My hair health is flatlining........ **Pics**


New Member
I don't know what to do... First let me give you a background on my hair.

I am 6 months into my transition. Everything was going good until July when I got a weave. I hadnt had a weave in a couple of months almost a year so I thought it would be a nice break to have my hair braided up and weaved that way I could also straighten it as I wanted to. :nono:

After watching Ateyaa's video from her weave damage I got kinda scared but figured that wouldn't have happened to me because I had NEVER had that happened to me in the 8 straight years that I had worn weaves... (BTW that is how I greww my hair to almost BSL) WELL.... I had so many tangles I started crying midway thru. I couldn't believe that that had happened. My hair was pretty crappy after I had been doing so well. But then I figured that maybe that had happened because I had washed my braids underneath every week and that I probably didnt detangled as well as I could've. So since my hair didnt look good I figured I would get another weave and take care of it how I used to which meant doing nothing.

So I got a weave again 09/07/09 and took it down 10/12/09 and it is safe to say my hair is messed up. Detagling wasnt as bad as last time but my relaxed hair is super rough and not cooperating. I can't do decent braidout or anything. It just frustrates me becuase I thought I did everything right and my hair is super crazy looking.

Can anybody tell what I can do besides cutting it all off. I'm already cutting my hiar in about 2 weeks into a shoulder length bob at the end of this month. But I want to get my hair's moisture back on point. I cowashed yesterday and today becuase my hair is just feeling super duper dry.

HELP ME PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My Hair went from this.......

To this....


I Know it looks bad. I have 6 months of shirkange but it still looks bad.
:bighug: I wish I could offer some some advice, I'm transitioning as well so I'm trying to learn how handle my hair. Hopefully some of the hair gurus can chime in to help.
(((Hugs))) I know your hair will get better... Have you tried checking the porosity of your hair? I would first clarify and get rid of any build up, deep condition (depending on what your hair needs ---maybe some protein) and make sure the cuticles are lying flat with either an ACV rinse or Porosity control. Hope this helps :) Don't give up

What are you using to moisturize with?
I would say don't cut your hair yet - maybe just baby it for a while. Its long enough to make a nice bun. Perhaps use a clarifying shampoo then do a deep dc, moisturize with a nice oil and bun it up. If you feel like you have to wash more than once a week I suggest just doing a cowash and bun it up again. I keep my edges laying flat by wrapping a scarf snuggly around my head - I then wake up with nice flat - semi wavy hair in a bun.
honestly it doesn't look that bad, you lost some length but it still is something that can easily be repaired since you still have length even though it's not where it was.

I would just up the deep conditioning and do pre poos with olive oil coconut oil ( i hear burts bees pre poo treatment is fab) hot oil treatments before shampooing alot of pre conditioning should help. I think your hair will jump right back into healthy moisturized mode in no time.

it doesn't look like it needs to be cut, maybe a light trimming if it's needed but not a cut.

forgot to add if you blowdry or flat iron stay away from that and do rollersets and or braidouts/twists dry under a hooded dryer if your strapped for time.

page 9 is a nice lil' chart to follow depending on the hair issue.
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thank u ladies. I will definitely follw ur advice. my hair just feels super duper rough like its deader than the dead it already is. I can barely even comb it. I will just baby it.

BTW the cut is voluntary. Im excited about it. but I will still have relaxed ends so I want my hair to be healthy.

QUESTION... HOW CAN i detangle without breakage? since i am transtioning my hair breaks so easily at the demarcation line. my hair is tangleds in the middle cuz I cant detangle without breakage. I need specifics. Products, tools, techniques... Lol but seriously
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I like silk elements at sallys' moisturizing conditioner for detangling new growth when I stretch my relaxers. it really melts into the hair making it really easy to detangle, try it out.

Now that we got that out of the way, you should do a protein treatment every 2 wks-1 month or so, until you get your hair health back. I always recommend Aphogee 2 step (it hardens and stinks, but it WORKS and is cheap) always followed by a great moisturuzing condish.

Go for plain protective styles for a bit and stay away from braids. It kinda sounds like you might have gotten some dreds forming underneath the weave. You gotta keep it detangled because you now know your hair is prone to dreding up unintentionally.
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Now that we got that out of the way, you should do a protein treatment every 2 wks-1 month or so, until you get your hair health back. I always recommend Aphogee 2 step (it hardens and stinks, but it WORKS and is cheap) always followed by a great moisturuzing condish.

