My Edges Are Ugly =(


Well-Known Member
In my other post I posted how I had gained an inch and a half in the last 2 weeks. Well, that kinda growth will do something ugly to you...mainly my edges. My edges are growing in really nice! My forehead seems to be shrinking, BUT unfortunately my widows peak has grow back curly and since it's short hair right now, it looks like a big ole' bald spot smack center of my head.:( Anyway I guess it really doesn't matter because I only wear a side part, but I just noticed it this evening and figure why not start a meaningless thread that's basically babble because I forgot to take my melatonin....:lachen: I need to go on and go to bed....:perplexed

Thanks for letting me share,
Awww, don't feel bad! Widow's peaks are really cool. My sister has one and I always wished my hair grew that way.