My friend has long hair and does absolutely nothing!!! What gives???


New Member
Her hair is almost waist length and she does nothing!!!! It is strong and beautiful and she eats like a pig, does not exercise, does not take vitamins. What gives?

I asked her the secret and she said washes her hair like once every 3 weeks and she uses GREASE!!! I told her I wash my hair everyday and she laughed and said that's why my hair isn't growing long. My hair is beyond shoulder length but compared to hers, I might as well be bald.

She told me dirt makes hair grow and I told her how ridiculous that statement was, but she just looked at me like the proof was in the pudding. I couldn't even say anything because she has some of the longest healthiest hair I have seen on a black woman.

She told me to give her way a try for a few months and I'm tempted to not wash my hair and to put grease in it.
carpediem628 said:
Her hair is almost waist length and she does nothing!!!! It is strong and beautiful and she eats like a pig, does not exercise, does not take vitamins. What gives?

I asked her the secret and she said washes her hair like once every 3 weeks and she uses GREASE!!! I told her I wash my hair everyday and she laughed and said that's why my hair isn't growing long. My hair is beyond shoulder length but compared to hers, I might as well be bald.

She told me dirt makes hair grow and I told her how ridiculous that statement was, but she just looked at me like the proof was in the pudding. I couldn't even say anything because she has some of the longest healthiest hair I have seen on a black woman.

She told me to give her way a try for a few months and I'm tempted to not wash my hair and to put grease in it.

My friend is the same way- I just think for some women it's genetic. I don't think you should stray from your regimen but I too am kinda tempted to try it.
It's just genetics. Not everyone has a secret that they keep to themselves. Some people are just fortunate that way.
carpediem628 said:
...She told me dirt makes hair grow and I told her how ridiculous that statement was, but she just looked at me like the proof was in the pudding.
I've heard that line before. It might work for some, but I doubt it will work for me. I would be scratching like a dog. I can't go more than two weeks without washing my hair.

I knew a woman who washed her daughter's natural hair twice a year. She cleansed her scalp with sea breeze every week or two. Her daughter had thick kinky hair down her back and her thick ponytails were so pretty...until she became a teenager and wrecked it.

There are a few exceptions to the rule.
Candiss said:
It's just genetics. Not everyone has a secret that they keep to themselves. Some people are just fortunate that way.

So not fair. She does not have what is considered by some to be "good hair" so to speak. She has thick course AA hair which is why it is so beautiful. Each strand is thick, lustrous and shiny. I asked her if her mother, sister or father had hair like that and she said no which is why I am tempted to try the "dirty" method. But instead of grease (since I now know better), I will use my mixture of MTG, Jamaican black castor oil, and essential oils.

I doubt that I will be able to stick to it because I like clean hair.
carpediem628 said:
Her hair is almost waist length and she does nothing!!!! It is strong and beautiful and she eats like a pig, does not exercise, does not take vitamins. What gives?

I asked her the secret and she said washes her hair like once every 3 weeks and she uses GREASE!!! I told her I wash my hair everyday and she laughed and said that's why my hair isn't growing long. My hair is beyond shoulder length but compared to hers, I might as well be bald.

She told me dirt makes hair grow and I told her how ridiculous that statement was, but she just looked at me like the proof was in the pudding. I couldn't even say anything because she has some of the longest healthiest hair I have seen on a black woman.

She told me to give her way a try for a few months and I'm tempted to not wash my hair and to put grease in it.

SOme people are just blessed. My niece and her mother don't do anything special to their hair...wash once a week, flat iron, and wrap at night. My nieces hair is to her bra-strap and my sis in law's hair is currently cut short but grows like a weed and in years past has been midback...and she curls it everyday without heat protectant. She actually sprays hairspray on each piece before she curls it!!! Its thick and healthy!
wow - i know some gals like that - i think it may be just a matter of low manipulation too. + genetics as well like determined to grow said.
Candiss said:
It's just genetics. Not everyone has a secret that they keep to themselves. Some people are just fortunate that way.
I have to agree with this.
Some people can grow nails without doing anything
Some people are naturally skinny and toned without doing anything
Some people have great teeth without doing anything
and Some people have long, thick healthy hair without doing anything.

I really think genetics has 80% -90% with how long our hair will grow and how healthy it will be.
carpediem628 said:
So not fair. She does not have what is considered by some to be "good hair" so to speak. She has thick course AA hair which is why it is so beautiful. Each strand is thick, lustrous and shiny. I asked her if her mother, sister or father had hair like that and she said no which is why I am tempted to try the "dirty" method. But instead of grease (since I now know better), I will use my mixture of MTG, Jamaican black castor oil, and essential oils.

