My Hair Caught On Fire!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
I'm still devastated!!!!

I lit a few candles around the house the other evening while I was wrapping presents and enjoying holiday music. My cell rang, I answered and as I was moving around talking on my cell at some point I leaned up against the counter- my back was facing the counter where a lit candle lay - and a few seconds later I hear a strange sound! It took just a few seconds for me to determine that the sound was my hair - IN FLAMES!

Without hesitating, I reached around and grabbed my hair from the base of my neck and quickly ran my fingers all the way through the end of my hair, little burnt pieces of hair fell to the floor in front of me. I was expecting to feel heat from the flame but I didn't. I calmly said to the person on the other end of the phone, "I have to call you back, my hair was just in flames!" and promptly hung up. For a few seconds I just stared at the burnt hairs laying in front of me on the floor and smelling the awful smell of burnt up hairs:sad:

I slowly made my way to the bathroom to access the damage. I have W/L hair which I've only obtained maybe six months ago, so this incident really hurt! (It wouldn't of mattered if it was rice length though-I can't believe I was in flames-SMH!)

I got my round brush out and lightly brushed thru small sections of hair watching quarter inch pieces fall into the sink. I didn't lose as much as I imagined but just the thought of my hair being on fire had me sick to my stomach! Not to mention the SMELL!

After brushing out the last of the burnt up hair, I grabbed a big handful of coconut oil and smeared it thru my entire head! I put my hair up in a pineapple bun and called it a night! I had plans of flat-ironing for Christmas but its been oiled down since it happened! I'm afraid to take it down and manipulate it at all!!:sad:

All that to say- WHAT SHOULD I DO FIRST????

Please help?!?
I'm sorry that happened to you. Luv you are posting this in Off topic. It is best posted in the hair section.
Dang, so sorry. How much hair was burned? I am not sure you can salvage burnt hair though. (((HUGS)))
I would probably trim 1/8"-1/4" off the burned pieces just to start those sections fresh and prevent any creeping damage. Good luck, :bighug:
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Wow! I'm so glad you're ok!

I have to agree. If there are still burnt pieces, I don't think you can do much else besides cutting them. You already grew to WL once, you can do it again!
I would probably trim 1/8"-1/4" off the burned pieces just to start those sections fresh and prevent any creeping damage. Good luck, :bighug:

Yes, I agree...I only have one stylist that I trust with shears near my hair and she's booked solid for the next week and a half. I just might attempt self trim!
Wow! I'm so glad you're ok! I have to agree. If there are still burnt pieces, I don't think you can do much else besides cutting them. You already grew to WL once, you can do it again!

Thank you! I know you're right but its so much freakin work...I am thankful that it wasn't my clothes/skin on fire! Grateful;-)
I'm so sorry this happened to you. You will be fine though. I'd try baggying those ends but I would suggest applying castor oil on your scalp in the targeted areas. It works wonders.
Oh gosh! So glad you're okay!! I totally agree that you can grow the hair again:yep: keep faith :) and keep it in hidden styles until you can see a stylist. Maybe a side braid? On WSL hair that's bound to be pretty :)
I'm so sorry this happened to you. You will be fine though. I'd try baggying those ends but I would suggest applying castor oil on your scalp in the targeted areas. It works wonders.

Thanks Solila, but please forgive me ...I'm ashamed to admit but I don't know what or how to "bag" my ends. If you have time, will you elaborate?
I'm so glad you didn't burn your skin. You are lucky!!!

And don't worry, it'll grow back in no time. :-)
Buckeyecurlz Absolutely luv! I found some threads for you. Stick to doing this for the ends. You basically apply a good moisturizer, leave-in, and sealant to the ends of the hair and "bag" it or saran wrap it. Best results are usually seen overnight.

Have you heard of Chicoro? I believe she's one of the few people that started this method. She's one of the best people to chat with about it.
I've ONLY baggyied my ends and yes.... it works wonders.

You seem to love coconut oil so I take it your not protein sensitive, as I've noticed many "baggying" ladies here have had to stop doing this method specifically because they are protein sensitive.

Here are the links:

I don't know if tiffers still does these Challeneges, but she seems to love this too. But I noticed they all baggy the whole head.
I have a friend to whom this happened as well.

She kept conditioner (Pantene in her hair over night,) and trimmed the next day,
Her hair was very much ok...

For her, and for yourself, it'll just be the shock of seeing the burnt areas... But it will definitely grow back
Glad you are OK, OP. Hair will grow back. I had a "friend" that was too vain to wear her glasses, when she came into the house I was in the kitchen, she flopped her jacket onto my table, which had a small candle in a glass jar burning. Let's just say, my dining room table was ruined.
Oh wow. Sorry OP. Almost happened to DD two days ago, my sis in law had real candles on her Christmas tree and my DD was looking for parcels with her name on it.
Buckeyecurlz Absolutely luv! I found some threads for you. Stick to doing this for the ends. You basically apply a good moisturizer, leave-in, and sealant to the ends of the hair and "bag" it or saran wrap it. Best results are usually seen overnight.

Have you heard of Chicoro? I believe she's one of the few people that started this method. She's one of the best people to chat with about it.
I've ONLY baggyied my ends and yes.... it works wonders.

You seem to love coconut oil so I take it your not protein sensitive, as I've noticed many "baggying" ladies here have had to stop doing this method specifically because they are protein sensitive.

Here are the links:

I don't know if tiffers still does these Challeneges, but she seems to love this too. But I noticed they all baggy the whole head.

Awe, thank you so much Solila for all of this helpful information, I'll definitely be trying out some of these methods!!!!
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Usually when I have a setback or think I have a set back and am scared to look... I buy a hair treat (usually a deep conditioner I have been wanting to try) to cheer myself up. After that I wash, trim hide, and pamper my hair for a few months. Usually by the time I'm ready to straighten or wear my hair down again my hair either looks like I never had a setback or it looks better than it was just before the setback because its longer or thicker. Maybe the same will work for you. So glad you caught it and it didn't burn your scalp or your face.
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:hug2: First glad you are ok! Second, I'd trim the sections that burned maybe about an inch, depending on how bad the damage was. Then I'd baby those sections as much as possible with conditioner, heavy sealing, DCing, and low manipulation.