My hair is falling out.... HELP


New Member
Ok so my stylist colored my hair to blond about 3 weeks ago.

I tried to stretch the relaxer as long as I could since it was July 20th since I had my last one.

Today I relaxed my hair with Affirm regular. I rinsed the relaxer out and was about to put the reconstructor on it when I noticed that my side burn area was literally gone. I began pulling on my edges and the hair was just ripping apart.

I put the recon on it and waited a few. I then neutralized and I put a little conditioner on while detangling. OMG, I have clumps of hair coming out. Its all in the shower, everywhere. Every time I comb, all I see is blond hair. I am not over exaggerating either ladies, my hair is literally coming out.

Right now I have keracare humecto con and affirm recon on with a plastic cap. I'm afraid to do anything to it. As you can see in my profile pic, my hair is past shoulder length. What do I do?
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Oh no :sad: I don't have any advice at all. Well maybe i do, i think you should neutralize again, and then maybe do a strong protein like aphogee. I hope a perm expert see's this and can get you some info stat!!
I'm still thinking about this. She colored your new growth too? I thought that you couldn't relax hair that had been color-treated. I thought that you had to relax first and then color?

My advice, call your stylist and tell her what is happening. Your hair may have gotten overprocessed. My thoughts are with you.
Sunshine: My last relaxer before today was July 20th. 07, then she colored my hair 3 weeks ago new growth and all.

Yeah, I'm just sitting on needles here. I don't want to do too much or not enough you know. That is why I am just sitting here with this cap on praying. I didn't know you could do an aphogee directly after a relaxer?

Again, hopefully someone will chime in and help me out. I called my stylist and she told me that I really didn't need a relaxer because of my hair grade and that I shouldn't have used Affirm. Ok, now we got that out of the way, I need to know what action to take. She couldn't tell me nothing:nono:
I'm still thinking about this. She colored your new growth too? I thought that you couldn't relax hair that had been color-treated. I thought that you had to relax first and then color?

My advice, call your stylist and tell her what is happening. Your hair may have gotten overprocessed. My thoughts are with you.

Her hair def sounds overprocessed :nono: Let me see if i can find some info for you...start trying to search if you can.
I know you didn't see my previous post because I was typing it, but just sitting on needles with this bag on my head. Stressing which isn't good for my hair either.
Sunshine: My last relaxer before today was July 20th. 07, then she colored my hair 3 weeks ago new growth and all.

Yeah, I'm just sitting on needles here. I don't want to do too much or not enough you know. That is why I am just sitting here with this cap on praying. I didn't know you could do an aphogee directly after a relaxer?

Again, hopefully someone will chime in and help me out. I called my stylist and she told me that I really didn't need a relaxer because of my hair grade and that I shouldn't have used Affirm. Ok, now we got that out of the way, I need to know what action to take. She couldn't tell me nothing:nono:

She's a beautician and couldn't tell you anything?? I know she didn't apply the perm , but she should still be able to give you some advice being a knowledgeable stylist and all :wallbash:
I am so sorry. :(

I don't know enough about relaxers but when I had color, the stylist didn't dye but BLEACHED my fine 4a/b hair. My gut instinct says to find a worthy stylist and start a treatment ASAP. That's what I did and it literally saved my hair. I was losing hair left and right. Don't wait to get a consultation with a good stylist....

I hope it works out for you. *hugs*
Reiterating, get to a stylist now before you do anything else. I on't want to make you feel worse, but I'm doing a little websearch and it looks like you may have made a big mistake.
Reiterating, get to a stylist now before you do anything else. I on't want to make you feel worse, but I'm doing a little websearch and it looks like you may have made a big mistake.

I don't have anything encouraging to say either. I had my hair professionally highlighted and all the highlights were gone in 3 months. They fell out. :( I hope your experience turns out very very different from mine. You can start by leaving that reconstructor for at least 30 minutes with heat.
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OP you need to do a strong protein treatment A.S.A.P!!!! :eek: I am soo sorry this is happening to you.

Prior to joining LHCF I colored my hair auburn and didn't do a protein treatment and my hair started falling out just as you described. :sad:
Thank you guys for your support. I am unable to get to the salon unfortunately that is the reason I self-relaxed, but I did call a few salons and most of them said the same thing - protein.

So I put this aphogee on my head. It burned like hell in some spots. I do see some chemical burns (red irritation) in some spots but I'm about to sit under the dryer with this protein for a bit.

I am not that scared. I don't want all my hard work lost but I am more concerned about being bald because it's falling out.

I think the mistake was coloring it before I had my next touch up. Because my new growth was not only my natural color, but the color treated part as well so that meant I had to relaxed the color treated part which now that I think of it is a big no no.

I feel so stupid and whatever happens to my hair is my own fault:cry3:
Thank you guys for your support. I am unable to get to the salon unfortunately that is the reason I self-relaxed, but I did call a few salons and most of them said the same thing - protein.

So I put this aphogee on my head. It burned like hell in some spots. I do see some chemical burns (red irritation) in some spots but I'm about to sit under the dryer with this protein for a bit.

I am not that scared. I don't want all my hard work lost but I am more concerned about being bald because it's falling out.

I think the mistake was coloring it before I had my next touch up. Because my new growth was not only my natural color, but the color treated part as well so that meant I had to relaxed the color treated part which now that I think of it is a big no no.

I feel so stupid and whatever happens to my hair is my own fault:cry3:

*hugs*I hope everything works out. I would also suggest protein but I know that a heavy protein treatment so soon after a relaxer could cause scalp irritation. Good luck on the protein treatment. I also would book an appointment at the salon at your earliest convenience to see what they can do for.

