My Mom Passed Away.

Oh Blazingthru! My eyes weep with you. I know.......I know......Almost the same thing with mine. My heart is right now knitted with yours. She knew you loved her. The words are good but the actions, the looks, the laughs, the conversations, the silences......they all convey what words can never express. On angels wings she has flown. Imagine her never hurting again and having all of her faculties....watching you as you move through life, being proud of you. Knowing that she had so much to do with who you are. Crying now with you.

Thank you, I never imagine I would be this emotional. I had forgotten all that I did for my mom. My sister and brother and my children reminded me, but in my heart. I think I would have felt much better if I had went to see her Friday. i know that honestly, nothing will make me feel better. Now i understand the pain. I know what it feels like, we know its coming but always thinking we have a little more time. I cherish my father every single day. today, family fly in I am worried about the things they will do, please pray for me to have strength and patience. i know they will upset my dad. i hope and pray they come to comfort him and look after him so we can finish doing what we need to do.
@blazingthru, your mom knew how much you loved and cared for her. You have my heartfelt sympathy at this time of loss. I pray that God's peace will rest upon your entire family and that all will go well over the next few days.

Give yourself and your family members time and space to grieve--remember, they lost their loved one too and everyone grieves differently.

Let yourself off the hook for missing one day in visiting your mom. Nothing happens by accident and not forgiving yourself gives Satan a foothold to torture you with feelings of guilt and shame. From what you have described, you were good to your mom and very patient with her. Take good care of your dad and yourself. He will need to lean on you even more at this time.

Psalm 46:1 God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. May you find comfort in God's loving arms. God bless you.
Have my deepest sympathies. I know what it's like since I lost mine several years ago. I pray that God strengthens you during your time of bereavement.
Thank you everyone, I treasure everything you have to say. It has helped me stay focused, stay alert and helpful, even when I didn't want too. My mom is in the ground and now I can start to work on healing. I returned to work yesterday for the first time since all this happen, everyone was so very kind to me. I appreciated that. They all signed a card and some shared that they had lost their mom too. I sent everyone an email letting them know that I appreciated all that they had done, and that I am working through it. If they see me crying, ignore me, you all know why. that I was ok and didn't need anything. They all understood. So far its been a good two days back in the office.

At first I wasn't going to post, but I needed to say what was hurting me and I felt that my family could not understand. I wanted to say to my mom, that I loved her before she passed from this life. I hadn't said it the entire week. I didn't look back when I left the rehab and that was the last image I have of my mother alive. Its so hard for me to bear. But I was obedient and respectful to her. If I sounded like I wasn't I immediately apologized. She was my mom, you only get one mother, treasure her, even if she is terrible. God blesses those who honor their parents, with long life. If only is all I have left, but I know the Devil does this thing to you to keep you off focused. I am completely on focus, I just wish she had more time with us. But I appreciate you guys very much. I usually do not go into these type of threads, I am usually at a loss for words, but I will. Encouragement can't be beat. Thank you so much for positive feed back, for your prayers and thoughtful words.

it will be a long while for me to get over my mom. I loved her and did all I could do becasue i know you only get one. If not for her there is no me.
My mom was living on borrowed time and i kept forgetting that. I was blessed that I lived with my mother for the past almost three years. She would come into my room without knocking asking me what I was doing. She would leave and come back thirty minutes later and ask me the same question and i would pause and say what I had said earlier. She was a hoot. She had a stroke in 2012 and lost her voice, she could talk we just could not understand her and we all tried hard to figure out what she was saying, It was hard. Sometimes it was very hard and sometimes it was easy as pie. She would end up going back to the hospital and staying close to a month at time for illness that we could not catch she would say she doesn't feel well, but could not tell us what was bothering her. Eventually, it would get so bad we had to call an ambulance and still not know what was wrong. Shes been great since I went back to work, not ending up in the hospital for 2 years. but she developed a UTI and UTI' s are dangerous in the elderly, my mother was only 75 years old. We were set to go on vacation next month and she got sick, my dad called me at work to tell me she had to go to the hospital and that this may be the end for her and through my shock I raced to be with her but before we got to the hospital she recovered quickly. I spent the day with her anyway. Then I went back to work, she just had a UTI and will have to stay a bit, but will be fine. But since she came in mirroring a stroke she went to ICU and then eventually to her room. I came up a few times, and more when she went to rehab, in Rehab she was trying to escape and that is not my mom. I was shocked at that. So during this time, she wasn't being very friendly, now I know it was she just wanted to go home. But couldn't yet, we had to make sure she could balance herself and go up and down the stairs and we found out she would go home this Tuesday and so I didn't go and see her on Friday, I planned to go see her on Saturday morning. but waiting for my daughters to come to the house which they did we didn't get ready right away. What I didn't know was when my daughters arrived. My mom had already passed. they worked on her for 2 hours. Didn't call us. Finally they called us and ask us to come to the hospital and told us that she had passed and we were in total and complete shock, Shock. I am having the hardest time forgiving myself for not seeing her on Friday for not kissing her and telling her I Love her that one time. I was upset when I left her becasue she wasn't really interested in us and kept leaving us and so I said bye Mom i'll see you tomorrow, and I didn't come the next day. I got home to late from work. She passed away and I can't say those words to her again. I won't see her when I come home from work, she was always sitting in her chair and looking for me, everyday. my mom has 7 children, but I was the sentimental child and I was always here with my parents. I didn't get in my mothers face, she is from the south, not very affectionate but we were always a close knit family. I have things at my house or my church or my functions and they would come and be apart and I would come and be apart of theirs. I did really good by my mother, but oh I could have done so much more, I could have. We will lay my mom to rest Monday, June 19th. I have had barely five minutes without weeping for my mom. I am doing everything I need to do, but she was my connection to who I am and now its broken and I find it unbearable. The things I would say to her if she was still here. My dad said that I have done all a daughter should do for her mom. I should have no regrets, but I do, there was more I could have done, but I loved my mother, I hoped she knew that
I know, I so know this. I am so going to miss that little ole lady.

