Pics of my pin curl set and braidout

leontyneb said:
Your hair looks real great!!! How did you do that? What did you do to get your hair like that?
Thank you, which style are you referring to?

Allandra said:
Wow! Both styles look very nice. :up:
Thanks Allandra!

kitchen_tician said:
Your hair is beautiful and healthy. I love all of your styles. :) I'm going to look for Africa's Best Liquid Mayo. It sounds interesting.
Thanks KT, I love your hair.

Kha said:
Both look fantastic, but I especially love the braidout!!
Thanks Kha, you are definitely one of my natural hair inspirations, your site helped me stay away from the relaxer and explore with my hair.

lovelymissyoli said:
Very cute! I love your braidout!:clap: I can't wait to be natural! :)
Thanks lovely, although it can be trying at times, you will love being natural

Ashee said:
Great styles Cincybrownsugar! :grin:
I want to learn this Pincurl Set Thingy!! :yep:
Thank you Ashee, Southern Girl has a step by step in her album, very informative, you see what it did for me.
Warning: Pin curl set lasted all of 1 day, heat & humidity killed my style :(

Robin41 said:
Nicely done! Your hair is beautiful. My braidouts never look that moisturized and shiny.
Thanks Robin!!! My moisturized and shiny hair secret :sekret: Black n Sassy Heat Activated Hot Sheen, a product for less than $2 that I picked up 1 day at Sally's, its been a staple ever since, nothing else I have tried can touch it.
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ChoclatePrincess said:
Ooh girl you got it down packed it looks nice!

Thanks CP! I liked the layered style you had, I know what you mean, I had one some years back and I loved it so much, but when it was time to move on my hair was a mess.

sugaplum said:
Both your styles are vry nice. :yep: I have the braid out down packed, but the pin curls...:look:
Thanks SP, I have only had 2 successful braidout's, if I get it right this next time, it is on.
cincybrownsugar said:
Thank you Ashee, Southern Girl has a step by step in her album, very informative, you see what it did for me.
Warning: Pin curl set lasted all of 1 day, heat & humidity killed my style :(
So this is a Winter style!
I'll catch a cold & look cute! :lol: