My Progress Pics- Oct 25 07-Jan 31 08


New Member
Okay ladies, here are my first ever progress pics! Ignore the huge section of underprocessed hair, I never even noticed that until recently when I started taking hair pics :blush:

10/25/07: This was right after a dominican blow out and a scissor happy stylist... Looks SOOO raggedy!!


A bootleg comparison shot of Oct 07 and Dec 07

And now, as of 1/31/08, my hair looks like this...


I am pleased with my results so far and want to thank all of you for such wonderful advice and suggestions!! :spinning:
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Your hair has gottne so much thicker in a short amount of time.

Do you think it was the salmon and protein shakes that helped?

Your hair has gottne so much thicker in a short amount of time.

Do you think it was the salmon and protein shakes that helped?

Yay! Thanks! I attribute the thickness to the fact that I stopped flat ironing my hair. I bought a standing bonnet dryer and I do weekly DCs and rollersets. I have only flat ironed about 3 times since October and that was for my bday, New years, and some random night I was going out.

I have gotten much faster growth with the daily protein shakes, even more than when I was just using MN with no other supplementation. I will definitely continue with my shakes, I use a 0 carb fruit flavored shake (Syntrax Nectar) to avoid gaining any weight as a result.

I don't think that the vitamins have kicked in yet to contribute to any growth, I have only been taking them since Jan. 1st, 08.

Thanks ladies for your comments, I was surprised to see the difference myself!!
:help: Now, hopefully I can keep this no direct heat regimen up! I'm stretching my relaxer for as long as possible so I guess only time will tell!
Sorry ladies! The pics disappeared randomly for some reason. They were there before I went to lunch, came back and they were gone!