My hair is falling out.... HELP

Awwww..............hugs mama:bighug:I don't have any advice to give you, but I can offer support. I'm sorry this is happening to you and things will get better soon. You'll be back to normal in no time.
Sorry I wasn't able to respond right back, I had to get my mind off of it for a while because I know stress can cause hair loss as well and I don't need that!

My edges are almost complete gone on the left side and the right side is see through. My nape area is really thin as well.

I have stopped combing (:wallbash:), lol. But just like Bre~Bre said, it's an urge to see if it's still falling out. I put some vita-point on my hair because it feels really dry and I am scarfing it up.

I'm going to take some notes from you guys and get what products I don't have already and begin the nursing.

I'm too concerned about too much protein because remember reading from sisterslick I do believe, that your hair needs a balance of both protein and moisture. Too much or too little of either can cause breakage/shedding as well.

Man again, I can't say how much I appreciate you all. I have called soooo many stylists yesterday and only a couple could give me any advice and not as NEARLY as much as you guys have.:iloveyou:

I agree with you about the protein overload. Since your hair is dry now, do a strand test. When you pull it, is it mushy and stretchy or did it just disintegrate and pop like it was dry?
I agree with you about the protein overload. Since your hair is dry now, do a strand test. When you pull it, is it mushy and stretchy or did it just disintegrate and pop like it was dry?

It snapped right apart. Does this mean I need more moisture in addition to a light protein?
It snapped right apart. Does this mean I need more moisture in addition to a light protein?

I wouldnt touch any more protein for a while.

If its snapping you need to moisturize. Its always better to add moisture when you dont need it than to add protein when youve had too much because if your hair is too moist you can just stop touching it and wait until it dries--- if your hair is too hard, well you could move your head the wrong way and itll fall out like confetti :ohwell: This is all from experience. Like when you put on protein gel and it breaks your hair if you comb

but when you leave conditioner on your hair instead of washing your hair is mushy and stretches then breaks off only if you manipulate it. Just leave some good deep conditioner on a while, and whne you wash it out dont manipulate, but rather detangle with your fingers and a leave in and after that just leave it be how it falls and wrap it up in a scarf or something.
Sunshine: My last relaxer before today was July 20th. 07, then she colored my hair 3 weeks ago new growth and all.

Yeah, I'm just sitting on needles here. I don't want to do too much or not enough you know. That is why I am just sitting here with this cap on praying. I didn't know you could do an aphogee directly after a relaxer?

Again, hopefully someone will chime in and help me out. I called my stylist and she told me that I really didn't need a relaxer because of my hair grade and that I shouldn't have used Affirm. Ok, now we got that out of the way, I need to know what action to take. She couldn't tell me nothing:nono:

I think that's where you're problem lies. She should've waited a few weeks after the relaxer to color your hair. It also sounds like you're adding a lot of protein to your hair. I know that chemical processes have a tendency to dry out the hair more than anything so I think you should be doing a lot more moisturizing treatments rather than protein. HTH :sad:
My hair is pretty much the same today

Today's shedding

Right side edges

Left side edges

Below ear back

Above ear back

full length back

I soaked it again in Vitapointe. My regimen is as follows, let me know what you guys think about it!:

Today: pre-poo w/ EVOO mix, neutralize 5 minutes and DC. Air dry w/ leave in, moisturize with vitapointe, little to no manipulation (keep wrapped)

Tues: moisturize with s-curl, oil to seal

Wed: pre-poo w/EVOO mix, neutralize 5 minutes and Hot oil treatment then condition. Air dry w/leave in, moisturize with vitapointe, keep wrapped.

Thurs, & Friday: Moisturize with S-curl, oil to seal.

Sat: Pre-poo, moist. poo, light protein, DC, wet wrap and let air dry (this is my style for the weekend - flat wrap)

And then every 4 or 5 days will be the same basically. Pre-poo's, moist. poo's or con washes, DC's, hot-oils, leave-in's and moisturizer.

This is all that I can do right now. I'm still trying to find a stylist for the treatments that will treat my hair like a newborn as well.

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My hair is pretty much the same today

Today's shedding

Right side edges

Left side edges

Below ear back

Above ear back

full length back

I soaked it again in Vitapointe. My regimen is as follows, let me know what you guys think about it!:

Today: pre-poo w/ EVOO mix, neutralize 5 minutes and DC. Air dry w/ leave in, moisturize with vitapointe, little to no manipulation (keep wrapped)

Tues: moisturize with s-curl, oil to seal

Wed: pre-poo w/EVOO mix, neutralize 5 minutes and Hot oil treatment then condition. Air dry w/leave in, moisturize with vitapointe, keep wrapped.

Thurs, & Friday: Moisturize with S-curl, oil to seal.

Sat: Pre-poo, moist. poo, light protein, DC, wet wrap and let air dry (this is my style for the weekend - flat wrap)

And then every 4 or 5 days will be the same basically. Pre-poo's, moist. poo's or con washes, DC's, hot-oils, leave-in's and moisturizer.

This is all that I can do right now. I'm still trying to find a stylist for the treatments that will treat my hair like a newborn as well.


