MY Potential SO is SO Hair Stupid!


New Member
Wow, I can't believe how little he knows about hair or hair care. He makes fun of me because i have a sunday ritual of Pre-poo, poo, oil rinse, DC and rollerset. It takes about 3hrs total and he is so shocked :eek:

He doesn't know what a Deep Conditioner is :confused:
He said "is it conditioner that you rub deep into your head?"

He doesn't know what relaxer is :confused:
He says "when your hair is stressed" you relax it right?

I say I wash 3 times a week and he is like "What about the other 4 days?"

He thinks black people with relaxed/texlaxed hair are born that way just like natural heads.:lachen:

He says he doesn't want to see what I look like in hair rollers, lol - might be scary.
Wow, wait till he see's my hair supplies, he may just drop dead.

Oh and wait till he finds out, I wear a fall as my protective style :gorgeous:. hehehe

He is very knowledgeable about other areas so I guess i'll keep him :grin:
Wow, I can't believe how little he knows about hair or hair care. He makes fun of me because i have a sunday ritual of Pre-poo, poo, oil rinse, DC and rollerset. It takes about 3hrs total and he is so shocked :eek:

He doesn't know what a Deep Conditioner is :confused:
He said "is it conditioner that you rub deep into your head?"

He doesn't know what relaxer is :confused:
He says "when your hair is stressed" you relax it right?

I say I wash 3 times a week and he is like "What about the other 4 days?"

He thinks black people with relaxed/texlaxed hair are born that way just like natural heads.:lachen:

He says he doesn't want to see what I look like in hair rollers, lol - might be scary.
Wow, wait till he see's my hair supplies, he may just drop dead.

Oh and wait till he finds out, I wear a fall as my protective style :gorgeous:. hehehe

He is very knowledgeable about other areas so I guess i'll keep him :grin:
Wow, I can't believe how little he knows about hair or hair care. He makes fun of me because i have a sunday ritual of Pre-poo, poo, oil rinse, DC and rollerset. It takes about 3hrs total and he is so shocked :eek:

He doesn't know what a Deep Conditioner is :confused:
He said "is it conditioner that you rub deep into your head?"

He doesn't know what relaxer is :confused:
He says "when your hair is stressed" you relax it right?

I say I wash 3 times a week and he is like "What about the other 4 days?"

He thinks black people with relaxed/texlaxed hair are born that way just like natural heads.:lachen:

He says he doesn't want to see what I look like in hair rollers, lol - might be scary.
Wow, wait till he see's my hair supplies, he may just drop dead.

Oh and wait till he finds out, I wear a fall as my protective style :gorgeous:. hehehe

He is very knowledgeable about other areas so I guess i'll keep him :grin:

:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:@ the bolded.
LOL Awwww... he's not stupid, he's man :lachen: Sometimes the two can go hand and hand *giggling* You know, sometimes, they only want to see the finished product- beautiful hair, not the process to get there :grin:
He's a man. Don't be so hard on him. There are other things you want him to worry about anyway. :grin:

lol I know, i know. I just find it really amusing that he has never even heard of deep conditioner before.

i need to break out a guide to black women's hair for men.
Wow, I can't believe how little he knows about hair or hair care. He makes fun of me because i have a sunday ritual of Pre-poo, poo, oil rinse, DC and rollerset. It takes about 3hrs total and he is so shocked :eek:

He doesn't know what a Deep Conditioner is :confused:
He said "is it conditioner that you rub deep into your head?"

He doesn't know what relaxer is :confused:
He says "when your hair is stressed" you relax it right?

I say I wash 3 times a week and he is like "What about the other 4 days?"

He thinks black people with relaxed/texlaxed hair are born that way just like natural heads.:lachen:

He says he doesn't want to see what I look like in hair rollers, lol - might be scary.
Wow, wait till he see's my hair supplies, he may just drop dead.

Oh and wait till he finds out, I wear a fall as my protective style :gorgeous:. hehehe

He is very knowledgeable about other areas so I guess i'll keep him :grin:

Girl, he's just playing with you. :grin: I hope He's not serious

ETA: Is he black? :look:
I'm actually being serious. He is hispanic and he doesn't have any sisters. I guess that could be it. I couldn't believe it myself, i thought he was joking. You should have seen me trying to explain dreads to him. You would have thought I was explaining cardiovascular surgery.:lachen:
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Sounds like you need to whip Mister Man in shape. When I first told my sweetie that I couldn't spend the night because I needed to "do" my hair he thought I was trying to blow him off. Now I wash my hair at his place and he gets to see what I go through. He's Irish and I've got him asking if I plan on doing a "pre-poo with evoo" and even helps with rollersets! :spinning:
He doesn't know what a Deep Conditioner is :confused:
He said "is it conditioner that you rub deep into your head?"

He doesn't know what relaxer is :confused:
He says "when your hair is stressed" you relax it right?

I say I wash 3 times a week and he is like "What about the other 4 days?"


Aww girl, he's just messing with your head! Can't you tell that man is messing with you :lachen:

He's just probably doing that because you spend 3 hours on your head! I mean man, that's alot of time but girl, your hair looks flawless :kiss3: so you must be doing something right!
:lachen:That story is too funny especially with him asking why you dont wash your hair the other three days...omg!

I thought he was playing with you for a second but I mean I dunno...If he is dumb when it comes to hair but smarter in other areas count it all joy. But if he approaches his relationships the way he questions your hair :drunk::spinning: all I can say is have fun lol
Oh you didn't say he was a different race. Now that changes everything. Now I am not so sure why he said what he said, be careful about that. :blush:

Yea he is hispanic and I trully believe that he just doesn't know because he has never dated any thing other than caucasian in the past and he has no sisters. He doesn't say it to be mean, he trully just doesn't know at all.

Well he's about to find out now, lol :grin: