollerset is rebelling on me for some reason....
Do you get any tangles or sheds with your sets?

Hey Lady :wave:!

No, I didn't have any tangles at all. I really didn't have shedding either. It may be because I started using Nexxus Keriphix every 2 weeks, and I have been using Fermydol leave in except when I roller set. I' didn't use fermydol this time because I was using the NTM to set my hair.
Your set came out really purrrty! I wish I had the patience.

Girl, I was done in about 1hr 15 mins, including 50min dryer time. It didn't take long at all to do the rolling. I am usually short on patience with dryer time though. But thankfully when I don't have anything else to do, I can walk around with the rollers in my head.
Your rollerset is to die for!!! I cant wait to try mine tonight on freshly relaxed hair even though I going to sweat it out at the gym. Thanks for the step by step on the pincurls. I never know how to save my curls.
Your hair looks amazing
Your rollerset is to die for!!! I cant wait to try mine tonight on freshly relaxed hair even though I going to sweat it out at the gym. Thanks for the step by step on the pincurls. I never know how to save my curls.
Your hair looks amazing

Come back with pictures naw ya herre!:lachen:
Your rollerset is to die for!!! I cant wait to try mine tonight on freshly relaxed hair even though I going to sweat it out at the gym. Thanks for the step by step on the pincurls. I never know how to save my curls.
Your hair looks amazing

Yeah girl, make sure you come back with pics :)