My hair Smells Like a Perm

Re: My hair Spells Like a Perm

according to my co workers. It spells like burnt hair to me. I sweated out my hair yesterday. So I retouched up my hair with the maxi glide. I couldn't find my andis. When I came into work today, everyone was like what is that spell. My clear coworkers said it spells like a perm. My AA co-worker says it spells like the salon. It spells like burnt hair to me. :perplexed:perplexed Now I realize why I don't like maxi glide. It gives my hair the burnt spell. I don't get that odor with my trusted andis flat iron.

I think the odor was from the sweat mixed with the iron.

Then again, I dont know cause I dont own an Maxi-glide. I've never heard anyone say that it made their hair spell burnt.
Re: My hair Spells Like a Perm

I was also going to ask about the temp of the iron. I love my maxi, my hair never smells burnt after I straighten.
Re: My hair Spells Like a Perm

I think it might be damaging to your hair to iron it dirty? Seems like the salt crystals from the sweat might somehow react with the heat and give you a problem. Hence the smell.

(And please, folks...check your spelling for the good of the community. I thought I was having a stroke when I saw "spell" over and over. I was about to call 911.)
Re: My hair Spells Like a Perm

Ya'll are funny:lachen:, I thought it was a slang too after the third time.

My maxiglide don't give my hair the burnt smell.
:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen: @ spell.

Ok seriously now, if you flat iron sweaty hair expect your head will smell like a homeless person holding their booty open in front of a fan. :grin: :lachen:
CG, i know when i use the mg i get a smell too. i can't say it's a burnt smell cause i've smelt burnt hair before and it ain't nice but it does have a different scent to it.

i know my mg is functioning just fine and it has not been used much at all and when it is being used, it's on the lowest setting you can get without clicking it to the off position.

i think i'm so used to my hair smelling like conditioners, clays and other nice smelling things that it makes the heat smell stand out more (as in having an ultra sensitive nose).

do you think that's it?

i dunno girl. better be careful, don't want to hurt your hair.
No matter how low of a setting I flat iron on, I always have a light burny smell. It just doesn't seem to matter for me.
If you have been doing what your'e doing and getting better results with the andis, I say stick with that one.
Ok, so there is no explanation of why its spell rather than smell? anyone, anything? just reallllly curious here? and you guys are MEAN!:lachen: 6 spells, i counted there , this is scaring me:nono:
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This is curious. I wonder if there is something overheating in your iron? If weird smells come from your irons, it could be a malfunction. You should alert the manufacturer and get it replaced. Or maybe it's the heat protectant or whatever products you use when you iron that get burnt, that may be causing the smell? I ask because others have posted a similar experience sans dirty hair. BTW, "perm" smells a little like sulfur. Do you use sulfur products?
OP I understood the gist of your post

I agree with Med and maybe it's the iron if you've never had this happen before in this situation. Or maybe like someone else said, the setting was too high or it was a product in your hair.

I got a generic chi from sally's and I had the same problem on my hair (I actually saw smoke, and the setting was only in the 200's) I think it was my heat protectant.
Re: My hair Spells Like a Perm

I think the odor was from the sweat mixed with the iron.

Then again, I dont know cause I dont own an Maxi-glide. I've never heard anyone say that it made their hair spell burnt.
:lachen:, i just cant fathom..... why does this thread crack me up so badly, its always this word stuff that cracks me up, i remember my 8th grade teacher Mrs. Elman LOL was reading some word and she read it wrong by one letter and it sounded so funny , for like a year or more after whenever i remembered it , i'd start laughing.. i need help:spinning: but anyway someone , anyone , please what is "spell" doing wherever spell should be? Is it for good luck?? Or are you trying to put a "spell" on us??:look:
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Re: My hair Spells Like a Perm

:lachen:, i just cant fathom..... why does this thread crack me up so badly, its always this word stuff that cracks me up, i remember my 8th grade teacher Mrs. Elman LOL was reading some word and she read it wrong by one letter and it sounded so funny , for like a year or more after whenever i remembered it , i'd start laughing.. i need help:spinning: but anyway someone , anyone , please what is "spell" doing wherever spell should be? Is it for good luck?? Or are you trying to put a "spell" on us??:look:
I know it does:look::rolleyes:

Lol thx again btw:grin:
Country_Gal, maybe you are straightening your hair too much, and flat-ironing dirty hair could have been the reason for the smell as well.

I would recommend the Chi iron if you do not want burnt-smelling hair and if you want straightened hair that lasts longer where you do not have to re-straightened it.
:lol: Although this thread has made me giggle, I do think some of the posts were mean, also. Those posts wouldn't make me feel too good, :nono: but of course that's just me. I can be sensitive...and ot. :lol:
ooohhweee...this thread is a mess. :yep:

i would have to agree that i think that the smell is probably a result of you flat ironing dirty hair. sweaty hair, product build up...yeah.

out of curiousity, what is your technique when you do this (re-straighten)? do you add moisturizer, oil, heat protectant?