My hairdresser story - tell me what you think

Yes, the one in the Woodbridge Mall but it's totally worth it. Try it once and you'll be hooked (my stylist is Delia).

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Robin thats the one I used to go to. They give great service. The only place I ever went that didn't leave me bald.
Ladies, tell me what you think about this situation. This like totally miffed me off.

This past saturday I had an 8:00 am appointment that I made twelve weeks ago. On the Thurs. prior to my appointment I called to confirm that my appointment was still on. When I got home Fri. night there is a message on my recorder. My stylist gave my appointment to someone who was having tracks put in and rescheduled me to 2:00 pm that afternoon. She said she didn't realize that it was my appointment even though my name was in her book along with the service I was requesting. So that was her excuse for giving my appt. away. She said didn't know it was mine until I called to confirm that Thurs.

Needless to say, I was pissed. I had been walking around all week in triple digit heat, practicing self control from scratching my head, my hair was matted to my scalp. I was only to ready for this touch up. I didn't want to shampoo and wait because I didn't know if I could make it through another week of the itches.

So, I decided to do my own hair. I got my relaxer which I had to use a revlon instead of my usual dudley's, a timer and did my own hair. It came out pretty nice, probably not as nice as she would have got it, but it was done and it didn't itch anymore.

Saturday morning my phone rings. It's my stylist telling me that things have "changed again" and that she didn't think I wanted to wait until 2:00 pm so she re-scheduled me to 8:30 am. I called her back and told her it was to late that I had already did my hair. Silence...then she proceeded to scold me. Saying that she was telling me this in "love", but that I should have waited. She was sorry but things happen and I just need to learn how to wait. She stated how myself and another client of hers need to learn how to wait because we are the type that mess up our hair with those "boxed perms." I told her my hair came out fine, probably not as nice, but I could work with it until my next touch up. I told her that if I would have known earlier that I needed to wait I probably could have worked with that, but I needed my hair done earlier then 2:00. She told me that she found out at the last minute and that sometimes things just happen that way and that I just should have waited. I told her I had to do what I had to do and that was it. It was like she never took into consideration that I may of had plans and couldn't wait?? But that wasn't her point - her point was regardless I should have waited until I could get in even if it meant waiting another week or two.

What do you all think??

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Nita girrrl...I'm not even gonna read the other responses yet because I'm fuming for you and I just gotta tell you what I think now!

So forgive me if you all have gone over the same things I'm gonna say but...

WTH??! First of all I think she rescheduled you in the first place because doing a weave is more revenue than doing a touch up. That's why she rescheduled your appointment! Second of all the other girl cancelled so she put you back for your original appointment so she could still make money. 3rd...she scolded you because she! She wasn't telling you what's best out of "love" puleeeeze! Just mad because she messed up and lost money. I think you did the right thing by doing your own hair and congrats for doing a fine job!

It's all about the $$$$$$ for most hair dressers/stylists. That's one reason why I don't go to them now. If I do mess up my own hair then I'll just have to do what I have to do to get it back right.
Girl you just reaffimed why I just bought me a Pibbs hair dryer. As far as the JC Penny prices they can be lower if you are willng to see someone other than a Master.
I wouldn't DEAL with her ANYMORE!! But I wouldn't use a "box" relaxer either. (i'd be too scare) but HER she would be OUT!! No respect at all.
You did the right thing. I think your stylist was totally unprofessional and did not value you as a client. It seems she never held herself accountable for changing an appt you scheduled 12 weeks ago. Honestly, I think she initially booted you for the $$$$ client, and that client probably cancelled and then she called you back.
Ladies, tell me what you think about this situation. This like totally miffed me off.

This past saturday I had an 8:00 am appointment that I made twelve weeks ago. On the Thurs. prior to my appointment I called to confirm that my appointment was still on. When I got home Fri. night there is a message on my recorder. My stylist gave my appointment to someone who was having tracks put in and rescheduled me to 2:00 pm that afternoon. She said she didn't realize that it was my appointment even though my name was in her book along with the service I was requesting. So that was her excuse for giving my appt. away. She said didn't know it was mine until I called to confirm that Thurs.

Needless to say, I was pissed. I had been walking around all week in triple digit heat, practicing self control from scratching my head, my hair was matted to my scalp. I was only to ready for this touch up. I didn't want to shampoo and wait because I didn't know if I could make it through another week of the itches.

So, I decided to do my own hair. I got my relaxer which I had to use a revlon instead of my usual dudley's, a timer and did my own hair. It came out pretty nice, probably not as nice as she would have got it, but it was done and it didn't itch anymore.

Saturday morning my phone rings. It's my stylist telling me that things have "changed again" and that she didn't think I wanted to wait until 2:00 pm so she re-scheduled me to 8:30 am. I called her back and told her it was to late that I had already did my hair. Silence...then she proceeded to scold me. Saying that she was telling me this in "love", but that I should have waited. She was sorry but things happen and I just need to learn how to wait. She stated how myself and another client of hers need to learn how to wait because we are the type that mess up our hair with those "boxed perms." I told her my hair came out fine, probably not as nice, but I could work with it until my next touch up. I told her that if I would have known earlier that I needed to wait I probably could have worked with that, but I needed my hair done earlier then 2:00. She told me that she found out at the last minute and that sometimes things just happen that way and that I just should have waited. I told her I had to do what I had to do and that was it. It was like she never took into consideration that I may of had plans and couldn't wait?? But that wasn't her point - her point was regardless I should have waited until I could get in even if it meant waiting another week or two.

What do you all think??

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im too mad to type anything else here. i hate when these 'professionals' treat their clients like dirt. you need to be finding you another hair dresser. - did you say 12weeks ago u made this. and you need to learn how to wait - well how long u been waiting - 12 weeks, maybe....

now - how do i hisss my teeth on here (*hisszzzzzzz*) she aint indisposable!?

Your little animations are hysterical


It's your money honey and when more stylists begin to realize that, the world will be a better place.
That hairdresser was probably mad because she lost out on some money that she must've needed. She was the one in the wrong.
I agree with what was said. Also you can look at it like this. You saved yourself some money and your looks good. I applaud all you home stylist because it is not fun having to deal with the crap that people who go to salons have to. i never was bumped but i had a stylist who forever would give me an appointment and everytime i got there i had to wait till she finished up someone else's head. i was like what is the point of having an appointment in the first place. i actually got in and out faster at a place without appointments where you just walk in.

also if i schedule something at a certain time i dont expect to bumped for someone else. God bless you all.