My First Braidout - Natural 4B *pics*

I tried a braidout two weeks ago and it came out horrible. I am inspired to try again now.

When you do the rinses do you rinse them out with cool water too or do you just leave it in? I really hope I have not been doing rinses wrong all this time. :( Also, do you mix the two cups of acv with water? Acv has such a strong smell I didn't know you could use that much. I will have to try your method.
I tried a braidout two weeks ago and it came out horrible. I am inspired to try again now.

When you do the rinses do you rinse them out with cool water too or do you just leave it in? I really hope I have not been doing rinses wrong all this time. :( Also, do you mix the two cups of acv with water? Acv has such a strong smell I didn't know you could use that much. I will have to try your method.

When I did the rinses I left the rinse in my hair, but that is totally up to you, I am sure you are still getting the benefits after rinsing. I mix the ACV with water...I do half ACV and Distilled water.
Very Pretty! But how did you get your hair so smooth? I'm a 4a and can't get mine that smooth.

I didn't do anything really special, I think it was the rinsing...I THOUGHT I had the most unruly hair ever until I started playing around with different herbs, and oils. I used minimal product, (the formulas I listed) and that is just how it came out. I think it was all of the commercial products I was using that made my hair so difficult, the more I cut out the commercial crap, the better my hair felt.
Ok, so I did my first braidout last night. Well really, this was my second one, but who is counting. I bought perm rods so that the ends of my hair wouldn't be straight...I scrapped that idea shortly after because I couldn't figure out how to put them on for the life of me. :lachen:

I was inspired by all of the beautiful braidouts I have seen on this forum! I still have a loooonng way to go though, as I would like more length, and fullness, and of course, those crazy ends to be curly. The pictures were taken shortly after, but BEFORE finger styling, and separating. Next time I will use rollers instead of trying to figure out those

I washed my hair with KeraCare Hydrating Shampoo

DC'd with Ors Olive Oil Replenishing Pak for about one hour without heat

After DC'ing I rinsed with cold water

I prepared an herbal tea infusion using equal amounts of Hibiscus, Fenugreek, and Maka powder. To do this I put all of the powders in a bowl, added boiling water, and I let it steep for about 10 minutes, after that I strained this mixture through cheesecloth.

After straining, I poured the mixture directly over my head.

I followed this up with about 2 cups of Apple Cider Vinegar and water (equal parts..I forgot to mention this earlier...saawwwwy). This makes my hair manageable, closes the cuticle, which in turn makes for very shiny tresses. It also acts as a detangler, and Acv is very close to the PH balance of our hair, which wards off effects of hard water. I do not poo without it, as my water is very hard.

After doing these rinses, I towel dry, section my hair, and spritz a homemade solution consisting of Aloe Vera Juice, Distilled Water, Sodium Lactate, Panthenol, and Lecithin. I use this as an additional detangler and leave in moisturizer. I braided my hair in about 25 individual plaits, after braiding I put a little Camellia and Bhringraj oil in my hand, and rubbed my hands up and down each braid.

Put a scarf on my head and went to sleep :)





I LOVE IT!! It looks amazing!!!!