DEC 07 APLer's Whatz ur status

I'm praying for APL by December 31, I will be in the back but the sides may take till April or May 2008 ...Is just APL in the back still count ?:perplexed
I just touched up today and Im grazing armpit, however my ends look kind of scraggly so Im debating on whether to trim now or trim later. Looks like I need to take off about an inch. Then again, maybe I could get away with a dusting and then babying, babying, babying my ends....maybe they are just dry/frizzy and not necessarily damaged? I rarely use heat and Ive been mainly sporting a wash n go since May.
Thanks ladies, for replying all of your stats. Wow, just think by March 08 for sure most, if not all of us will be swangin APL hair!!! If the 6 inches per year is true then we will also be getting BSL by Dec08 or sooner! We can do it ladies!
Non stop moisturizing = retaining ALL of our growth!
HHG to all and to all a good night!

i'm thinking/hoping by march 08, i'll be apl!

like i said, i did a 1.5 inch trim
which was MUCH needed
i also did my first hardcore aphogee treatment
worked like a charm (i'll do this every 6 weeks)
and i also found a much better way for me to detangle and wash
(before washing. using conditioner on small sections, detangling the sections first w/ a wide toothed comb and then gently with a small tooth comb to get the rest of the "kinks" out and then twisting each section. i then wash and deep condition w/ the twists still in)

so hopefully these things will help me keep more hair on my head! HOORAY FOR RETENTION (and getting me to apl!)