My online adventure


New Member
I am currently talking to a guy that lives in a while notha state and we have never seen each other but we have great conversations.

How we met:

I have a youtube and on my youtube I have links up to my website, this guy saw my videos, went to my website and used the "contact me" page to send me a quick message. This was in September. I get ALOT of men that do this, they send me messages through youtube or my contact me and I mostly ignore them unless i send a thank you for watching message or something along that line. Well "B" sent me a message that gave his full name, location, number and business info. This he what it sent after watching a yt video of mine:

Beautiful You
Just wanted to say how beautiful you are. Thanks for speaking up for us, the good black men. We dont get a shake enough as life would have it. Im a bonafied, certified, celebrated me, I'm just happy to see a beautiful sister unafraid to speak up for us. Feel free to respond or text me @ ***-***-**. "B"

It had the city and state he was in and gave his email address and full name. One day I was sick in bed, and was bored so I decided to send him a text that said something like (well after I had googled as much info as I could cause I'm nosey like that and I was NOT disappointed when I saw who he was and what he does :grin:). So I sent him a text message that said something like this:

"although you abused my contact form I'll forgive you if you have a great convo since I'm sick in the bed today :sad:"

(:look: yes I'm dramatic)

I guess I felt comfortable contacting him because he was very honest in who he was, what he did and where he lived and idk something just said respond differently....idk. Anyway since that day (in Sept) we have talked almost everyday and have had really good conversations. We dont discuss sex or anything inappropriate, we just really enjoy talking to each other.

Whats currently happening:

So he is going home to Louisiana for Thanksgiving and has a layover here in Dallas and so I'm going to try and sit with him during his layover so that we can chat in person and get a feel for things and he's talking about coming back to dallas for a few days because his dad lives here and he wants to spend time with him (he's actually searching for him but thats a whole nother story) and when he comes back we plan on going out and having fun (we both like to do corny stuff).

Thats just about it, he seems genuine, and just a good natured, honest person. We have video chatted a few times and I'm looking forward to meeting him, like I'm really looking forward to meeting him and I'll update this when I do.
He's pretty tall and very handsome with kind eyes, if that makes sense. When we first did video chat he thought it was so funny that when I stood up I didnt go very far :lol: since I'm like 5'4/5'5.

Bottom line, brotha man is cool as a cucumber and if nothing else I would love to keep him as a life long friend. Hope I didnt bore you ladies, since not much "juicy" stuff going on. I'll let you guys know how our first in person encounter goes.
This sounds great! I am jealous. Can't wait for the update, hope everything goes well OP.

Sent from my T-Mobile G2
Thanks ladies! It is exciting and cute to me. He said (and i believe him) that he never thought I would respond but he felt compelled to send me a message and I would have never thought I would have responded to his cell phone but I just felt it was ok. I'm scared that I want it to be more but that it will end up like my last interests...they didnt work out. I cant wait to see him. I have to look in his eyes, I feel like then I'll know deep inside if he is going to be a life long friend or something more.
This is a really cute story!! I hope it all works out for you whether it be Friendship or Love!!! Please keep us updated!!!!
Awwwwww!!!! GreaT story, he seems like a great guy! Can't wait for an update after the big meet up

se!!nt from HTC EVO
I like that you show that you can meet someone nice ANYWHERE and shouldn't limit yourself to only meeting someone in a certain setting.

A lot of women close themselves off from meeting men unless its on their radar. When you least expect it, that's when he arrives.
I am currently talking to a guy that lives in a while notha state and we have never seen each other but we have great conversations.

How we met:

I have a youtube and on my youtube I have links up to my website, this guy saw my videos, went to my website and used the "contact me" page to send me a quick message. This was in September. I get ALOT of men that do this, they send me messages through youtube or my contact me and I mostly ignore them unless i send a thank you for watching message or something along that line. Well "B" sent me a message that gave his full name, location, number and business info. This he what it sent after watching a yt video of mine:

Beautiful You
Just wanted to say how beautiful you are. Thanks for speaking up for us, the good black men. We dont get a shake enough as life would have it. Im a bonafied, certified, celebrated me, I'm just happy to see a beautiful sister unafraid to speak up for us. Feel free to respond or text me @ ***-***-**. "B"

It had the city and state he was in and gave his email address and full name. One day I was sick in bed, and was bored so I decided to send him a text that said something like (well after I had googled as much info as I could cause I'm nosey like that and I was NOT disappointed when I saw who he was and what he does :grin:). So I sent him a text message that said something like this:

"although you abused my contact form I'll forgive you if you have a great convo since I'm sick in the bed today :sad:"

(:look: yes I'm dramatic)

I guess I felt comfortable contacting him because he was very honest in who he was, what he did and where he lived and idk something just said respond differently....idk. Anyway since that day (in Sept) we have talked almost everyday and have had really good conversations. We dont discuss sex or anything inappropriate, we just really enjoy talking to each other.

