My hair is falling out.... HELP

All I can say is PROTIEN!!!!!!!!!! The hair is very weak and prolly overprocessed it must be strengthened. PROTIEN,PROTIEN, PROTIEN.


I was shocked when you stated how much hair was breaking, sorry! Tracy has colored hair and has a bootcamp for double process thread, (it might be bootcamp for colored hair). In it she posts her whole routine. You might be able to pull some goos infor from it. I read it before and I know she recommends lots of protein. Your hair has no protein from the two processes so you gotta replace. Also good moisturizers will help.
Lesley sorry this happened to you:nono: about 2 1/2 years ago I bleached my hair and decided to put a quick relaxer through the front (all within half and hour!) needless to say my hair started falling out just as you described, MAKE sure you've neutralized properly put the neutralizing shampoo on and leave it for a while. After that do a regular DC. Your hair is probably overprocessed but worry about that later, you want to get the PH of your hair back to normal and stop any continuing chemical action on your scalp.

I had to wear a full weave with closure (it was like my hair was shaved off in those areas) but my hair grew back just fine at the time I used Virgin Hair Fertilizer (topical sulphur). I had bleached and relaxed my hair previously with just dryness issues but I guess I obviously didn't wait long enough in between treatments also remember previously chemically treated hair is weaker, so if u use a regular strength relaxer on virgin hair after a colour treatment u should use a mild. Hope it gets better
Man I can't say this enough. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!

Especially to those that are natural and or know nothing about relaxed/color treated hair. Just taking the time to stop and give me well wishes mean more than you know.

And to those that are trying to salvage my hair with me.... BIG SMOOCHES! I really appreciate it.

My hair is dry, I comb it out and it just sheds, sheds, sheds. I'm almost disgusted with it. I 'm afraid to put heat on it. but at the same time, I don't want to walk around looking like a dust mop.

God what did I get myself into
Oh no, I hate to hear this. But what's done is done so focus on repairing it. I agree with the others about protein. I wouldn't suggest any heat either. With the help of the ladies on this board they will have your tresses back healthy in no time.
I am so sorry to have read about your recent challenges with your hair. As I don't have expertise with chemicals, I am unable to offer any useful advice.
As if you guys needed a visual....



And more as I comb.......:nono:
As if you guys needed a visual....



And more as I comb.......:nono:
The exact same thing happened to me about 6 years ago. I had a perm, then put in some red highlights. As i started showering just about every highlight came out. I had a ziplock baggy full of hair. I was devasted and thought the world was coming to an end.

You will get past this girl, i promise. Now, you MAY (i didn't say definitely) need to get a big trim and start over. Prepare yourself for that. Stop combing and messing in your hair, i know it's hard, you feel like you have to keep pulling on it to see when it will ever stop.

When will you be able to get into a salon?
As if you guys needed a visual....



And more as I comb.......:nono:

WOW. :nono:

It will get better. PLEASE, DO NOT USE ANY HEAT.

If you want to walk around with it styled, loosely curl it on some soft satin rollers. Curls are very low maintenance and it wont put any stress on your hair or scalp.

Stop combing! That is just more manipulation.
Oh Lesley, hun, HUGS!

The ladies have all given great advice. I agree that you should neutralize your hair for the next few washes. In order to make sure you are restoring the pH balance and prevent further overprocessing. Also, start co-washing more frequently with very moisturizing conditioners, hot-oil treatments, prepoos on dry hair, and most importantly Deep Conditioning.
DC at minimum, once a week. Also, research some of the natural concoctions such as honey, EVOO, coconut milk, and other kinds of ingredients that help strengthen the hair shaft.

Also, stay on top of your protein treatments.

Maybe you should stay away from heat for a while and do more airdried styles. RaSylver has a great method on her fotki where she airdries with minimal manipulation. If your ends are frizzy with airdrying, Caruso rollers help curb this.

Go visit a stylist who is well versed on treating damaged hair. Go for a consultation first and interview them before you allow them to do something to your hair to further damage it. You may want to check out an Aveda, Paul Mitchell, or other professional salon with the reputation of high-end products, and stylists who are continually being trained.