Hello precious. I have not been on
The board for few days. I am so sorry for the loss of your mother. God will walk you through it. I see your dad said you had done a good job. I am thankful,for the time you had with her. You had a situation to be with her and spend time with her prior to her departure That is priceless. It also adds to your comfort. Cast your care on him. Slide the care off and wear the rest as a loose garment. Love ya. Post any time. felic1. My. Parents wedding anniversary was,june 19. It would have been 63 years:bighug:
Thank you Shimmie, I am not even trying to hold back my tears. I been blessed, I had my mother for a long time. I know there really is never enough time. The wake is Sunday, I am hoping I keep it together.
Dearest Blaz...❤

You are still in my heart and prayers, Dear One ❤

Life or better God's plan for us is so hard to understand at times. I was going through a divorce,(still married ya'll!) I ended up moving to my parents house, I wasn't happy about it, they have a beautiful home in a beautiful neighborhood, city etc., so I was so blessed to come here. All I could see was what I lost, not the peace and tranquility I had here and the time to just be me and not Mommy. What a blessing. Then to know that I was here everyday with my Mom and she wasn't sick for two years was a blessing. I am glad I had that time with her before she passed. I am making my way through everyday. I am grateful that God gave me that. Yes I weep daily for my mom, but its not as bad as it was. its pretty much once or twice a day. we haven't cleaned out her things and when we do that will be a difficult task, none of us are looking forward to it at all. Thank you so much for your prayers, kind words everyone.
Big hugs for your heart and your hurt. I pray that you feel God's presence as you reconcile with her transition. You are so richly blessed to have spent such precious moments with her. May the Lord grant you peace and comfort <3
@blazingthru ... How are you doing, sis?
Hey Laela,
I am well, I am not hurting as much. That part I can't explain to well. I miss her very much. We all do we all have our moments here and there, but I am doing well. Its exactly two months since we buried her today. I and my family talk of her often we still can't believe it. but we all are moving on. We all have different beliefs and so we all grieve differently. I keep going over that day and wanting to ask her what happen. I am so crazy. I still come home to tell her what so and so said about her, we are still getting cards from all the churches my dad pastor in some are just getting the notice, we still get stopped when we go to certain stores she and my father shopped in. They would come and ask about her and said we haven't seen her where is she and I break down. I would say see mom you were wrong. She would always say she didn't have anybody, it was weird that she did that when she was always surrounded by family members.
I believe my mother is asleep, death is a dreamless sleep and so I don't believe she is in heaven. I believe she is sleeping in her grave and I use to want to get others to see it but I realize now that I am going through it, this probably would not be the best time to be like that. So I am silent when some one is grieving unless they ask me directly. No one knows what your going through unless they go through themselves.

I am back to studying and working and dealing with life issues, with my grown children. Back to being exhausted everyday.
I just want to do something strange before I pass from this earth, not for me for someone else. I want to be able to say it was all worth it. My mom's death made me realize how very short life is and we should not waste it on foolishness.
Thank you so much for asking.
@blazingthru im so sorry for your loss...Time heals all wounds...I hope you're feeling better**ehugs**

I am doing better, thank you kindly. We are planning a huge BBQ for our family gathering. I've been traveling and relaxing in Miami and heading back to Alabamy for a wedding and so I am doing well. Its not easy, but I am getting through, thank you.
Blazingthru, I pray that our Lord Jesus Christ will heal your heart as only He is able to do.
Thank you. you know that is why we can get through really hard and difficult task we know that Jesus is truly our rock, I am watching others grieve and its shocking to me, I have hope. I can't imagine my life without it. I see the destruction folks do to themselves and others without having faith in the Lord, worst these people haven't missed services in years and are still behaving strangely over someones death. Its truly sad. I miss my mom and I am sorry she went so quickly, I fear that I will always feel that way even if she passed at 90. I've been blessed to have my mom as long as I have. I have hope in my heart that I will see her again one day. thank you so much