my hair grew back


Well-Known Member
hi i have been a lurker for sometime and finallly decided
to join i love this board.this is my story i had a 27 step
ponytail for two weeks and when i washed the style out to
my suprise i had three bald spot in the front of my head
the glue had cause my hair to fall out.i had worn this style
several times before with no problems but this was the first
time i had the 27 step without insisting the stylist use a
stocking cap or paper before styling my hair and i paid the has been four months and my hair has completely grown back.i like to thank the person who made the post on
nioxin follicle booster it saved my hair i love this product
and it is worth the price.i also tried ors temple balm and
profectiv anti-thinning stimulant but i had faster results
with nx3 i saw results within two weeks.i would suggest to
anyone who considers the 27 step ponytail please protect
your hair with a stocking cap or paper.
a 27 step ponytail is cute short hairstyle that you have to
glue track into your hair it can be purchased at your local
bss for 10 to 12 dollars it is one bag if hair that comes
divided into 27 pieces of hair (track) that is already cut
and separated.the stylist usually wrap your hair first and
then glue track in and turn tracks upside down to create
flip style in the back of your hair this style is also called a quick weave it is very popular in sc and nc everyone has this style.i have met several people you lost
hair when they did not protect their hair with a stocking cap or paper they have shown me their bald spot that has
not grown back yet and i told them about the nioxin follice
booster and how it grew my hair back and the texture is different from the rest of my hair and stronger.i am also
enjoying my new hairline.
Welcome to the board!
Thank you for the post LaBett!

I have been considering the follicle booster for a problem spot at my crown. My problem area is only three inches long. I think it developed after wearing braids that were put in tight in that area. A hair stylist recently cut off a lot of my hair trying to even it all up to that length.

When you say that your hair grew back, do you mean that this spot is as long as your other hair. Also, can you post a picture of your 27 step hair style.



P.S. Welcome to the board!!!
unfornately i dont have a picture of me with the 27 step
ponytail and my three bald spots has grown back half the
length of the rest of my hair witch is now shoulder length
i have not had shoulder length hair since i was a child.
my hair has grown a lot due to great tips i learned from
this board i started taking care of my hair and started
a vitamin regimen.i started taking viviscal and had great
results and later added pp biotin,b5- green source and scalp
masages twice daily my hairdresser cant believe how fast my
hair has grown back.
i aint get no results with nioxin maybe i wasnt consistent long enough because im like every body else i want fast results
i was very constistent with with my routine i applied nioxin
follice booster everyday and washed and conditioned my hair
twice a week alternating hot oil treatment and ors hair mayo
and vitale super intensive rreconstructive treatment every
two hair had thin out very badly in the top along
with the three bald spots .my hair started filling back in
every week and i could see the results i did this routine
for 3 months straight by the time i needed a touch up my
bald spot had grown back completely i was very amazed i just
started using the nioxin structure and strenth shampoo and
scalp therapy because it on sale at superwalmart stores
large size 33 0z scalp therapy and 16 oz shampoo for 38 dollars these products usually sell for 20 dollars for 10 oz
sizes and my has grown even faster since starting these products.i knew i had to be very patient i was glad to see
any hair growth compared to seeing the bald bald spots areas
i recently took braids outs and my hair is much thicker and
stronger in front then the rest of my hair. i am having great results from the nexxus headress.