You may want to PM someone like SistaSlick who really understands the chemistry of relaxers. Perhaps she can tap into something that the rest of us have not yet.
Im soo sorry this is happening to you. What color did she use. Did she use Peroxide (stripping the hair). Im colored but I make sure to relax before appplying the color and I use the mother of bad colors (dark and lovely). You need to DC the hair and do a protein treatment or an AVC treatment. I recommend Porosity control. Be very gentle. Something came to mind. Your stylist may not have neutralized your hair properly.
I literally lived this about three months ago except that I was in a salon with a "professional" relaxing my hair. When mine started falling out in clumps, she finished washing out the relaxer with a neutralizing shampoo and then immediately put on a very strong protein treatment. She left it on for about twenty minutes and then rinsed it out. The protein treatment helped stop the shedding.

This is very traumatic, I know!!! Going forward, the next time you relax your hair you need to coat the color with gel to protect it from the relaxer. That's what my stylist did the next time we relaxed and it went down without incident.

Good luck. It's going to be okay.
Oh my gosh!:blush:
That is so AWFUL!

Yea, you need protein, but I would highly recommend not to overdo that either. If its brittle youve done all the protein you can do and need to just stop combing and drop whatever other tools u have for a while.

I am so sorry- this reminds me of when my mom decided I should be a redhead... :nono: I went from SL to chin length the next day.

When my hair was falling out I stopped touching it and pulled a scarf out, did not use ANY styling products or tools or even scrunchies. I just used the best leavins I had and wrapped it up and didnt even look at it the wrong way. I didnt wash that much either.
Oh my gosh!:blush:
That is so AWFUL!

Yea, you need protein, but I would highly recommend not to overdo that either. If its brittle youve done all the protein you can do and need to just stop combing and drop whatever other tools u have for a while.

I am so sorry- this reminds me of when my mom decided I should be a redhead... :nono: I went from SL to chin length the next day.

When my hair was falling out I stopped touching it and pulled a scarf out, did not use ANY styling products or tools or even scrunchies. I just used the best leavins I had and wrapped it up and didnt even look at it the wrong way. I didnt wash that much either.

ita with this!!!
Man I can't say this enough. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!

Especially to those that are natural and or know nothing about relaxed/color treated hair. Just taking the time to stop and give me well wishes mean more than you know.

And to those that are trying to salvage my hair with me.... BIG SMOOCHES! I really appreciate it.

My hair is dry, I comb it out and it just sheds, sheds, sheds. I'm almost disgusted with it. I 'm afraid to put heat on it. but at the same time, I don't want to walk around looking like a dust mop.

God what did I get myself into

I am so sorry that this has happened!!! Oh my gosh, you are really being calm and collected about this and that is very good. There has been some great advice given so far. I am concerned about the condition of your scalp. You said you had some burns. Perhaps one of the ladies here can speak to relaxer scalp burns as well.

I am nursing my hair back to health due to traction alopecia (repeated braids and weaves) I am wearing lace front wigs that are beautiful and so easy. I don't attach mine with adhesives. I use bobbie pins, which allows me to take it off and care for my hair daily. They have been a life saver and a God send. Please PM me if you want some info about them. I don't recommend you getting a weave at all right now, the tension on your hair would not help the situation.

I have to run to an event but I'll come back and post some conditioning treatments that I have used in the past that helped me through rough times. Hang in there dear heart!! Your hair will grow back!! <<hugs>>
Im really sorry about this! The same thing happened to me a few years ago...I was applying what I thought was a rinse and not harmful to my hair but I found out it had ammonia in it. Then I was still relaxing my my hair came out so bad that when I tried to go to the salon they were calling people over to look at my was very embarrassing and I was horrified.

Ill tell u, I wanted to braid it or something but my hair couldnt handle the stress. I started alternating a reconstructor(Design Essentials 6 in 1 saved my life) with nexus humectruss treatments every other week. Mind u my hair had already come out to where I didnt even have enough to fit into a rubber band for a ponytail. After a few weeks it was strong enough to where I added a phony pony (I felt I had no choice because I looked like woodstock....)...I had this little paintbrush ponytail and had to use bobby pins to hold the back up. In about 6 months I had a new head of hair. I only took it down once a week to wash and condition and put it back up. You will bounce back from this. I know its frustrating because we work so hard for progress and it can be gone in the blink of an eye. Hang in there! It will grow back! Please stop combing it though or u are gonna be bald by the end of the weekend! It is too weak right now to handle any combing.
STOP COMBING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thats jus askin for more hair to come out

