My discovery

I too have learned that my hair needs protein. Unfortunately I never had a clue about it until I joined this board. Who KNOWS how long my hair could be now if I'd know about this a few years ago! Thanks ladies!
ORS Replenishing is actually considered a moisturizing conditioner not a protein conditioner even though it contains a small amount of protein.

Yup, I know. I've just seen it listed as a light protein because it does contain some form of protein (for those that avoid protein at all costs), but it is definately more moisturizing than protein.
Thanks for the reminder about protein!! I use the 2 minute aphogee at least once a month, but after reading this post, I know I should up it to at least every other week. I'm still searching for the correct balance of moisture and protein for my hair, even after a year! I notice that if I use protein as a part of pre-pooing, then I need to add extra moisture during deep conditioning. Yesterday at the bss, a young sales lady said to me that if you need protein, then think Aphogee, cause all their products have protein in them.
Good to know about the aphogee products
It took me 6 years!:nono: Oh well, that's the way the cookie crumbles. But my hair is really awesome now. Been playing with different types of proteins: eggs, keratin, soy, silk, wheat. Wonderful.
Your hair is beautiful centeredgirl. Yeah you have been MIA:grin:
well being that I just started my healthy hair growth Im not 100% sure what I have discovered about my hair, but what I am sure about is: This is a great thread, This is great board with a lot of good information for newbies like me and i'm so glad I discovered it. Thanks Ladies
Yes the ladies on this board is so knowledgable about haircare.
I just made the protein discovery about a month ago! I bought the Keraphix while I was on vacation and my hair INSTANTLY improved; I've been using it weekly and I think my hair is at its best now. I'm wondering if I even need my monthly Emergencee treatment now.
nexxus Keraphix is def a good product. Listen to your hair. I would like to know too! curious if you need your emergencee treatment.
My hair also thrives with protein! Loves it! It used to be thin and it has gotten so much more think and healthy with my use of protein!
Great post. I've been using the hard core Aprhogee for years every 6-8 weeks but I would still get some breakage. I find my hair is doing better using the 2 minute aphogee every week and still use the hard core one every few months. The weekly protein is rebuilding my hair and a hair dresser told me once when I got highlights to use a recontructor every week to rebuild my hair for two months. Now I'm following that age old advice again!
The people at Joico said the Kpak reconstructor can be used 2-3xs per week? Whose hair can take that much? Are they aware of protein overload? I mean even if you have the most damaged hair isn't 2-3xs/wk a lot?

I am the type to follow directions to a T when it comes to how I use the product and how long I use them, so when I read 2-3xs/wk and they sent me an email restating this I almost started to do it that often but I backed off and just did once a week because of overload.

Does anyone agree with Joico and think that 2-3xs/wk is ok? I assume Joico knows their stuff when it comes to hair so maybe it's ok...
Does anyone agree with Joico and think that 2-3xs/wk is ok? I assume Joico knows their stuff when it comes to hair so maybe it's ok...

Guess it depends on the hair, its tolerance, and the strength of the protein. Never heard of protein overload til I got here, and I think I was infected! My hair was snap, cracking, and popping. When I thought about the products I've used over the years (and there were plenty) they were all protein based. Why? Cuz I read protein is good for hair, but the second part of moisture was not attached to those statements. So since I have been watching my protein intake and upping moisture my hair is doing so much better. I usually use a moderate protein DC 2x per month (when I clarify & one if I'm experiencing extra breakage). But I am also using MT which is protein. So I think once you find that balance, you won't need protein as often. Is K-pak considered a heavy protein? I would think 2-3x a week is excessive if its hardcore and your hair is not necessarily damaged.[/quote]
I've learned that here as well. People raved about how certain products brought their hair back to life. Me, like a fool was out buying this stuff in BULK and left with hair in the sink STILL! Needless to say, I found what MY hair likes and we've been friends again ever since!(I'm a high moisture/low protein gal) Glad to know you figured yours out. We can't be afraid to go off the path and see what OUR needs are versus what others need.
Thank you so much for this post! This forum has me sooooo scared of protein! And I have had some recent breakage and was really contemplating Nexxus Emergencee. I'm going for it now! Thank you!!!!!!

Wow!I'm just seeing this thread,but i have pretty much been having the same issue.This is why i bought some MOP extreme protein,because its time for my hair to get a good dose(and aphogee was not doing it for some reason).

I'm dc'ing with this today,followed by a cheapie coconut dc i picked up,or some Tigi Oatmeal and honey treatment,and a rollerset.
I hope this works,because i know my hair needs the protein.
Question: It's about time for my relaxer - do i do a protein treatment right after? And if so, what kind - light or hard? Please share what products work. Thanks.
Great thread. my hair definitely needs protein. I have a question - tonight i used Joico reconstuctor for 15 minutes with heat and my hair felt great - it was soft and moist. then i used the intense hydrator and my hair felt kinda hard. do you always need to use a moisturiser after a moderate protein treatment like Joico. i feel as if my hair would have been better without the moisture step. TIA
I recently realized that my hair needs more protein too. A week ago I prepooed with Mane N Tail conditioner on dry hair (attempting to use it up) and after I washed it out my hair felt strong, it wasn't shedding/breaking and was moisturized. As soon as a put a moisturizing shampoo on it (CON professional w/green labeling), long hairs would come out at the touch. Would a protein-based conditioner be better for the moment until I combat the protein/moistute balance?