Go for plain protective styles for a bit and stay away from braids. It kinda sounds like you might have gotten some dreds forming underneath the weave. You gotta keep it detangled because you now know your hair is prone to dreding up unintentionally.

LoL... I think I finally learned that weaves aren't for me anymore.

Thats a good suggestion about my hair dreading unintentionally.

when u ladies put condish on ur hair to detangle, do u put it on prior to washing. Because my hair gets tangled after washing and especialy during loose airdrying.

And I thank u ladies. U are giving me good transitioning advice too.
LoL... I think I finally learned that weaves aren't for me anymore.

Thats a good suggestion about my hair dreading unintentionally.

when u ladies put condish on ur hair to detangle, do u put it on prior to washing. Because my hair gets tangled after washing and especialy during loose airdrying.

And I thank u ladies. U are giving me good transitioning advice too.

Lots of people get unintentional dreds, esp if you are adding conditioner to the problem area. Wax is a big thing in conditioners and if left undisturbed, it can help form dreds. After all, SOME people who want dreds use wax specifically to start them. :grin: Add to this your unshed hair under the weave and presto...DREDS.

If you are having tangling issues, by all means "pre poo" and comb it thru. Maybe you should also consider washing in plaits. This might help your tangling issues. Look up "crown and glory method" for details.

Sometimes I put it on beforehand, but usually afterwards. Depend on what my hair needs. I do detangle my dry hair beforehand make sure all my shed hair comes out.
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Its not that bad girl...Yes you lost some inches but is not that bad...I think you should do a protein treatment (light -medium) and deep condition.

You will be back on track in no time...HUGS
Thanks again ladies... I'm not wooried so much about my length as much as I am with the actual health of my hair. That's what worries me. My hair feels gross.But I have managed to get it in a neat bun this morning at least until I can fully get in there and use some of the techniques you ladies gave me.

Also, I think I just have a hard time detangling now because I have like 3 inches of natural hair. So I am so focused with not messing with my demarcation line that I don't really get in there and detangle that well.

What kind of styling tools do you guys use to detangle? My shower comb doesn't get my hair like I need it to.
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Hi fellow Curlmeleon!

So sorry this happened. 1st thing I'd suggest is clarifying, then DC'ing with protein before DC'ing with moisture, rinse out then apply Porosity control for 1 minute before rinsing out. <---- This ALWAYS works for my hair and it feels sooo good!

I personally finger detangle while rinsing out my conditioner and detangle with my wide tooth comb (e.g. Jilbere shower comb) after applying my leave in to damp hair. I don't detangle with a comb in the shower.

Tyna I am so sorry this happenned to you. I'm sure your hair will recover in better health than before.
Thank goodness for lhcf though I learned a lot from this thread and I'm sure you have too.
I wouldn't cut it if I were you. DC, light protein treatment and as much PS as you can stand and give yourself until the end of the year and THEN decide if you still want to cut it. Try the curlformers or spirals etc.

Did you change your user name from FlawedBeauty? I vaguely remember the tattoo?

If you are FB, I remember your hair whipping into shape very quickly so...just be patient with it.
Hi fellow Curlmeleon!

So sorry this happened. 1st thing I'd suggest is clarifying, then DC'ing with protein before DC'ing with moisture, rinse out then apply Porosity control for 1 minute before rinsing out. <---- This ALWAYS works for my hair and it feels sooo good!

I personally finger detangle while rinsing out my conditioner and detangle with my wide tooth comb (e.g. Jilbere shower comb) after applying my leave in to damp hair. I don't detangle with a comb in the shower.

Hey curly girlie...

YEah I was so freakin mad when I saw my hair. But Its kinda good because I needed to have some tips on how to de tangel and deal with my natural hair since my plan to weave my way thru my transition is now canceled.

Thanks for the suggestion I wiil deifntiely try it. :)
thank u ladies. I will definitely follw ur advice. my hair just feels super duper rough like its deader than the dead it already is. I can barely even comb it. I will just baby it.

BTW the cut is voluntary. Im excited about it. but I will still have relaxed ends so I want my hair to be healthy.

