Mizani Butter Blend Relaxer Review

Has anyone relaxed with MBB without using the other products in the line??? I want to relax today but I only purchased the relaxer??? Please help.

Same Here. I asked Several of the Die-Hard MBB Users (via pm). And most I spoke with said, it was not necessary to have the Entire "System."

My Plan is to improvise the steps with other Products I have Here.:yep: Hopefully, someone else will chime in and give their viewpoints.
It would be interesting to see whether folks at least use the Mizani neutralizer or is that not necessary...
I used this relaxer back in January at the salon and it worked so well, my hair was better when I left than when I went in. Definately a keeper!
Has anyone relaxed with MBB without using the other products in the line??? I want to relax today but I only purchased the relaxer??? Please help.

Ya...I only use the relaxer and the neutralizing shampoo. Once, my hairdresser used her own neutralizing poo and it worked just as fine. I didn't notice any difference. Please make sure that your scalp is well-based. While I like this relaxer, any previous scratching or lack of base causes me to burn. :(
I have used the MBB for fine/color treated hair and I only use the relaxer....I have been using the relaxer for about a year and had no issues with using other products to neutralize, condition, etc....

Great Relaxer!!!
I am going to try this when I relax again. I've been using Silk Elements and it's ok. Nothing earth shattering, though.

Now if I could just find a leave-in that works for my hair...
I tried it for the first time yesterday (Fine/Color-Treated formula) and I am in love!!!!

It left my hair straight and very silky! My hair is bleached and toned and it was really dry using Phyto.

Thanks to the scores of you who have recommended it! I'm happy I got my $62 set from the BB Hair Show a couple weeks ago.
I tried this relaxer in the coarse/resistant strength and it left me underprocessed. Has anyone had similar results?

I experienced the same results with the coarse/ resistant strength. I also had several chemical burns as well.
I like the benefits of the entire BB system. I recently got the a touchup with the relaxer only and it felt like something was missing. I really like the last step, the Microfusion, my hair really soaks it up.

The entire system may not be necessary but I get better results with the whole line.

Thanks for the link Frisky, they ship to the UK and have the small as well as 4lb tub sizes. I've been dying to try Mizani for the longest, but over here can only get it in salons [unless UK ladies know of a stockist].

I'll try the small and if I like it will order the 4lb tub in future.

Does anyone know if ordering any of the other Mizani products are worthwhile?

The USPS shipping option is $29.99 for the 4lb tub, but considering 1 hairdresser is charging £60 for a Mizani touch up, the total being $69.90 for a 4lb tub of relaxer is WELL WORTH IT!!!
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I like the benefits of the entire BB system. I recently got the a touchup with the relaxer only and it felt like something was missing. I really like the last step, the Microfusion, my hair really soaks it up.

The entire system may not be necessary but I get better results with the whole line.

Totally in agreement here!! :yep: