My hairdresser story - tell me what you think


New Member
Ladies, tell me what you think about this situation. This like totally miffed me off.

This past saturday I had an 8:00 am appointment that I made twelve weeks ago. On the Thurs. prior to my appointment I called to confirm that my appointment was still on. When I got home Fri. night there is a message on my recorder. My stylist gave my appointment to someone who was having tracks put in and rescheduled me to 2:00 pm that afternoon. She said she didn't realize that it was my appointment even though my name was in her book along with the service I was requesting. So that was her excuse for giving my appt. away. She said didn't know it was mine until I called to confirm that Thurs.

Needless to say, I was pissed. I had been walking around all week in triple digit heat, practicing self control from scratching my head, my hair was matted to my scalp. I was only to ready for this touch up. I didn't want to shampoo and wait because I didn't know if I could make it through another week of the itches.

So, I decided to do my own hair. I got my relaxer which I had to use a revlon instead of my usual dudley's, a timer and did my own hair. It came out pretty nice, probably not as nice as she would have got it, but it was done and it didn't itch anymore.

Saturday morning my phone rings. It's my stylist telling me that things have "changed again" and that she didn't think I wanted to wait until 2:00 pm so she re-scheduled me to 8:30 am. I called her back and told her it was to late that I had already did my hair. Silence...then she proceeded to scold me. Saying that she was telling me this in "love", but that I should have waited. She was sorry but things happen and I just need to learn how to wait. She stated how myself and another client of hers need to learn how to wait because we are the type that mess up our hair with those "boxed perms." I told her my hair came out fine, probably not as nice, but I could work with it until my next touch up. I told her that if I would have known earlier that I needed to wait I probably could have worked with that, but I needed my hair done earlier then 2:00. She told me that she found out at the last minute and that sometimes things just happen that way and that I just should have waited. I told her I had to do what I had to do and that was it. It was like she never took into consideration that I may of had plans and couldn't wait?? But that wasn't her point - her point was regardless I should have waited until I could get in even if it meant waiting another week or two.

What do you all think??
Saturday morning my phone rings. It's my stylist telling me that things have "changed again" and that she didn't think I wanted to wait until 2:00 pm so she re-scheduled me to 8:30 am. I called her back and told her it was to late that I had already did my hair. Silence...then she proceeded to scold me. Saying that she was telling me this in "love", but that I should have waited. She was sorry but things happen and I just need to learn how to wait. She stated how myself and another client of hers need to learn how to wait because we are the type that mess up our hair with those "boxed perms." I told her my hair came out fine, probably not as nice, but I could work with it until my next touch up. I told her that if I would have known earlier that I needed to wait I probably could have worked with that, but I needed my hair done earlier then 2:00. She told me that she found out at the last minute and that sometimes things just happen that way and that I just should have waited. I told her I had to do what I had to do and that was it. It was like she never took into consideration that I may of had plans and couldn't wait?? But that wasn't her point - her point was regardless I should have waited until I could get in even if it meant waiting another week or two.

What do you all think??

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She was totally wrong...she's just mad cuz she lost that money she would've gotten from you otherwise. How much does she charge about $65??? Oh yeah, that could've paid her light bill for a month. That's why she's mad. She has to realize that your time is precious too! The world doesn't revolve around her! How dare she give your appt away to another client? That's totally unprofessional....tell her to look at Peachtree's hair and THEN try to tell you how bad boxed perms are! A lot of ladies use the Revlon lye relaxer without a problem. It's the same one I used about 4 months ago and my hair turned out great!

Don't even sweat it!
I think you did what you had to do under the circumstances. I have had the same experience. Sometime hairdressers don't realize that we have lives and can't go buy their whims. I think you will be okay until your next retouch....I she starts acting the same way when you go to her again get up and go find another stylist.

I wouldn't put up with a stylist that treats my appointments like a game of musical chairs. This is what I want to know: Why are people getting weaves given priority over other customers? This is wrong! An appointment is an appointment. Why bother making one if they can be changed or cancelled on a moments notice?
This is what I want to know: Why are people getting weaves given priority over other customers?

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could it be that weaves make the stylists more money???? Naw, a stylist would never do that would she? *sarcastically*
I think you did the right thing by going ahead and doing it yourself. "Sassygirl" is right, why did the other lady get put in front of you just because she was getting tracks put in?? I think that would have been it for me and I would find someone new to go to.
You did the right thing. And your stylist was just peeved b/c she lost out on some money. Personally, I don't like stylist that make changes at the last minute without any care or concern for what you are doing and how you planned your day according to your hair
(that sounds so weird but it's true).
I think you did the right thing. If she were my stylist, I doubt I'd go back to her (after talking the way she did).
could it be that weaves make the stylists more money???? Naw, a stylist would never do that would she? *sarcastically*

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Of course.
I don't know what I was thinking when I asked that question!
I know they are in business to make money, but damn! Kicking me to the curb because I'm getting a wash and set instead of a full head of weave is just wrong!
This just confirms my reasons for switching to the JC Penny salon. They are very professional, use all Mizani and Affirm products, and they are very prompt.

