My Daughter Inspired Me


Hair Coach
My daughter inspired me to do a little cutting of my own. I just couldn't wait until I got to brastrap to cut my hair even. I wanted it done now!!

Yes, yes, yes, I cut 3 inches in some areas and 4 inches in others. Before I cut my hair measured at almost number 6 on my progress shirt. Now my hair measures at around number 2.5

What made me do it?? If my 9 year old daughter is brave enough to have 7 inches cut why should I be so scared to cut off a few inches??

I am loving my hair now. My ends don't look all uneven and scraggly and I can wear my hair out without thinking the whole world is staring at me.

From now on I will do no more than a 1/2 inch trim every time I relax me hair just to keep it neat. I like neat!!:grin:

The Mini Chop
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Awwww, that's great news! And you've inspired me to admit that I cut about two inches off myself for the same reason. I haven't posted any pics lately but my hair is all even right now and the longest it's been with a very blunt cut...I :love: it!!!
JenniferMD said:
Awwww, that's great news! And you've inspired me to admit that I cut about two inches off myself for the same reason. I haven't posted any pics lately but my hair is all even right now and the longest it's been with a very blunt cut...I :love: it!!!
Wow! That's great! I feel even better now. Your hair is gorgeous!
Gurl!! You have made some awesome progress since I first came to the board last year! Wow, your hair looks very thick and healthy, the length will come back in no time!! :yep:
LaNecia said:
Gurl!! You have made some awesome progress since I first came to the board last year! Wow, your hair looks very thick and healthy, the length will come back in no time!! :yep:
Thanks!! I know it will!
onepraying said:

Your hair seem so thick. Has it always been that way or did it come when you started taking care of it?
It is this way as long as I don't relax it bone straight! I think taking all the vits helped too!
DSD it is so pretty. Can you believe you cut that much hair and it is still so long? I'd take your length with the thickness anyday over longer stringy hair.:yep:
Thanks for posting this DSD!!! I think I need to take a lesson from your daughter and cut a few inches too!

Your hair is still lovely!!!!:)
hopeful said:
DSD it is so pretty. Can you believe you cut that much hair and it is still so long? I'd take your length with the thickness anyday over longer stringy hair.:yep:
Thanks!! No I don't believe it. Back in the day when cut that much hair I would wind up with hair barely touching my ears. lol I love the new thickness I actually want to go in and cut at least another inch. I may do that at my next touch up. We will see!
Oh wow, I just saw the picture...your hair looks wonderful!!!! I'll post a pic of my chop tonight :)
dontspeakdefeat said:
My daughter inspired me to do a little cutting of my own. I just couldn't wait until I got to brastrap to cut my hair even. I wanted it done now!!

Yes, yes, yes, I cut 3 inches in some areas and 4 inches in others. Before I cut my hair measured at almost number 6 on my progress shirt. Now my hair measures at around number 2.5

What made me do it?? If my 9 year old daughter is brave enough to have 7 inches cut why should I be so scared to cut off a few inches??

I am loving my hair now. My ends don't look all uneven and scraggly and I can wear my hair out without thinking the whole world is staring at me.

From now on I will do no more than a 1/2 inch trim every time I relax me hair just to keep it neat. I like neat!!:grin:

The Mini Chop

Now that I've read this I'm going to even myself up before I braid up next week!
Looking good DSD. You are brave. I am finally retouching my hair next week. It will be 16 wks and I guess I will let her do a trim. You have inspired. I really won't long hair but I also want healthy hair. :)
Ok, I let the stylist take off about two inches for a blunt cut...I'm really :love: it!

Oh, and the amazing part about this picture is that I airdried my hair with these results!!!

brickhouse said:
Looking good DSD. You are brave. I am finally retouching my hair next week. It will be 16 wks and I guess I will let her do a trim. You have inspired. I really won't long hair but I also want healthy hair. :)
Thanks! I want long hair too but not at the cost of looking bad. Go ahead an trim just not too much you will feel much better.
JenniferMD said:
Ok, I let the stylist take off about two inches for a blunt cut...I'm really :love: it!

Oh, and the amazing part about this picture is that I airdried my hair with these results!!!

Wow! It looks really good!!