I am so sorry you are going through this situation. I don't really know much about dealing with this problem, but many of the ladies have given you some great advice. However, I do agree with the above quote. Minimize manipulation as much as possible and try gently fingercombing your hair instead. I hope your hair rebounds quickly.
I am so sorry about your hair this same thing happened to me years ago however my hair was cut in like a hally berry hair style my edges completely fell out for some reason blonde is a very harsh color to put on your hair but the good thing is that it grew back and so will yours dont worry but i feel your pain
Well, I'm a little late, but add me to the LHCF group hug :grouphug:. The ladies have given you great advice. I also pray that your hair will fully recover, quickly. In the meanwhile, we're all here for you.
As if you guys needed a visual....



And more as I comb.......:nono:

I am so sorry. The exact same thing is happening with my hair now and I have a ziplock bag full of hair but was too embarrassed to post a pic. I don't have any advice but try to manipulate as little as possible. For me I am really contemplating shaving my hair off :perplexed.
Lesley, I'm so sorry this happened to you. I just wanted to send out my hug to you....
i didn't know if i should reply to this thread becacause i didn't have any advice on this type of hair trauma, but when i read how grateful you were that people were even taking time out to respond i figured i should go for it. i just want to say that i am very sorry this happened to you. i know what it can be like doing ur own hair and messing it up urself and then kicking urself in the butt over it. once i washed my hair and missed a step in my regimen (i don't rememer if i forgot the leave in, the detangler or what) but i let it airdry some and then i went to comb out and don't u know i combed out sooooo many knots and balls of my own hair in the living room at like 1 am. i was so depressed and mad that i had no one to blame but myself. i'm gonna pray for u. it's the best i can do. and just try ur best to stay positive and optomistic :)
Hi Lesley,

I'm sorry this happened to you. :( Reading through this thread, you have received some wonderful advice from the ladies here. Please let us know how you come out. It has happened to me before when I relaxed, then 2 weeks later died my hair brown, then 2 weeks later highlighted it blonde with an African Pride kit. :crazy: Yes, protein, low manipulation, and moisture will help. :yep:
Sorry I wasn't able to respond right back, I had to get my mind off of it for a while because I know stress can cause hair loss as well and I don't need that!

My edges are almost complete gone on the left side and the right side is see through. My nape area is really thin as well.

I have stopped combing :)wallbash:), lol. But just like Bre~Bre said, it's an urge to see if it's still falling out. I put some vita-point on my hair because it feels really dry and I am scarfing it up.

I'm going to take some notes from you guys and get what products I don't have already and begin the nursing.

I'm too concerned about too much protein because remember reading from sisterslick I do believe, that your hair needs a balance of both protein and moisture. Too much or too little of either can cause breakage/shedding as well.

Man again, I can't say how much I appreciate you all. I have called soooo many stylists yesterday and only a couple could give me any advice and not as NEARLY as much as you guys have.:iloveyou:
I'm so sorry this happened to you, Lesley. Chemical processing of the hair has great potential to be dangerous, which is why "kitchen-ticians" are really taking the life of their hair in their hands. The stylists' rule regarding mixing chemical processes is that you're supposed to allow AT LEAST two weeks between processes, and that you never relax a color, you color a relaxer. I got that information from a variety of sources, but the most direct one was Shamboosie's book, "Beautiful Black Hair." I know a lot of women on this board think he's a hack, but the man IS a highly trained cosmetologist, so his advice is what you'd get from anyone at Dudley's, which is considered top-notch in terms of Black hair care. I have a copy of his book which I can send you, if you like. I think his advice on how to treat severely damaged hair can help. Or, you can PM me and I'll copy out the sections with advice that pertains to your needs. For now, though, your hair needs rest & recuperation: low manipulation, lots of protein balanced with moisture, and no heat.

Good luck restoring your hair!
Oh man:sad: ((hugs))

Please please please baby your hair because it really need it right now, and no combing. I know its hard to resist that but please do. You'll have to keep careful watch on the protien/moisture balance now.

Keep us up to date!
