My nephew just ran away

I talk to the mother today and she told me the boy was giving her a hard time. He was good at school and within a year everything went bad. She said that he doesn't listen to her and it was too hard for her to handle.
Now she want him back but the father told that this will not happen.

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Ok that's children,she sounds like someone who has attachment issues and perhaps this is the cause his attention seeking behavior . Parents need to be responsible and make sure to provide the best environment for their children , plenty of love,listening,wisdom together with discipline.
The father might not be the best option for him although it's positive that he accepted the responsability of raising him,perhaps the mother thought a father figure would be able to discipline him better ,however ,she s failing completley .
I kinda hate to ask this...but do you think someone abused him? They definitely need to talk with his pediatrician.

I don't know. I thought about it too and I tried to ask if everything was ok at the mother's house and he said yes. I didn't insist because I don't really know how to bring this kind of subject specialy with a Child. I will ask his father if he doesn't want him to see a psychologist.

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I don't know. I thought about it too and I tried to ask if everything was ok at the mother's house and he said yes. I didn't insist because I don't really know how to bring this kind of subject specialy with a Child. I will ask his father if he doesn't want him to see a psychologist.

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I have prayed for your nephew.

I was wondering about abuse also. Prepare yourself with knowledge of what to do in case he has been abused. He will need an advocate (someone who would stand by him) and his parents may not know how to deal with it. I pray God give you wisdom in the matter. You have an amazing heart.
Heavenly Father,

Thank You for this precious young man who will grow to be an awesome man of God. Lord, this young man already has Your word written in his heart and he is developing in his faith. I pray Lord that You comfort him, step into whatever pain he has, fill him with the desire to turn to You and his loved ones when he needs to share his feelings. Lord, I pray that he will no longer have a desire to run away, and that his father will take his son's feelings seriously and sincerely listen to him. I pray for restored relationships, and for freedom and release from feelings of abandonment, hopelessness, fear, anger, bitterness, self-pity, or low self esteem. These things are used by the enemy to oppress and cause shame. Lord, we know these things to be lies from the very pit of hell and I pray that this precious young boy is free from these strongholds right now in the name of Jesus. Lord, I pray that the truth will be revealed to this young man's parents (both good and bad) and that the root cause of the dramatic change in him will be made clear. I also thank you for his precious auntie who obviously loves him and is helping to facilitate healing in her family via her prayers and the very peace that You have given her. May You richly bless her for choosing to reach out her hand to help a child. Bless this entire family Lord. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.
I am glad your nephew is safe. Its so good when you have people who love and care for you.

Boy do I remember those years. I wanted to run away a number of times but thinking about the harm that may come to me and how hurt or mad my parents would be I decided not to. As the oldest I wasn't rebellious I just felt misunderstood. Plus my parents were going through it (the beginnings of a divorce) so they didn't have time to coddle me. I didn't have an older sibling to confide in or an older relative. I am the oldest child on my dad's side and the oldest girl on my mom's. My older cousin on my mom's side lived 1000 miles away and was already in college. Looking back I should have called him.

I think 12-18 is an age of extreme awkwardness in kids. I had started puberty (right before turning 13) later than my friends and still looked like a child (at 32 and a college professor I am often mistaken for an undergrad). But my mind was maturing fast.....

Plus, your nephew hears: My mom sends me away (in his mind: she doesn't want me or is disappointed in me)....Whatever I am doing to my dad is aggravating him---you know men have LESS patience---so (in his mind: maybe I am too much or he doesn't want me either)---we don't know if his dad had been threatening to send him back or away...

BTW: I LOOOOOVVVVE His faith! Faith makes you bold. But he just needs attention and love. Its harder with his dad (men) if you ever talk with his dad...a reminder that patience is needed, and a reminder of him of himself at that age may help!