QUESTION... HOW CAN i detangle without breakage? since i am transtioning my hair breaks so easily at the demarcation line. my hair is tangleds in the middle cuz I cant detangle without breakage. I need specifics. Products, tools, techniques... Lol but seriously

I'm sorry you're experiencing this frustration with your hair, it sounds to me like your hair needs to be properly conditioned. you probably have about 3 inches of new growth right? with that much new growth you need to do every thing in small sections. Especially helpful is applying all your conditioners in small sections like a relaxer. that way you can make sure the fragile demarcation line is being moisturized by your deep conditioner and strengthened by your protein treatments. what i would do is clarify, do a light protein conditioning, then use a very moisturizing conditioner (mixed with oil to give slip) for about 30-45 mins with heat, then comb it out in small sections. If that doesn't work you may need to use a stronger protein and/or attend to your hair's porosity. HTH!

p.s. i see the other ladies have suggested the same thing, i think it should help!

did you really lose inches or is that shrinkage? depending on your hair type, 3 inches of new growth can make your hair appear MUCH shorter!
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I wouldn't cut it if I were you. DC, light protein treatment and as much PS as you can stand and give yourself until the end of the year and THEN decide if you still want to cut it. Try the curlformers or spirals etc.

Did you change your user name from FlawedBeauty? I vaguely remember the tattoo?

If you are FB, I remember your hair whipping into shape very quickly so...just be patient with it.

Thanks for the support chica :)

No I was never FlawedBeauty but I hope my hair whips back into shape like her.

The cut is on purpose. I decided this before I even saw the condition of my hair. But I wanna get it banging again. Cuz if your hair is messed up longer its gonna look bad short :)
I'm sorry you're experiencing this frustration with your hair, it sounds to me like your hair needs to be properly conditioned. you probably have about 3 inches of new growth right? with that much new growth you need to do every thing in small sections. Especially helpful is applying all your conditioners in small sections like a relaxer. that way you can make sure the fragile demarcation line is being moisturized by your deep conditioner and strengthened by your protein treatments. what i would do is clarify, do a light protein conditioning, then use a very moisturizing conditioner (mixed with oil to give slip) for about 30-45 mins with heat, then comb it out in small sections. If that doesn't work you may need to use a stronger protein and/or attend to your hair's porosity. HTH!

p.s. i see the other ladies have suggested the same thing, i think it should help!

did you really lose inches or is that shrinkage? depending on your hair type, 3 inches of new growth can make your hair appear MUCH shorter!

I think its a little of both. I think my hair is easily breaking because there is a much needed hair cut that need to happen. I have prolonged it as much as I could but its time to let go of the dead ends. But I think its a lot of shrinkage as well. Which is good because that means I am that much closer to having ALL NATURAL HAIR!!!
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:bighug: aw, honey-it's gonna be okay!!
i have nothing to add-wonderful advice has been given.:yep:
my only caveat: are those two pictures really a fair comparison? i mean the first one is flat-ironed right, and the other is wet. the hair is not going to look as sheeny and whatnot as when it's flatironed. i know i do see the length difference, though.
girl, i'm soo mad i cant see the pics cause i'm at work.. so, i gotta wait till i get home to see 'em.

anyways, look on the bright side, you are transitioning, so you would have to get rid of that hair anyways. this can be a time for you to do that hair cut that you were saying you wanted and not be too upset about it. but :bighug: because I know you are upset.
:bighug: aw, honey-it's gonna be okay!!
i have nothing to add-wonderful advice has been given.:yep:
my only caveat: are those two pictures really a fair comparison? i mean the first one is flat-ironed right, and the other is wet. the hair is not going to look as sheeny and whatnot as when it's flatironed. i know i do see the length difference, though.

I guess not... But I took them because in the first picture my hair was all healthy and the second picture shows what crummy condition my hair is in. I wouldn't even dare flat iron it right now in the condition its in.

But, you're right I did get alot of positive feedback and helpful tidbits of info. Now I can go home with some knowledge and do my hair.
girl, i'm soo mad i cant see the pics cause i'm at work.. so, i gotta wait till i get home to see 'em.

anyways, look on the bright side, you are transitioning, so you would have to get rid of that hair anyways. this can be a time for you to do that hair cut that you were saying you wanted and not be too upset about it. but :bighug: because I know you are upset.
Hey Girlie,

Yeah I know the decision to cut came right on time.LoL... But, I thought I was gonna have to hold off because my hair felt like a brillo pad. But I think everybody's advice was so helpful that I can get it into shape before I get it cut.