Also in the future, you're supposed to use a mild relaxer if you're color treated. I read that you used Affirm regular. So I believe that is another part of the problem in addition to relaxing the colored hair.
OMG Lesley, I'm sorry this is happening! :perplexed

It definately sounds like your hair was severly overprocessed. The one thing my stylist warned me was never never do color and a relaxer so close together...I disobeyed once...and I lost massive clumps of hair as well. An extreme protein treatment was the only thing that saved me.

Good luck, and please keep us posted.
Also in the future, you're supposed to use a mild relaxer if you're color treated. I read that you used Affirm regular. So I believe that is another part of the problem in addition to relaxing the colored hair.

Hey I am sorry this happened to you it sounds like your hair has been overprocessed especially because it was already in a weak state. Remember with color treated hair you should relax with a mild relaxer and you should always relax first then color at least two weeks kater. Try to give your hair protein treatments and restore its balance the best you can. :mmmchocolate:

Just do your your hair...try not to manipulate a whole lot.

Ladies, what should she do as a follow up over the next few days?
I too am very sorry to hear what is happening to you :nono:

I had a very similar experience a little over a year ago and nearly all of my hair came out, at the time I had APL lengh hair and I ended up cutting it all out, hopefully your situation will have a better ending

My biggest recommendation is to baby your hair, try not to worry about it too much and continue your protein treatments
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Thanks again everybody. I did the aphogee and to be honest, my hair seems to be in the same state. Right now my plan is to keep with the protein treatments, leave the heat alone (I have it wrap, air drying) and start using Nioxin. I heard that it was a really good line.

Next question for styles. Should I just keep it wrapped from now on. Can I do a sew-in? Wig? What would be the best bet?

Thanks ladies for all the hugs
I am so sorry this is happening to you :nono: I think a protein treatment is a good idea and :yep:maybe an oil rinse afterwards?
:yep: Get come Castor oil and olive oil mixed together and do a deep conditioning , this helps to strengthen some of the weakened hair and possibly prevent some from breaking any further. Castor oil has a bonding effect.
I pray your hair is restored ..amen
Thanks again everybody. I did the aphogee and to be honest, my hair seems to be in the same state. Right now my plan is to keep with the protein treatments, leave the heat alone (I have it wrap, air drying) and start using Nioxin. I heard that it was a really good line.

Next question for styles. Should I just keep it wrapped from now on. Can I do a sew-in? Wig? What would be the best bet?

Thanks ladies for all the hugs

i'm soo sorry ths is happening to u. Ive always been terrified to color my hair for that very reason.
gotta see how much u lost and where to start a plan of action.
u dont wnt to manipulate it in anyway. that includes washing etc
Oh I am so sorry that this happened.:sad:
I dont have a relaxer myself but I just read on a diffrent forum Friday, that a you could wash with neutralizing shampoo for the next couple of washes. Maybe you could do the 2 week low manipulation challenge too.
I know that Duley DRC28 works well for hair that is breaking off. Thats all I know but I am no expert.
I'm so sorry that this is happening to you. :nono:

Okay, you've already done the protein treatment. From here on out, manipulate your hair as little as possible. I'd say that after your hair air dries, you should do a strand test. Take a strand of hair that shed from your hair and pull it to see where your hair is at protein/moisture wise.

Dont weave your hair up or braid it or anything. You have to FIX it before you hide it.

Keep us posted. Sorry I couldnt be of anymore help.
Thanks again everybody. I did the aphogee and to be honest, my hair seems to be in the same state. Right now my plan is to keep with the protein treatments, leave the heat alone (I have it wrap, air drying) and start using Nioxin. I heard that it was a really good line.

Next question for styles. Should I just keep it wrapped from now on. Can I do a sew-in? Wig? What would be the best bet?Thanks ladies for all the hugs

NO SEW IN,your hair is too fragile for the braiding.

Call around to some "white" salons and ask if they do the salon Joico K-pak treatment. If you find one that does try letting them do that. If not try buying the K-pak reconstructor and use it for 20-30 minutes. Then follow with a moisturizing conditioner for just as long. *After I was horribly damaged from my stylist dying my hair I went to a Leons salon and they helped me out alot. They gave me some heavy duty redken and joico treatments to save what ever they could. *

You can also get Nexxus Emergencee and use it everyweek followed with a moisturizing conditioner while your hair is this damaged. Try using with with heat for 15-20 minutes. Make sure to use a leave in conditioner after you rinse your hair out. Redken makes a nice damage line and they have a leave in which I believe is called Anti-snap. They also have a damaged hair treatment called Deep fuel.

You are probably going to need to condition your hair every 4 days until you get some of this breakage under control.

You can also try saturating your dry hair with oil like olive, coconut or an indian oil like alma before you shampooo and let it soak in for atleast an hour. These oils help strengthen the hair and will help get your hair back on track. For moisturizing conditioners try Aubrey Organics honeysuckle and rose, pantene relaxed and natural breakage defense mask, silk elements cholesterol, and ORS replenishing pack(this is a light protein but is very moisturizing).
Hi there,

Sorry to hear about your hair (((big hugs)))

If I'm not mistaken, I swear something very similar happened to a member here a few years a ago. I believe the members name was lovelymissyoli, or something of that nature. i think that eventually she winded up going natural, but I do remember reading a thread that she posted with a hair dye mishap that she had.

Maybe you can search her name and try to backtrack her posts.

I really hope everything turns out okay for you girlie.
I'm sorry i cant offer any advice but I hope everything works out. Sorry you are going through this I know how frustrating breakage can be.

Keep us updated!