Hello GymFreak,
My hair was not braking before getting the protein treatment. I noticed the breakage after I got my texturizer touched up. My hair has never broken/shedd like that and I was going crazy.

Thanks for responding. When you got the touch up, did anything different happen, like where there any new products used? Where your results different after that? How soon after the texturizer did you get the protein treatment?
I recently realized that my hair needs more protein too. A week ago I prepooed with Mane N Tail conditioner on dry hair (attempting to use it up) and after I washed it out my hair felt strong, it wasn't shedding/breaking and was moisturized. As soon as a put a moisturizing shampoo on it (CON professional w/green labeling), long hairs would come out at the touch. Would a protein-based conditioner be better for the moment until I combat the protein/moistute balance?


Hey HoneyB! What you can try is using a protein based shampoo with a conditioner that gives both protein and moisture. Then as you see fit, you can use additional moisture products via moisturizing lotions or moisturizing conditioners as needed.
I just wanted add ladies that I know many might be thinking, oh lawd, I gotta make some changes and get more stuff but your products don't have to be expensive either. I love joico but it ain't the only fish in the sea and it won't work for everybody. I have started experimenting with some other brands and have found some other great products.

Here are some products you can look into trying with many choices for avoiding spending tons of money.

Protein shampoos

aphogee shampoo for damaged hair
naked naturals shampoo- you can get it from walgreens, has lots of vegetable protein and it is sodium lauryl and laureth free, lathers well and smells good. One of my new favorites
Coloresse Repairing shampoo- get it from sallys, it is part of their knockoff pureology line and it comes in blue bottles. Slightly higher protein content than regular shampoos and it is sulfate free. Right now, it and all of the coloresse products are part of that 2for10 special.

Protein conditioners that can still give your hair moisture

Ion Effective care treatment- found at sallys and is marketed as a protein moisturizing conditioner. Very nice option and comes in sample packs.
Loreal Natures Therapy Fortifying line- again at sallys and currently there are coupons in the store for it right now; they also have a shampoo
Affirm 5n1
Coloresse Repairing conditioner- again at sallys, comes in blue packaging, more moisturizing so this could possibly be a moisturizing options for us needing more protein in our lives.
Motions CPR in the bottle and the motions silk protein are both pretty nice too
Paul Mitchell Hair repair- :love: Super creamy, works fast and a tube will last you a long time. (Thanks Artemis for this one :sneakyhug:

You can also looking into the Paul Mitchell Superstrong line, Lanza repair line and their healing strength line. Redken Extreme has some good treatments too and many ladies here like it.

Lets add to the list ladies so if you have any other suggestions that you haven't already mentioned, please add them.
My hair was never crazy about loads of protein, but I always tried to keep a balance, especially while texlaxed/relaxed. Now that I have way more natural hair, I'm finding that in order to keep breakage and excessive shedding at bay, I need to use some type of reconstructor every couple weeks. I figured this out only after I was having breakage issues and tried everything under the sun from trimming more :ohwell: to chelating and doing more moisturizing dc's. My hair didn't need any of that:nono: . Being at my wit's end, I decided to try my reconstructor. I figured it was already breaking so if it got worse, I'd just BC :look:. My hair has thanked me ever since. I'm retaining more moisture, my hair is stronger and I have no breakage at the line of demarcation.

It's amazing how your hair care needs can change so much when going from relaxed to natural and vice versa. This journey has definitely led to a lot of product revisitations and discoveries.
Great thread. my hair definitely needs protein. I have a question - tonight i used Joico reconstuctor for 15 minutes with heat and my hair felt great - it was soft and moist. then i used the intense hydrator and my hair felt kinda hard. do you always need to use a moisturiser after a moderate protein treatment like Joico. i feel as if my hair would have been better without the moisture step. TIA

I use the joico reconstructor as well and yes you really do need to follow any protein treatment with moisture, however the intense hydrator has protein in it as well. So that's probably why your hair came out a little hard. Next time try following the reconstructor with something like Kera MC, nexxus humectress, kera care humecto or schescentit conditioners. Should work like a charm then.:yep:
ORS Replenishing is actually considered a moisturizing conditioner not a protein conditioner even though it contains a small amount of protein.

That's what I would like to know ORS Replenishing - I have the bottle - can that be used as a weekly conditioning agent or is that too much protein?
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Generally speaking here are your options:
1) Hardcore protein 7-14 days prior to relaxer touch-up
2) Hardcore protein 7-14 days post relaxer touch-up

If you do it before the relaxer, then a week after use a lighter protein reconstructor to follow up, and vice versa. It's up to you and how strong (or not) your hair is going into relaxer day.

Mid-process protein steps are obligatory IMO.

Thank you - this helps a lot.