Whats currently happening:

So he is going home to Louisiana for Thanksgiving and has a layover here in Dallas and so I'm going to try and sit with him during his layover so that we can chat in person and get a feel for things and he's talking about coming back to dallas for a few days because his dad lives here and he wants to spend time with him (he's actually searching for him but thats a whole nother story) and when he comes back we plan on going out and having fun (we both like to do corny stuff).

Thats just about it, he seems genuine, and just a good natured, honest person. We have video chatted a few times and I'm looking forward to meeting him, like I'm really looking forward to meeting him and I'll update this when I do.
He's pretty tall and very handsome with kind eyes, if that makes sense. When we first did video chat he thought it was so funny that when I stood up I didnt go very far :lol: since I'm like 5'4/5'5.

Bottom line, brotha man is cool as a cucumber and if nothing else I would love to keep him as a life long friend. Hope I didnt bore you ladies, since not much "juicy" stuff going on. I'll let you guys know how our first in person encounter goes.

Loved the story. Keep us updated!

LOVE the cut. *begins searching for scissors*

Well, I met him today. I've talked to him so much it was just like meeting an old friend. We were kind of quiet around each other and joked that we must have said everything during out phone conversations. It was very pleasant

How I'm feeling
I feel cautious. I feel guarded. Not in a bad way but just because I dont know what purpose this man has in my life right now. USUALLY I can tell if a person will be a friend or not right off the bat or but I dont know with this situation and that makes me uneasy.

What LHCF doesnt know about me.
You guys know I'm a single mom. I have only been in 2 relationships as an adult, one was at 17 when I met my oldest's father and the other was at 23 when I met my youngest's father. I avoid anything outside of friendships with guys and that the real reason I've been single most of my life...and since I'm 2 for 2 I think I've mentally blocked out anything serious. That coupled with the fact that I've rarely seen any happily married folks in REAL life (not on tv or lhcf smh) I dont want to even go there. There. I've admitted it lol. I finally said it....oh wait, one last thing, I get bored QUICK with dudes. After it seems like they want more I shut them down, might toy around with them and enjoy the free meals and gifts but I dont want to be bothered after a while.

A little about him.
He is ready for a wife, he's purchasing property and getting everything ready for his family. He's (very) financially stable. He's very very sweet, and he showed me his seriousness and caring/provider side just recently and it almost literally brought me to tears. He just got in contact with his dad (I pushed him and helped a little on him locating him) and hes a trustworthy person (as far as I can tell, as you know I havent known him for long) but in my gut I feel like hes just a good natured person. OH and he came bearing gifts AND cake (my birthday was the 26th) today which won him points.

I dont know if its just because a sistah just reached 30 but he was reading my ring on my finger and when he was turning it to read the words I had to pull my hand away haha! It probably seemed rude but I didnt expect to feel what I was feeling from such an innocent gesture. So anyway, tomorrow morning I'm going to surprise him and take him out to breakfast after I get the kiddos off to school and just enjoy my friend until its time for him to fly out. I'm already looking forward to seeing him again and the man hasnt even left yet. As I said, if nothing else i do know that he's definitely crossed over onto my "friend list" so he will def be in my life for a while, last real friend I picked up was 5/6 years ago.
Loving this story :) I understand your heart being guarded but as the saying goes girl, don't cut off your nose to spite your face. Enjoy breakfast!
LOVE this story! I understand guarding your heart, mine has a teflon plate around it at the moment, lol! But don't let your fear keep you from what could possibly be a great relationship. Enjoy these moments with him, stay guarded but if things continue to progress in a positive way allow yourself to open your heart, slowly but surely. You deserve it...don't let your fear keep you single forever.
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Cool! Just go wit the flow and don't start over analyzing this, u may miss up a good.thing if does he have kids too?