I doubt that I will be able to stick to it because I like clean hair.

I agree with the other ladies who say it's genetics. Plus, the fact that her hair strands are thick probably plays a role. It probably makes her hair harder to break. Then, washing it only every three weeks means less manipulation and therefore less stress on the hair. I don't think dirt makes her hair grow, I think she just has natuarally stronger hair. I wouldn't advise following her regimen. If yours is working for you, I would stick with it.
SweetNic_JA said:
I have to agree with this.
Some people can grow nails without doing anything
Some people are naturally skinny and toned without doing anything
Some people have great teeth without doing anything
and Some people have long, thick healthy hair without doing anything.

I really think genetics has 80% -90% with how long our hair will grow and how healthy it will be.

shunta said:
I agree about the genetics thing. Whats her hair type? Is it type 4?

I've never taken the time to figure out hair types so I don't know. But I can tell it would be very coarse if she didn't relax it because of how thick those strands are even with a relaxer.
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Grease is the shiznit I tell ya! I always go back and forth with daily washing and infrequent washing. Infrequent washing always wins hands down! :)
I believe grease aids in hair length retainage because it protects the hair from breakage. Grease is my number 1 staple! :yep:
SweetNic_JA said:
I have to agree with this.
Some people can grow nails without doing anything
Some people are naturally skinny and toned without doing anything
Some people have great teeth without doing anything
and Some people have long, thick healthy hair without doing anything.

I really think genetics has 80% -90% with how long our hair will grow and how healthy it will be.

I have always grown long and strong nails and i don't do anything to them.
After i had my son they grow even faster then they did before.
Poohbear said:
Grease is the shiznit I tell ya! I always go back and forth with daily washing and infrequent washing. Infrequent washing always wins hands down! :)
I believe grease aids in hair length retainage because it protects the hair from breakage. Grease is my number 1 staple! :yep:

Your avatar is BANGIN!
Poohbear said:
Grease is the shiznit I tell ya! I always go back and forth with daily washing and infrequent washing. Infrequent washing always wins hands down! :)
I believe grease aids in hair length retainage because it protects the hair from breakage. Grease is my number 1 staple! :yep:

I use grease on my very ends after washing and I won't give this up.
my sisters hair is the same way...she hardly ever washes her hair..the only time she gets a relaxer is whenever i go home which is around the she probably is getting on average of 4 to 5 relaxers a year maybe less...she just started washing her mom hates to wash her hair because its so thick and it takes so long...she has i wouldnt say BSL but shes a couple of inches from it....she just moisturizes she use to use pink moisturizer(i used to hate the smell and the texture of this stuff because it was so so water)not sure what she is using now...i think she took my Keracare creme the last time she came down to visit...little *****...she takes her hair and throws it back in a night she covers it with a satin bonnet....combs thru it in the morning and puts it back a pony heat at all...when i ask her if she wants me to curl it...she says no...and thats basically it...she doesnt take vitamins at all....she is now exercising and dieting..but she has never had her hair cut not one time and she is 22 now...i want to get her to my stylist so bad because i know i cant do her hair the same way my stylist could do it....
I agree with most here saying its genetics mostly but dirt (or not manipulating the hair) is the main reason. My mother hair is long, it grows even longer if she doesnt cut it every few months but I swear she washes her hair every month or so. She wears pony's everyday and probably hot curls it every other week but other than that its in a ponytail.
carpediem628 said:
So not fair. She does not have what is considered by some to be "good hair" so to speak. She has thick course AA hair which is why it is so beautiful. Each strand is thick, lustrous and shiny. I asked her if her mother, sister or father had hair like that and she said no which is why I am tempted to try the "dirty" method. But instead of grease (since I now know better), I will use my mixture of MTG, Jamaican black castor oil, and essential oils.

