My Heart is Broken

HONEY, I am sooo sorry. :bighug:. I pray that God be with you and your family during this hard time in your life right now. Man, that is soooo sad. God bless you all. I have a sister (21 months younger than me), so, I can understand the closeness you two had.
I'm sorry for your lost, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family through your time of mourning. ((HUGS))
I am so sorry to hear about your loss. I lost my brother a few years ago. It was one of the most painful things I've ever experienced. He was a spirit filled Christian so we know we will see him again :yep:. I just wanted you to know you will be in my prayers and I wanted to leave you with this prayer for yourself and your family. If it had not been for God in my life I truly don't think I would've made it.:nono:


Prayer for a Person Who is Grieving Over the Loss of a Loved One
Please help me in this time of loss of _____________. I seem to be frozen with this overwhelming grief. 1 don't understand why my life is filled with this pain and heartache. But I turn my eyes to you as I seek to find the strength to trust in your faithfulness. You, Lord are a God of comfort and love and I ask You to help me to patiently wait on you and not despair; I will quietly wait for your salvation. My heart is crushed, but I know that you will not abandon me forever. Please show me your compassion, Lord. Help me through the pain so that I will hope in you again. I believe the promise in your Word to send me fresh mercy each day. Though I can't see past today, I trust your love will never fail me.
Jesus, You came to heal the brokenhearted and my heart is broken today Lord, and only you can heal my sorrow over losing ________. I ask You, Lord to comfort me because You love me and have promised me everlasting consolation and hope through Your grace.
Blessed be to God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort; Who comforts me in all my tribulations, that I may be protected from any trouble and hurt as I walk with You, Lord, through the grief of losing _____________.
In Jesus Name I pray. Amen
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Isaiah 46:3, 4 and Isaiah 41:10, 13 are ones I read everyday. My heart is heavy for you and your family.
Oh, I'm so sorry to hear this. I know your pain--I recognize it in my own. I lost my father last month and I know how loss cuts so deep. Please know, fellow mourner, that my thoughts and prayers are with you. With God's help, we both will heal in time.
Oh wow, Faith....

God is with you, always. Even at a time like this. I also pray that you remain strong during this dark hour. Like NiceandWavy, I, too lost my baby sister to a murder when she was 26 and pregnant. So my heart breaks with yours. Rest assured God is in control and always will be... he WILL see you through.

You have the perfect username: FAITH. So please keep your faith in GOD.. it will take you a long way.
I wish I were there to give you a hug, but I'll send one your way... :bighug:

May God bless and keep you in his loving arms,
I am praying for you and your family. May The Lord be with you, comfort you, and grant you peace that passes all understanding.
I am so sorry for your loss. When I read your message I thought about what it would be like to lose my sister. I can't even imagine the pain you feel but I truly believe that God will get you through this. I pray He comforts you in your time of need.
I am so very sorry for yur loss. I am praying your strength in the Lord and comfort for you and your family.
I will pray for you and your family! I know you can get through this hard time! God bless you! I honestly don't know what to say... I have an older brother so I can relate to sibling love! It will be okay.
I am so sorry for your loss and the pain that you are going through right now. I will pray that God provide you comfort.
May GOD bless and keep you and your family. My heart aches for you and I have sent a prayer to OUR FATHER.
I'm so sorry you have to go through this kind of pain. But what you can do, is remember the good times with your sisters, and even though you'll miss them, believe they are in a better place now. When my childhood friend died last year, a really sweet woman came up to me (I was at work and couldn't control my emotions well) and said to me that while it's good to cherish them, when we mourn them for too long, we hold their spirits back. I know it sounds a little odd...but it really did make me feel better. I hope this helps a little.
Although I can't relate to having lost someone so close, I can relate to our Father who is and always will be there to comfort us through pain and heartache! Continue to cling to Him and He will give you peace! :hug2: Here's a :bighug: for you! Everything will be alright!
Sorry for your loss. I can't imagine a world without my lil baby sis. (((((Faith))))) Much love to you and I hope that time makes it easier.
I am sorry for your lost Faith. I will keep you in my prayers. Remember God never gives us more than we can bear.

Be strong and hold fast my dear!!!

OMG, that motifying. I feel for you deeply. I have two older sisters so I couldnt imagine. I send many prayers and love your way. Please take your time and take care of yourself.
I am so very sorry for the loss of both of your sisters. I can't even imagine how hard this must be for you. I wish there were something i could say or do to make it better. I love my sister so much.
I'm so sorry for your loss and will definitely keep you and your family in my prayers.
I am so sorry to hear about your lost. Just remember that your sister is always with you and even though you can't see her.