My kitchen has been short for years. Help!!


Well-Known Member
My nape area has been short for the majority of my life. I am really trying to get growth in this area. I want to wear my hair up. I can't do that now because that area is short like a boys haircut.

I didn't know alot about hair care growing up, nor did anyone teach me very much. This being said, I didn't know all the wonderful tricks that are listed on this site. I even admit that I didn't always brush and put "grease" in that area.

Does this sound familiar to anyone? If so, can you share your tips? If not, then please send a prayer out my way. (Word says... if two of you shall agree as touching, it's done.) Yep, I'm a woman of faith.

I see women wear their hair up, off their necks and I salivate!! I want to wear my hair like that too.

Lately I've been taking Biotin. I must say that now the hair in this area (about 1/8" long) does not come out if I pull it. Maybe the Biotin is making it stronger.

I've also been using Naturallady's Boundless Tresses. Oh... the regular MTG kinda burned out the little bit of progress that I had going on in my kitchen. DANG!!! Startin over.

I also take liquid multi vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants.

I know this is verrryyy long. Just wanted to call on all of your resources.
Knowledge is power.

Thanks in advance for listening and sharing.
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That used to be me 100% until I found these hair boards. Not only has my hair grown my texture has completely changed. I am not sure whether the texture straigtens as it grows but to achieve this I constantly beasted on the moisturizing. I would moisturize that area like a billion times a day. Treated it like fine lace and it is amazing to see where my nape area was last year and where it is now. So I had to sound cliche' but moisture is sooo0o key.
freshlikemoi said:
That used to be me 100% until I found these hair boards. Not only has my hair grown my texture has completely changed. I am not sure whether the texture straigtens as it grows but to achieve this I constantly beasted on the moisturizing. I would moisturize that area like a billion times a day. Treated it like fine lace and it is amazing to see where my nape area was last year and where it is now. So I had to sound cliche' but moisture is sooo0o key.

Thank you for responding so soon.

Okay... I just squirted some SCurl Activator/Moisturizer on that area. I spritz it with leave in conditioner every other day.

Moisture it is!!

Did you always have a growth problem with your nape area?
What type of moisture did you use for your nape?

Thanks for sharing and caring. I really do appreciate it.
I've massaged it, but I can't say that I've massaged it everyday for the past thirty some years.

It's definitely one of those stubborn areas, but I will continue to keep my hands in it.

Also used Dr. Miracles and other such concoctions over the years. Dr. Miracles helped somewhat, but nothing to brag about. MTG took out everything that Dr. Miracles found.


Ever hear of getting needles in your scalp for growth?
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You are not alone I am having this same issue with my nape and it is so frustrating. My nape has been an issue for me for about 10+ years. I started feeling like it was always going to be like that. I am just now figuring out why. I used to always wear tight ponytails that put lots of tension on my nape. It would grow and then fall out all the time, every time I got my hair relaxed I would relax my short nape area and last but not least I did not apply moisture. i relaxed my hair about a week ago after a 15 week stretch and I saw a major difference in my nape area and I have been applying lots of moisture to this area also. I am thinking about keeping my nape braided up for a while and just sew some hair in that area. That is going to be my grow nape area challenge.
Thanks for sharing sweetcoco.

I'm on a personal "grow my nape" challenge. I just listed that in my siggy.

I thought my nape would ALWAYS be short, before I found LHCF. Now, I'm not settling for that. I know it can and will grow. It's just about finding the right tools.

Sounds like moisture is key for this area and the rest of my hair.

What kind of moisture do you use?

I apply Scurl moisture to my hair, but I'll start focusing on this area even more.

Is there a better way to apply moisture to this area?

I use NTM silk touch leave in sealed with oil oneday and ORS carrot oil mixed with olive oil and seal with oil the next day. I place the moisturizer on the tips of my fingers and smooth the moisturizer down the length of hair, (which aint much) I do this twice a day and then I twist it and wrap a rubberband around it twice to secure the knot. It is so funny because my nape is so short compared to the rest of my hair. You know how ladies where the little twists in their hair when they first decide to go natural? That is how my nape is compared to the rest of my hair.
Here's something that may help if you relax: don't relax the nape or relax the nape every other retouch.

Some ladies here don't relax their nape at all which has helped them lots. Isis I believe never relaxes her's at all.

I relax every other time. I also relax the nape dead last. and for maybe 8-10 minutes. I never use a lot of relaxer in the area and also I never smooth this area.

Even if you don't relax at all there's a few daily things to take into account:

I also make sure I moisterize this part of my hair daily..sometimes even twice a day. I use carefree curl gold as my staple moisterizer (it works for me but can add to the buildup in your hair, so I use it lightly)

I don't wear my hair tight because I don't want to risk pulling on it too much. When I bun, I bun with my head DOWN toward my chest, so I that when my head comes up where it normally is, the nape is not pulled so tight.

