
Lol, I actually considered it a compliment today when someone said my hair was so nice, that it looked fake
i'v had that happen to me before a dude told me "girl your hair looks like a nice weave" i just laughed and went on with my day
LOL! Channy, I can relate. I've been wearing my OWN hair to work - without a wig or weave - for the first time in years. People asked me if it was a weave!!
It IS a compliment. They must think your hair is too good to be true! Go, Channy! Go, Channy!
That happened to me when I was relaxed and i semi bob. My ends were so blunt, thick and swingy that everyone asked if i was wearing a wig
I thought that only happens to me! I have gotten that twice too. Once a woman walked right up to me and asked me where did I purchase a wig that looked so real. At first I was offended. I thought how could someone be so bold. My co woker laughed and told me it was a compliment because my hair was so shiny. I'd never thought of it like that. The second time it happened I giggled, said thanks and grinned all the way home!
Girl this happens to me all the time! Anytime I wear my hair down, someone (usually black women) ask me if it's real, when I tell them no, I always hear "now you know she lying right?" I actually had one
run her
hands thru my hair feeling for tracks!
Can you believe this woman?
Someone that I met in college works in Sally's and when I went in there she came right up to me and put her hands in my hair asking if it was a weave. I didn't mind that she thought it was weave but I don't really like anyone putting their hands in my head like that especially since she probably just smoked a cigarette.

Congrats Channy! Your hair must be looking good. Don't feel offended. At least they didn't stick their hands in it lol.
That's really a compliment. It happens to me a lot. My uncle pulled my hair Saturday thinking it was a weave.
When my hair was long and permed...I had a friend...that whenever she hugged me...she would put her fingers in my hair...and see if she could feel tracks.
My daddy thought my hair was a weave when i went home to visit for Christmas
i loved it --after i realized what he thought
You bring back memories! Goodness- I got that all the time when I was relaxed, especially when I had in a rinse!
My hair looks like doll hair when relaxed

Yip- it's a compliment
I was in a hair salon getting my daughter's hair washed and conditioned when another stylist asked me if my hair was real. At the time, I was 10 weeks post-relaxer so it was getting thick up in there.
Then another client asked me if that "was all my hair." I took it as a compliment then.

This past weekend when I went to my hometown, my mother (knowing that it had been 6 months since my relaxer), put her hands in my hair, laughed and said, "I don't feel any tracks in here, but it sure is nappy. But, it's pretty though." I know she was genuine since her hair is MUCH longer than mine (at her waist) and she's been wanting me to grow my hair back to the almost waist-length that it used to be when I was a little girl. She has always teased me about my hair and my needing a touchup but before my re-education about hair, it looked a hot mess.
Haha!!!.....because its so beautiful and healthy....:grin:

I get it alot when wearing wash and goes, there were several times I went to the BSS looking for a kinky curly weave, and when I asked the clerk to find hair that looks close to mine, they replied "Thats not a weave??!!"

Im also constantly asked if my puff or buns are "all mine" as well....

Got "checked" by my dear mom just two days ago:nono:
I was wig shopping a few weeks ago and the lady working in the store said wow I thought you were wearing a wig.. SMH! So was like your hair is so thick! Lately, I have been asked is that all your hair.. I am loving it... hahahaha
Yes, I have gotten this *ahem* compliment when I wear my hair both straight and curly...People are funny!
I used to get this all the time when I was relaxed and I hated it!! Girls stopping me to have conversations about weaves (that I've never had), my uncles always asking if I had gotten a weave :rolleyes: and women trying to tug on my hair to see if it will come off I guess. I was standing in line one day with my mom, and this older woman came up behind me and yanked on my ponytail. Then she said, "I would love just cut this off and put it on my head." :perplexed . Mind you, my hair was only full APL but it always looked good since I used the curling iron religiously :nono:. I've only been weave checked a handful of times as a natural. I took these as compliments because it's always a comment like "I didn't realize how long your hair is" or "your curls are so perfect" :grin:. That makes my day.
:yep:lol I love these! Even before my haircare journey i've always accepted them as compliments.

However, I have never offically been "length checked" (to my knowledge) but the day someone puts their fingers in my hair w/o askin................may God have mercy on there soul :evil: