My DD's hair! Much better now!! Pics!

Wow! You have an awesome braids. This is great great news. Most stylist have no clue what they are doing and don't even wash out the braiding hair.

DD looks to be a good hands.
I am so happy for both of you!

This is a great schedule and a great price given what she is doing! Awesome for both of you..

Is she going to transition back to natural?
Aaaaaaaw seeeee! There's that lovely smile! It looks sooo good. Girl your braider is off the hook! See seems like someone you can rest assured that will do right by your DD's hair.

I'm soo happy this worked out, I got tears in my eyes! BTW, she looks JUST like you! And your son is a looker too. Beautiful family!:yep:
I am so glad you got her hair done, and done well! I read your first post about your daughter's hair, and it made me so angry I could not even post anything in that thread. You seem to be a great mom and you have a beautiful family! Your swift actions should tell your family, especially that cousin, volumes about your seriousness about your DD and her appearance. I hope that they learned a thing or two!
Much looks very nice and very age/only black girl in class She's very lucky to have you. :)
Thank you so much for giving us the update. You know so many of us were waiting on pins and needles to know what was going to happen. God bless you and your beautiful family and may He keep you safe until you come home for good!:grin:
I couldn't find the words for your first post. :nono: :sad:
You are so blessed. Enjoy your wonderful children and return to them with God's speed.

Sending you and your family warmest wishes ST.
Oh SpicedT, what a wonderful new beginning for your daughter's hair. Your other post upset me so much I couldn't even think of anything to type. I'm so happy her hair's on the mend and that you have a schedule to keep it healthy. She is indeed a darling cutie, as is your son. I love love love that picture of the three of you. I think you should frame it. :yep:
That is soooo wonderful. I wanted to know what happened in the end.
It's really great that you found someone to come to your home while you're gone AND she's obviously into making sure that your daughter's own hair is taken care of as well.

That's great.

Great looking family as well.
Congratulations....her hair looks wonderful and she still is beautiful. She looks so much happier.

Congratulatios to you also. You found a braider that really seems to know her stuff...I mean, I have never experience a braider doing what she did to real and braiding washing and conditioning!
It looks 1000X better and she look so happy. Honestly I myself cant wait until youre home from Iraq and can be with your family (the real ones).:yep: IM so glad you found a great sloution to his problem. Id just check and make sure the braids arent too tight. I cant wait to see her progress!
Happy endings are so wonderful! Your daughter is a precious jewel and now she's on her way to getting her crown and glory back in tip top shape.

Be Blessed!
I'm so glad that things are going to work out. Please take my offer to heart - Victorville is not far away and even though you don't know me, no one's child should be hurt the way yours has been. And I really do understand about having to be away and depending upon others to help care for the babies.

Of course, when you return, I want to read about the cousin and her comeuppance.
So glad to see the difference and D.D's look of being startled gone. Now, you can focus on your impending mission with confidence and a clear mind. My long distance Knight{vet-Lt.Com.} was so pissed and concerned about your morale while doing your job; he'll be happy to see the improvement. {Still, have the trusted LHCF member keep an eye out.OK?}
Praise God! I'm glad everything worked out and your DD has a reliable braider. You have a beautiful family! It's great to see Baby Girl smiling again.:yep: God Bless You!
Excellent news! Your family is beautiful and your daughter's smile is stunning. Congratulations on finding such a great solution.
I am so happy for you and RELIEVED!!!!! I'm sure your precious DD's hair will do a complete 360 with the plan you have in place.
I'm glad you found someone who will be dedicated to caring for her hair.

You and your kids are beautiful. That braider sounds like someone who really cares and understands haircare.

Cornrows are fantastic! every 3 weeks sounds like an excellent maintenance schedule.
OH!!! I am so happy to see you were able to find a solution that made everyone so happy! I have been thinking about this since you posted it! God bless...And please, let your baby know its okay to tell that crazy lady "STAY OUTTA MY HAIR!"....:grin:
Wow!! God bless your braider. She's an angel. Your daughter looks happier! I look forward to hearing more updates from you about her hair. I can't wait til you are home for good. Many blessings while you're in the sandbox!
I am soo happy for you and your DD that you found a solution. I know this will be a load off of your mind while you are away.

Now, to find the solution to take care of your cousin...

DD went to her appt on Saturday morning with her new braider. She done an elasticity test on both wet and dry hair and we decided to go with a light Aphogee protein treatment. DD was washed and deep conditioned under the dryer for as long as she could sit under it (about 20 minutes). While DD was under the dryer, the braider washed and conditioned the braiding hair...I was amazed at all of the gunk that came out of it!! We decided on cornrows, mainly because their were sections that were too short to hold an individual braid, ie, the braid would have been too small. After DD's hair was braided, the braider slathered a leave-in conditioner and Virgin Hair Fertilizer on her, tied her down with a hair scarf, and sat her under the dryer again for about 20 minutes. As far as after care and upkeep, DD's hair will be cornrowed every 3 weeks. I wanted to just make a regular schedule instead of waiting for other's to decide whether it was frizzy enough to be re-braided, especially since frizzy is in the eye of the beholder.

Here are the results:





Peace and blessings to everyone for their support and help! I really believe that her hair will make a complete turn-around. My little boo is beautiful no matter what, but she is on cloud 9 with her hair. The braider is willing to come to my home on a 3-week schedule to do her hair. All of her services will be $45 every three weeks. I will keep everyone updated of her progress, because the braider will be documenting DD's progress.


Look at that - that same little cute smile!!!!


Keep us posted! :drunk:
Ah, praise God! I'm so happy that you were able to find such a knowledgeble braider! Now your mind will be somewhat at ease when you leave. Your family is beautiful and your dd looks a lot like you too. Keep us posted!
YAYYY!!! :clapping:

She looks so happy and cute - I love the pink headband on her! Seriously, her hair will be back to normal in no time :D
Kudos to you for coming up with a GREAT solution! Every three weeks is good timing. I would push for four only because of the hairline but three weeks is fine.