If I roll my hair the nape hair is rolled a lot looser than the rest of my head.

Given a little extra TLC should help immensly.

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S-Curl No-Drip Spray is extremely moisturizing. Also:

  • do not wrap your hair
  • do not use a brush to comb your hair in a pony
  • Do not tie your scarf at your nape
  • turn your satin bonnet inside out before wearing
  • massage the temple and nape area every day and night
  • Moisturize everyday with S-curl or activator gel
  • If you relax, Do not relax the nape at every salon visit. Relax that area maybe once or twice a year.

sweetcoco said:

I use NTM silk touch leave in sealed with oil oneday and ORS carrot oil mixed with olive oil and seal with oil the next day. I place the moisturizer on the tips of my fingers and smooth the moisturizer down the length of hair, (which aint much) I do this twice a day and then I twist it and wrap a rubberband around it twice to secure the knot. It is so funny because my nape is so short compared to the rest of my hair. You know how ladies where the little twists in their hair when they first decide to go natural? That is how my nape is compared to the rest of my hair.


What is NTM?

At least you can twist your nape. Mines just barely stands at attention, but by faith, it's grown out!!
Thanks for all the tips. I'll put all of them into practice.
anky said:
S-Curl No-Drip Spray is extremely moisturizing. Also:
  • do not wrap your hair
  • do not use a brush to comb your hair in a pony
  • Do not tie your scarf at your nape
  • turn your satin bonnet inside out before wearing
  • massage the temple and nape area every day and night
  • Moisturize everyday with S-curl or activator gel
  • If you relax, Do not relax the nape at every salon visit. Relax that area maybe once or twice a year.

I love Scurl no drip. Maybe this is a keeper for my nape. Guess I should spray leave in conditioner in that area as well.

What's the benefit of turning my bonnet inside out? Shouldn't the satin part be closest to my nape?

I've decided not to texlax my nape at all this year. Maybe next time this year I'll be able to texlax and maintain the length.

Thanks for sharing. I really do appreciate it.
I have the same problem. Maybe we can be "grow our nape" buddies. (let me know for real!)

Here's what my nape looked like on January 24th.


WARNING :eek: : Here's my nape between relaxer's with about 5 weeks (I think, maybe 4) of NG.


Here's what my nape looks like now. There's not that much difference.


I have gotten a little shape up between pictures so that I don't look like a werewolf
I usually moisturize the area once a day and seal with a mixtured of olive oil, castor oil, and rosewater (all mixed in one bottle). I also apply boundless tresses to the area, once a day.
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Hi Idp,

Yes, we can and definitely should be nape buddies. Yay :D !!

I'm using Boundless Tresses, Leave in Moisturizer and S Curl no drip activator/moisturizer. Love the SCurl product. It leaves my hair verrry soft.

My nape has been like this all my life. I'm not accepting it anymore.
Okay, I'm washing my hair. Let me see if I can get a photo.
My stylist tells me that my hair doesn't catch very well in this area... that it breaks as soon as it grows.

I'm not accepting that!

It grew about 1.5 inches one time. It was long enuf for me to press. You can imagine that I thought I was fineeee!!!
raeshan said:
What's the benefit of turning my bonnet inside out?
I'm guessing this is to prevent the elastic from snagging and rolling up with hair at the nape.

Also be careful of turtlenecks, scarves, coat collars, and the like. I have a beautiful thick scarf that I absolutely love but had to stop wearing because it was pulling out my hair in the nape area.
raeshan said:
My nape area has been short for the majority of my life. I am really trying to get growth in this area. I want to wear my hair up. I can't do that now because that area is short like a boys haircut.

I didn't know alot about hair care growing up, nor did anyone teach me very much. This being said, I didn't know all the wonderful tricks that are listed on this site. I even admit that I didn't always brush and put "grease" in that area.

Does this sound familiar to anyone? If so, can you share your tips? If not, then please send a prayer out my way. (Word says... if two of you shall agree as touching, it's done.) Yep, I'm a woman of faith.

I see women wear their hair up, off their necks and I salivate!! I want to wear my hair like that too.

Lately I've been taking Biotin. I must say that now the hair in this area (about 1/8" long) does not come out if I pull it. Maybe the Biotin is making it stronger.

I've also been using Naturallady's Boundless Tresses. Oh... the regular MTG kinda burned out the little bit of progress that I had going on in my kitchen. DANG!!! Startin over.

I also take liquid multi vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants.

