My first shoutout: kombovdymond!


New Member
Talk about INSPIRATION! I just happened to be reading a thread about best practices for twistouts/braidouts, and kombovdymond responded to that post. I took the liberty of checking out her fotki and was absolutely BLOWN AWAY!

I have been inspired by many BSL and WL divas on this board but kombovdymond's hair, seems most like my own. When I looked at her fotki, one of the shots showed a bun pulled up to the top of her head. There were no 3c waves or anything like that, just hair. By no means am I downing those ladies who have waves, I'm just saying that kombovdymond's hair is similar to my own.

As I progressed through her fotki (BTW, she's been stylist free for years!), I felt a kinship with her. See, I sometimes get discouraged when I see fotkis where some women have "fine hair" tendencies, and I attribute their growth to other things that I won't mention. But, seeing KD's hair gave me more hope and motivation, than I've had in a long time! Again, I'm not taking anything away from the other fotkis I've viewed, I was just pleasantly surprised to see someone who takes care of her own hair (as I do), and whose texture is imilar to mine, grow her hair to such great lengths!

Kombovdymond, when I grow up, I want my hair to grow just as long as yours! Thank you, for the inspiration!

BTW, what do you do for trims? I noticed in one of the pics you posted, that your growth was trim-free! Please share what you're doing for those of us whose hair is like yours and that she maintains at home. TIA!