What conditioners are you planning on using?
I plan on using what I have on hand for right now unless there is something that I really must have. I have Kenra MC & Kera care humecto.
I am soooo sorry that this happened to you. I just had my hair come out last night, so I feel your pain. We just have to be careful and give our hair the best treatment and it will come back long, strong and beautiful!
Chica, the shed hair looks A LOT less! :yay: So the treatments must be working! On the plus I think the colour's gorgeous on you and your hair still looks good! Keep us updated!
My hair is pretty much the same today

Today's shedding

Right side edges

Left side edges

Below ear back

Above ear back

full length back

I soaked it again in Vitapointe. My regimen is as follows, let me know what you guys think about it!:

Today: pre-poo w/ EVOO mix, neutralize 5 minutes and DC. Air dry w/ leave in, moisturize with vitapointe, little to no manipulation (keep wrapped)

Tues: moisturize with s-curl, oil to seal

Wed: pre-poo w/EVOO mix, neutralize 5 minutes and Hot oil treatment then condition. Air dry w/leave in, moisturize with vitapointe, keep wrapped.

Thurs, & Friday: Moisturize with S-curl, oil to seal.

Sat: Pre-poo, moist. poo, light protein, DC, wet wrap and let air dry (this is my style for the weekend - flat wrap)

And then every 4 or 5 days will be the same basically. Pre-poo's, moist. poo's or con washes, DC's, hot-oils, leave-in's and moisturizer.

This is all that I can do right now. I'm still trying to find a stylist for the treatments that will treat my hair like a newborn as well.

Chica, the shed hair looks A LOT less! :yay: So the treatments must be working! On the plus I think the colour's gorgeous on you and your hair still looks good! Keep us updated!

I was thinking the same thing. That looks liike less hair than the pic before and your hair really doesnt look damaged. I think it still looks very healthy.
This happened to me before but mine was ALOT worse. The worst part is over. Sorry this happened and listen to the ladies here because they are giving you great advice. I wish I had known about this site when it happened to me. You are in good hands girl and the color looks gorgeous and your hair still looks pretty decent.
I agree with the protein treatment. Just keep babying your hair and it should be alright. I wouldn't manipulate it too much either.
Yeah, it doesn't look all that bad in the pics, but you gotta see it in person:perplexed.

I'm ballin on a budget right now so I am not able to run out and get most of the products you guys listed, but I think the products on hand will do just fine. I wasn't able to start my nursing yesterday but I'm going to this morning.

I'm going to pre-poo with EVOO and maybe some ORS hair mayo. I gotta keep searching the boards for a pre-poo concoction.

Thanks again for everyones support. I needed it so much.
your hair looks very pretty , especially the color .we all have minor setbacks here and there so dont feel alone
I'm so sorry this happened to you!

I recently found a prepoo concotion on the board that I've tried only once but it made my hair soft and manageable. It was 1/2 can coconut milk, 2tbsp EVOO, 2 tbsp another oil (I used castor), 1.5 tbsp honey and 2 squrts of conditioner.

Hope that helps.
The pics are much better than what I anticipated thankfully :yay: You will be ok chica, just keep loving and babying your strands. It WILL grow back :yep: Pm me anytime
I did my 1st wash yesterday. I was sooo nervous. I pre-poo'd for several hours with EVOO, nexus con & miss keys 10en 1 mix. I don't know how I came up with this concoction but it's better than nothing.

I poo'd with neutralizing poo and left it on for 5 minutes. I then slathered a mix of Kenra con, some other cons with a plasic cap and ran around the house for a few hours. I then sat under the dryer for 45 minutes.

I cool rinsed. My hair feels a bit better. I messed up again and spiral set my hair. I don't know why I keep forgetting that I just had a major loss. Anyway I'm just keeping the curls in until they fall. I will moisturize everyday with s-curl and seal with some kenra oil.
Sorry this happened to you...the exact same thing happened to me in July...the only difference is that my stylist did both (color one week and relaxed of couple of weeks later)...the very next day I went out and bought Aphogee Shampoo, Treatment and the Balancing Moisturizer and gave myself a treatment...since then I've just been making sure to included a mild protein treatment in my weekly wash routine and a hard core protein treatment every four to six weeks...that has helped some but my hair is not as thick as it use to be so I know what you mean when you said we have to see your hair in person because the camera couldn't capture just how damaged my hair was either...I've had braids for the last two weeks since it's a little stronger...don't be of the day before I got braids, my hair was still shedding some however it was much stronger and healthier.

It's not as bad as I thought it would be, but I understand where you're coming from. Just protein it up, possible take some vitamins, and protective styling.

The neutralizing idea isn't bad either
I'm sorry this happened to you. Your stylist should have explained that going to blonde is very harsh and can result in damaging of hair to the point in your case falling out.

Especially if she used a high developer for the coloring of your hair because to get to blond you have to double process african american hair.

Just do protein...suggest Apohogee Professional. Also she should have told you to get reconstructor before the coloring to prep your hair and directly afterwards and leading up to your relaxer.

Just take it easy and let your hair recoup and keep a good protein and moisture balance.

I hope everything works out for you. I know this is something I would have never performed for a client of mine. Your hair will get better. The color is gorgeous on you. Also give yourself nice hot oil treatments as well. Those help, too!
I'm so sorry that you're going through this:nono: I don't have much to offer except some encouragement and a cyber (((HUG))). Despite eveything, your hair still looks good and with the tips the ladies provided for you here, you'll be back on track in no time! HTH!