I know this is verrryyy long. Just wanted to call on all of your resources.
Knowledge is power.

Thanks in advance for listening and sharing.

Raeshan, NTM is NEUTROGENA TRIPLE MOISTURE...the SILK-TOUCH leave-in is the one to use in the round bottle {CVS drugs has it}; lauded by some, hated by others, depends on your hair preferences. You've received great suggestions already. I protect my nape with silk scarves across my collar, no more snag, snap, ouch. I moisturize constantly and have been rid of the beady beads and it's growing with a nice, soft loose curl pattern now. I can hardly believe it's my own nape any more! I also take GNC Hair, Nail tabs, MSM, Biotin, Silica, One a Day vitamin, fish oil alternating with Flax oil tabs; my skin is butter smooth and soft now too. Perserverance, patience and attention will get you growing and looser curls there. Good luck..we are all in this together.

PS.. Don't be afraid to show your nape as is, feel free to do you!
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Thanks BrooklynSouth

I started becoming more careful of wearing collars or anything that might make my hair snap off.

What are flax tabs?
FLAX SEED OIL TABLETS: source of fatty acids, minerals and vitamins. Flax helps with heart, skin, arthritis, cancer cell death. Flax aids irritable bowel syndrome, ulcers and eliminates bowel toxins, Flax seed oils helps muscle development and is an excellent source of mucilage which aids bowel health and is a great anti-oxidant. Hair health should benefit via better vitamin absorption. Ask your Physician if it would benefit your health. I alternate it with fish oil tablets monthly which does the same thing as flax. Flax is my staple supplement. I want to be a sexy, swinging, healthy old chick with long, long, healthy hair {God spare life so I arrive there!!
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I used to take flax oil, but I got tired of drinking it. YUCK!! Where do you order flax tablets from?

I'm in agreement that you become that sexy, older chick with the long, long hair. :)
I've gotta agree. When I 1st discovered LHCF, my nape was absotively, posilutely (words made up for emphasis. :lol: ) pitiful. My problem was that every time I relaxed, I relaxed the nape. Since being here, I haven't relaxed my nape, I've been washing/cowashing 2-3x/week, and I've been stretching my relaxers to 16 weeks (up from 8). Not relaxing my nape is the only way I treat it differently from the rest of my hair. I don't take any supplements (I'm a slacker in that regard), and I just bun my hair up constantly. I also wear scarves to bed RELIGIOUSLY. Since 10/05, my nape has grown from probably a sad 1" to 6"! I didn't even realize that my nape has flourished until this weekend. I was wondering "where did this hair come from?:eek: ". My nape hair also feels softer--most likely because I haven't been processing the holy hell out of it. I wish that I had before/after pix, but when I 1st joined, I didn't even think of documenting my progress... :ohwell:

Anyhow, your nape hair CAN and WILL grow to great lengths if you take good care of it--you'll see! :)

freshlikemoi said:
That used to be me 100% until I found these hair boards. Not only has my hair grown my texture has completely changed. I am not sure whether the texture straigtens as it grows but to achieve this I constantly beasted on the moisturizing. I would moisturize that area like a billion times a day. Treated it like fine lace and it is amazing to see where my nape area was last year and where it is now. So I had to sound cliche' but moisture is sooo0o key.
For me, the big difference in finally growing my nape was protecting it. The same goes for my hairline and edges. I always moisturized these areas but I was not protecting well enough. I know a lot of ladies may not like this, but I always, always, wear and scarf AND bonnet to bed or rest. I cannot keep one or the other on during the night, they always come off, but when I wear both they always stay put. I have a big black satin stretchy scarf that I wrap around and leave a little flap hanging down in the back. I pull the scarf tight around my head, but I leave a little slack when I knot so I won't have a sore spot on my head. Then I put my elastic bonnet on. I think the knot keeps the bonnet from creeping back and slipping off. Now I get no rubbing on my edges, hairline or nape. I'm astonished every time I pull my hair up and see my nape is almost BSL, just like the rest of my hair. I've had shoulder length in the past but could never get past a few inches in the nape.;)
It looks better! I had the same problem as you for years as well, ever since I started relaxing. Since going natural my nape area is growing in nicely, still not as long and strong as the rest of my hair but it is no longer the problem area it used to be. I really wish you the best.
I have had this problem for as long as I can remember. I fixed it by
-Only perm 2 times yearly
-Extra product ex. con, moisturiser, etc.
-Improved diet vitamins
-Once it was long enough baggie

Some people say the scarf is the culprit.
This area has been a problem all of my life.
Now that I'm texlaxed, I don't intend to put any relaxer in this area. I can stand a little kink.

Biotin, Boundless Tresses and Scurl Spray have worked miracles for my nape.