My Father Passed Away


New Member
We had his funeral this past Saturday. I didn't think I could handle it but God is so good that not only did I make it through I song at his funeral.

My father would call me to sing before he would preach and my brother thought if I was up to it singing one last time would be nice.

I still have some tears to shed but overall I'm doing good and I thank God for that.

I thank all that prayed for me during this time because I know your prayers got me through.

Love ya
Dearest Dreamer,

My sincerest heartfelt condolences for you and your family at this sad time. I wish you peace and beautiful loving memories and the joy of knowing that you will 'see' him again with Jesus. :giveheart:

Aww, sweetie. I was hoping to see you while you were in Memphis, but I don't think I had the correct contact number for you.:nono:

We love you Dreamer!:kiss:
I am so sorry for your loss.

...extending my deepest condolences to you and your family. May God bless you and yours.
It's sooo beautiful that you were able to sing for him one last time (or at least until you meet again). :grin: May God keep you and continue to stengthen you.
God will sustain you. I know b/c when my mother passed away he sustained me.

Remember: "Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints." Psalm 116:15
My condolences to you on your dad's passing. And I want to add that I am so proud of you, that you while in your own time of grief, were able to sing for your father one last time. That is so beautiful. To God be the glory.
I'm back at home, but I'll be coming back and then I'll be able to visit.

I just didn't have any time this time.

Definately next time.

I understand....I just wanted to make sure you knew I was available for you and your family if you needed me.:yep:
So sorry to hear about the new and thankful how God was your strength. Love ya in Jesus.