I doubt that I will be able to stick to it because I like clean hair.
I really don't believe this "dirt make your hair grow stuff". You have to remember that when it comes to hair growth we are talking about what is going on genetically to make the hair hair and what is going on at the hair ends to make you RETAIN growth. So what is it about grease and dirt that contributes to either what's going in the body or what's going on at the hair ends. I think you should concentrate on those things. Maybe the fact that she doesn't manipulate the hair a lot has allowed her to grow it fast in addition to genetics. Also remember, genetics skip around, there are a million+ combinations of genes, DNA that get passed around in the family. Maybe she received the grow hair long gene and the others in the family didn't. I just think that someone who has long hair and does nothing is dealing with some genetics. Most women I know that can and have grown hair very long wash every week/2 weeks if not everyday.
Candiss said:
I really don't believe this "dirt make your hair grow stuff". You have to remember that when it comes to hair growth we are talking about what is going on genetically to make the hair hair and what is going on at the hair ends to make you RETAIN growth. So what is it about grease and dirt that contributes to either what's going in the body or what's going on at the hair ends. I think you should concentrate on those things. Maybe the fact that she doesn't manipulate the hair a lot has allowed her to grow it fast in addition to genetics. Also remember, genetics skip around, there are a million+ combinations of genes, DNA that get passed around in the family. Maybe she received the grow hair long gene and the others in the family didn't. I just think that someone who has long hair and does nothing is dealing with some genetics. Most women I know that can and have grown hair very long wash every week/2 weeks if not everyday.
My thoughts exactly. It is NOT the dirt! Trust!
I agree with Candiss. It's not the dirt that's making her hair "grow"...I'd venture to guess that the two of you grow hair at the same rate. She probably retains more of it because of LACK OF MANIPULATION. Many of us underestimate the power of leaving our hair alone.

Sometimes, less is more.

ArizonaBeauty said:
I agree with most here saying its genetics mostly but dirt (or not manipulating the hair) is the main reason. My mother hair is long, it grows even longer if she doesnt cut it every few months but I swear she washes her hair every month or so. She wears pony's everyday and probably hot curls it every other week but other than that its in a ponytail.
I agree w/ this statement. It's definitely lack of manipulation and grease that's allowing for growth retention for the hair. But I do think that the infrequent washing allows for natural oils nurture that root. So, it's not so much the dirt, but the time.

With that said, I'm going to take her friend's challenge and try the grease + infrequent washing thing for a few months or so and see what's up. :yep:
I believe it. My mother always tells me about simple care. She reminds me that as a child she would just put light grease on my hair. Back then my hair was almost to my waist...
Yep I totally agree... Plus the fact that she never does anything with i'm assuming that it isn't relaxed too often, which is another reason why her hair is strong and isn't damaged.

I think this method is one of the proven methods to growing hair (as well as bunning/protective styling), but it is just a matter of finding a method that fits your lifestyle and committing to it. Unfortunately i'm not willing to commit to this nor protective styling. :ohwell: I suck!

itismehmmkay said:
I agree w/ this statement. It's definitely lack of manipulation and grease that's allowing for growth retention for the hair. But I do think that the infrequent washing allows for natural oils nurture that root. So, it's not so much the dirt, but the time.

With that said, I'm going to take her friend's challenge and try the grease + infrequent washing thing for a few months or so and see what's up. :yep:
my friend and her sisters' hair are like that. they don't do anything to them and they have at least APL hair or longer. they don't know crap about haircare cause 2 of them had hair that used to be so healthy and now it's damaged and they don't know how to fix it (their hair is shoulder length). i told them to learn to do their own hair and they gave me a blank look so i retreated back to my corner...
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Well let me chime in, my younger sister has long thick bsl hair. She swears that wearing her hair in braids for three months without washing (twice a year) and when she has a press, slicking it down with grease in a pony tail after the style "falls" is the best way to grow hair. She doesn't wash her hair except maybe once a month.

She has me convinced. Because I am a weekly washer, who does protective styling, uses no grease (although I oil my scalp with essential oils) and my hair grows soooo slowly that it might as well not be growing at all. I even take vitamins, exercise regularly and baby my hair.

So I said for the month of washing at all. I will wash one time for a special occasion but other than that...I'm on this challenge.

I've taken it before and gained 2 inches extra. I think it's the natural oils that condition the roots of your hair and encourage growth, not to mention low manipulation (if any at all).
I have 3 sisters ALL have always had long hair except for me. :confused: I've just gotten used to being the tack head sister... :perplexed o well. Some people don't need to try.....
I think we should start a Wash Your Hair Every Two Weeks challenge. I was going to wash my hair tomorrow but if I wait until the 18th it'll make two weeks. That's what my momma did when I was a kid and I had very thick hair. I'm not sure about grease, though. I did love me some Blue Magic Coconut Oil grease. I might incorporate that into my ends oiling routine.