My experience with Ulta yesterday


Well-Known Member
As I cruised down the aisle looking at all of the products they had and thinking how the store reminds me so much of Sephora, I stopped dead in my tracks and saw they had a full service salon up in there! Well I went to this lady who was black and who had a fly short spiked hair cut. I guess I was just naturally drawn to her b/c...well, she was black :look: Anyway, she gave me a coupon and was like 'you don't have a relaxer.' I was like no. Then she said 'I can tell with all of the *uneasy pause*..... curly hair.' I immediately felt uneasy for her b/c she almost put her foot in her mouth. She caught herself. I really believe she was going to say 'with all of that nappy hair' (in a negative way). Ofcourse she eased the comment in, 'when are you going to let me press your hair?' I was like my presses don't last. She said 'who pressed it and it didn't last? You?' I was like no. I just left. I was actually going to inquire about her cutting my hair, but she put her foot in her mouth. Nothing wrong with pressing, heck I made an appointment on the 28th with someone else for this service, but I HATE when a stylist tells me what they think should be done when I am not being consulted. It makes me feel they are not confident in their craft when they suggest that I relax or press my hair.

Just wanted to vent. This is the reason why I will be flying to NY for my major hair salon appointments.
As I cruised down the aisle looking at all of the products they had and thinking how the store reminds me so much of Sephora, I stopped dead in my tracks and saw they had a full service salon up in there! Well I went to this lady who was black and who had a fly short spiked hair cut. I guess I was just naturally drawn to her b/c...well, she was black :look: Anyway, she gave me a coupon and was like 'you don't have a relaxer.' I was like no. Then she said 'I can tell with all of the *uneasy pause*..... curly hair.' I immediately felt uneasy for her b/c she almost put her foot in her mouth. She caught herself. I really believe she was going to say 'with all of that nappy hair' (in a negative way). Ofcourse she eased the comment in, 'when are you going to let me press your hair?' I was like my presses don't last. She said 'who pressed it and it didn't last? You?' I was like no. I just left. I was actually going to inquire about her cutting my hair, but she put her foot in her mouth. Nothing wrong with pressing, heck I made an appointment on the 28th with someone else for this service, but I HATE when a stylist tells me what they think should be done when I am not being consulted. It makes me feel they are not confident in their craft when they suggest that I relax or press my hair.

Just wanted to vent. This is the reason why I will be flying to NY for my major hair salon appointments.

First of all, your hair is georgeous. She's probably just hating because without those pressing and perms to make that spiked do she had, she'd probably look a mess! Anyway, I DO NOT like Ulta. They are bugious (buggie-however you spell it) The last time I was in there (I went to a suburban one in a mostly white neighborhood close to Philly), I was followed, VERY obviously I might add, by some young white chick who was conveniently "tending to" the shelves-in every isle I was in. I get enough of that in the BSS stores. Long story short, I let them know that they are not the only ones with money and they are racist and that I will never shop there again. I went all the way up to the national office. I didn't like that one bit. For all the money you spend in there, your shopping experience should be a good one, no matter what color or class you are. You did the right thing. I wish I would pay for someones' services who looks down their nose at me. She seems like the type that would mess your hair up because she's a hater.
Awww...I'm sorry you had a negative experience there; I very seldom go to the one in my neighborhood. I stick to Sephora. Your hair looks very pretty and city chic in your siggy.:yep:
Wow! How rude of her!! Sometimes I can't believe the nerve of some people.

Your hair is so beautiful and I can't imagine anyone recommending that you press it.
I can't beleive anyone would do or say anything short of gushing over your hair....For the first time I will use the H word...She's a HATER!!!!:eek:
I'm sorry you had a bad experience at Ulta.

I've only been to Ulta was one time last year. I had a good experience. I bought some bare essentials makeup just to try on my face (which I later returned to the store since I'm not a makeup girl :lol:). The white lady that rung me up gave me a positive comment on my hair. She said "Your hair is gorgeous! I just love your hair!" I had my hair in a big fluffy undefined twistout. Then I had to show her my driver's license for my check, and she saw my picture on there with relaxed hair. She said "Your hair looks nice on your driver's license, but I like your hair better now." :)
As much as I like Ulta, their customer service is not up to par with other stores. Many of their employees could benefit from customer relations classes.
I had a horrible experience at ulta. He did a half way decent job on my hair (highlighting) but this topics of conversation were highly inappropriate. I was tempted to speak with the manager on my way out. :perplexed

I'm glad you walked out.
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I find Sephora to be very saddity. I would love to have your hair. I'm sorry this happened to you.
As I cruised down the aisle looking at all of the products they had and thinking how the store reminds me so much of Sephora, I stopped dead in my tracks and saw they had a full service salon up in there! Well I went to this lady who was black and who had a fly short spiked hair cut. I guess I was just naturally drawn to her b/c...well, she was black :look: Anyway, she gave me a coupon and was like 'you don't have a relaxer.' I was like no. Then she said 'I can tell with all of the *uneasy pause*..... curly hair.' I immediately felt uneasy for her b/c she almost put her foot in her mouth. She caught herself. I really believe she was going to say 'with all of that nappy hair' (in a negative way). Ofcourse she eased the comment in, 'when are you going to let me press your hair?' I was like my presses don't last. She said 'who pressed it and it didn't last? You?' I was like no. I just left. I was actually going to inquire about her cutting my hair, but she put her foot in her mouth. Nothing wrong with pressing, heck I made an appointment on the 28th with someone else for this service, but I HATE when a stylist tells me what they think should be done when I am not being consulted. It makes me feel they are not confident in their craft when they suggest that I relax or press my hair.

Just wanted to vent. This is the reason why I will be flying to NY for my major hair salon appointments.

Did homegirl have her glasses on? :lachen:
Your hair is BEAUTIFUL...and I am so sorry that RUDE woman acted the way she did...forget her...:nono::nono:...your hair is healthy and beautiful...:yep:
You have such beautiful hair. She was probably intimidated by the idea of managing all of that natural hair, because I doubt she's ever seen any that long on a Black woman especially with it not being in a relaxed state.

A lot of hairstylists cannot deal with natural hair. I think it can be a rare blessing to find a stylist who is good at working with natural hair while loving it at the same time!
Hmm, I might have to check out the new Ulta here but I definitely know I won't be having any services done. The PJ in me wants to check out the goods.
Wow, that's surprising. I've shopped in Ulta in 3 different states and I've never had any issues. I've never gotten my hair done there, just bought products. I am the queen of using those coupons to get my PM products.
That is CRAZY!!! I would have been hot. Glad you left. I always thought Ulta was a step down from Sephora. That store never won me over.