My male friend is broke and married(separated) but still goes online...

No, he was married for over ten years... I just feel he needs to focus on his money situation now. Instead of trying to date all these women. He is also emotionally immature. He doesn't think things through.

Ahh....very good enlightenment...your right on he ain't thinking things through but from the sounds of it...its like he still trying to catch up as if he's missed hopefully he doesn't start that loving and leaving krap...some men can't be w/o someone but it isn't healthy to just rebound from one to the next. All you can do is encourage him in regards to getting that money but will it work...:rolleyes:...doubt it...since he started the habit already...but to hope for the best...maybe once divorced (I still think he will need that suitcase!) he will realize that its not fair to bring any woman into such a mess and get himself together! :yep:
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The latest...

He went through two women in the past 7 days. He went on a date last night where he said the chemistry was perfect.

He also asked me for a THIRD loan this week which I said NO but I may just send it anyway....

He really pissed me off because he wanted to tell an ex about this new girl when the ex was giving him vital info on upgrading his skills......

*le sigh*

He is such an ***....
I told him to get himself together financially and finish his divorce before trying to date...

Am I wrong?

It seems to make sense to me.....

I still don't understand how he meets these women and they accept him AS IS.

Advice, comments ladies?

Nope, not wrong. I enjoy listening to Dr. Joy Brown on the radio..have for years. I love how she advises those in the throes of divorce or recently divorced to take a minimum of a year to make friends with their new life position and find themselves-without dating. I would never date a newly divorced man or one in the midst of one. I never want to be the clean up woman or the first one he dates after that emotional rollercoaster. Dude needs to put it on ice for a while.
I know that many separated people consider themselves single before the divorce is final because in their hearts and minds the marriage was over for a while. I can understand why they feel that way and want to move on with someone else. However, I refuse to be that someone else. If a man is not divorced then he's married. It's that simple for me.