My Mizani Butter Blend Review ( and MN results!) PICS

So it was you? LOL
In any case you seem to have completely recovered and your hair looks great. For those reading who haven't checked out lilamae's album do so now!

yeah it was same stylist too. i decided to give her another chance:look: i'd been with her for 8 years so one incident wasn't enuf to break the tie.
Hey Hair Buddy!!! Your hair looks great :yep: You have me so excited about my March relaxer.

*off to Paynes to buy my trial size kit*
Hey Hair Buddy!!! Your hair looks great :yep: You have me so excited about my March relaxer.

*off to Paynes to buy my trial size kit*

Jeepers!! there is a trial size kit too? How much are they going for and is there a website I can purchase it from? Remember I live in the Bahamas, so I will have to order it online. Please help me out 321 and Lilimae
Wow. Your hair looks lovely. If a was a band-wagon-jumper-on-er i would be trying this relaxer tomorrow! Alas, I know that there's no guarantee my hair will look anything like yours. I wish it would though! :yep:
Your hair looks healthy and blinging:covereyes I love when my hair falls like that from a wrap.
wow, your hair looks great :) now you got me wanting to try the butter blend kit.....i have a few months to make up my mind though :grin:
Love your hair it is beautiful, soft, silky and healthy. I might have to steal that hair cut, I like the look.:drunk:
Just don't use the hydrafuse and the kerafuse, they leave your hair kinda dry and strawlike, but the botanifying shampoo and the moisturefuse is divine.
thanks for the heads up:yep: I was about to order some online....but I opted for the alter ego instead. I have to do a another through search on the mizani before I order some to try. So far the reviews have been mixed.
Hey ladies..well I took Allandra's advise and tried Mizani Butter Blend relaxer today. My result: Amazing, silky, featherweight, shiny, bouncing hair:drunk:

The application process was smooth and i had literally NO discomfort. My previously relaxed hair was protected from overlapping by the protective creme they provide:yep: Overall TWO THUMBS UP!

In addition, my stylist looked at my new growth before relaxing and said " dang, your new growth is like 2 inches!" Well she was right on target..At 7 weeks post, I gained 2 full inches by using my MN and coconut oil mix.:spinning:
I am soooo at the link below


You hair looks great! and so thick.

What percentage of MN cream do you use? 2%? 4%?
Do you normally use lye relaxers?
You hair looks great! and so thick.

What percentage of MN cream do you use? 2%? 4%?
Do you normally use lye relaxers?

Hey there. I've always used lye relaxers so i guess my philosophy is "if it ain't broke....." Butter Blend is the best i have ever used:yep:

Also, I rotated between 2% and 4% MN (from Target) and used it every other day.
Your hair looks great. I currently use the regular Mizani or Mizani Sensitive. I may try this next. I'm due for a touch up now.
Beautiful results, your hair is so lush! You mentioned that you rotated between 2% and 4% MN every other day, can you say more about your regimen? For example, did you mix it with coconut oil and apply with a nozzled bottle? TIA!
Beautiful results, your hair is so lush! You mentioned that you rotated between 2% and 4% MN every other day, can you say more about your regimen? For example, did you mix it with coconut oil and apply with a nozzled bottle? TIA!

I use a paint brush or just my fingers for application. I part my hair and go down my scalp first with mn and then down the same part with coconut oil.

Once a week I use egg yolk before the MN ( for sulfur content) it's working wonders. I'm nearly 4 weeks post right now with an inch or so of new growth. I'm excited about my next update! ( in 4 weeks)

Thanks everyone for the wonderful compliments:yep:
Your hair looks great and 2 inches in 7 weeks is Phenomenal!

BTW- I always smile when I see your avatar-- So cute!!