My Favorite Part of Every day is.....


New Member
When I get to apply my Vatika Coconut oil at night. My hair feels SO good with this stuff. And it makes my hair smell like soap :D It feels more like a serum than an oil. My hair NEVER feels oily it just soaks it right up. I kept continuing to apply this and it stopped my breakage from my Henna treatment. I've never had anything that I wanted to put in my hair like this because I press. If you haven't gotten on this stuff yet you're missing out. OMG
I love it too. I apply it in the morning after my morning hair shower. I use it two or three times a week. If I don't apply this, I'm applying coconut oil or amla oil. Amla oil has a coconut base as well, so I guess I just love coconut oil!:grin:
I understand where you are coming from:yep:. I apply it to my hair every night as well and my hair feels and smells divine.
i apply it to my hair at night the day i wash and flat iron my hair. after that it solidifies again so i just use vatika frosting or coconut oil. but i also use vatika oil to oil rinse with and i love it. hate the smell though so i only use it at night.
...Waking up with my hair still as silky as it was when I went to bed. :yep:

When I was still using products with silicones, my hair would always look and feel somewhat nice after I straightened it at night...until the next morning and it would be back to being dry and tangled as tumbleweed, if not more. It makes me happy because I know my hair is healthy!
...Waking up with my hair still as silky as it was when I went to bed. :yep:

When I was still using products with silicones, my hair would always look and feel somewhat nice after I straightened it at night...until the next morning and it would be back to being dry and tangled as tumbleweed, if not more. It makes me happy because I know my hair is healthy!

That's exactly how it is when I wake up now! First time ever. My hair looks shiny and healthy, and still silky when I unrap it in the morning. Each day I apply it it looks healthier and healthier, and everytime I smell my hands it smells like soap. So weird. It stinks coming out the bottle but smells like soap later. So weird. lol! I'm in love. I wish I'd invented this stuff
Cosigning with supermodelsonya...I put my MT on every other day, but that scalp massage is probably my favorite part of the process, although I do love the smell of the MT; it makes me want a pina colada (stoopid laptop won't let me put a tilde on that "n"!!!) :)