I went for a touchup on Saturday. My apptmt was for 10:00 and I was in the chair at 10:00. I got a touchup, deep condition and trim and was out of there by noon.

No more storefront beauty parlors for me!
Well we all know that tracks are more money, but I was spending $65.00 for a much needed touch up and my money spends the same.

Oh, I forgot to mention that she was talking to me on a speaker phone while she was doing someones (probably the chick she bumped me for)head.
Please, SHE was wrong! She treated you like crap by rescheduling you like that. I'd be pissed if she did that to me and then to have the NERVE to tell me that "things happen" and I (the customer) was WRONG for not waiting. Man, b!tch please!
I'm sorry, I'm just so angry sitting here reading this that I can't even respond.

Honey, there are LOTS of stylists that can throw a relaxer in your hair. Ditch that b!tch!
You don't need to hear anymore "with love" comments.
I wouldn't put up with a stylist that treats my appointments like a game of musical chairs. This is what I want to know: Why are people getting weaves given priority over other customers?

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Sassygirl, it's called mo' money, mo' money, mo' money. Some stylist just think the world revolves around them.
Allandra, you are right. I don't think I'll be going back to her.

I'm in the process of looking for a new stylist now. I didn't appreciate her speaking to me in that manner nor thinking that I had nothing better to do then wait on her to make up her mind as to when she could do my hair. She ain't even that good. I go to her because we have known each other since elementary school and I'm comfortable with her.

I would rather get my hair professionally done because it has gotten longer and it was hard for me to do, but not by someone with that type of attitude.

I think she was miffed because she was missing out on $65.00. If she would have been up front with me and asked me to put my appointment back - I probably would have done it. But don't reschedule me three times then get pissed because I went ahead and did my own thing.
i would have been so mad...oooooohhhhh..i am not big on waiting esp since you had already schedueled your appt...wayyyyy in advance...her and everyone else would have heard it since she had you on spaker phone..those kind of things i dont put up with...she should have simply told her weave client i can not do you because i have someone else for that time..plain and simple..i def think you did the right thing..the only thing i wouldve done differently..was told her off...telling someone to wait...WTF...!!!!?!!!!!!
Jade1111, girl I like your spunk. I was in shock at first, then I got angry. I was like what the .... just happened and why?

I think what really pissed me off was her mentioning how clients like me mess up our hair using box perms.

How many of you do this and have absolutely beautiful hair? With the informtion and knowledge I gained from this board my hair is thriving. I don't plan on messing it up and I resent her saying that.
This just confirms my reasons for switching to the JC Penny salon. They are very professional, use all Mizani and Affirm products, and they are very prompt.

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I don't mean to hijack this post, but how much do they (JC Penny's) charge?

Ms. K, it's on the expensive side. Mine in Jersey charges $80 for a touch-up and trim. To me, it's worth it to be treated with respect with no stress and drama. And my stylist is extremely talented -- I love her! She's the best so I don't mind paying more.
[quote}Allandra, you are right. I don't think I'll be going back to her.

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Good for you, Nita! I wouldn't trust her with my doll's hair. After that exchange, I'd not put it past her to mess your hair up on purpose just to prove her point that "clients like [you] mess their hair up using box perms."

As for having you on speaker phone when she was giving you a piece of her mind...How very unprofessional! Nay, that's just downright low!

I'm sure you did a great job by your sweet self. And you've got all the support you need to see you through...until you find a good hairdresser to do your touch up. It's a shame that she'll be losing a customer who WAS a friend, but she'll get over it...and hopefully learn her lesson.
Ms. K, it's on the expensive side. Mine in Jersey charges $80 for a touch-up and trim. To me, it's worth it to be treated with respect with no stress and drama. And my stylist is extremely talented -- I love her! She's the best so I don't mind paying more.

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I'll agree anytime I went to a JC Penny they were very professional, it's worth the money.
My first thought was: what are you a little kid that needs to be scolded? Then I thought, Hey--she did what she had to do for her money b/c she rescheduled you in favor for a highter paying client.
I do not like stylists who use scare tactics to keep you coming, ie...your hair is breaking bad, come every week for a while OR, you need this cut or all your end will fall off OR you can't do it yourself, you'll end up bald.
Look for a new stylist. This one is a piece.
I'll have to see if our new mall has a JC Penney's salon. I'm willing to spend the 80.00 for a good touch up. Right now, I asking sisters I see with nice, well maintained hair. I've got a good 12/14 weeks before I find somebody.
Girl, you outta go over there and...

Just kidding...but seriously, that was totally tacky and unprofessional. And if she did it once, she'll do it again. I seek a real professional elsewhere.
Breeze, that baby is too funny. I wish I could, but I'm really very non-confrontational(sp).

Ladies, thanks for the support, my "box permed" hair is doing fine, life is good and God is great.
Girl, you outta go over there and...

Just kidding...but seriously, that was totally tacky and unprofessional. And if she did it once, she'll do it
again. I seek a real professional elsewhere.

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Penney charges $80.00 for a touch and trim!

Say what!! And I was gonna go. Oh, well.

Yes, the one in the Woodbridge Mall but it's totally worth it. Try it once and you'll be hooked (my stylist is Delia).