My date is going through a crisis!

About a month ago I met a great guy and we have been talking every odd days. He's great, attractive, funny, outgoing, ambitious and for the first time in a long time I felt like I'd met someone who I could see a great future with.

Last week I didn't hear from him for a few days. I was wondering what was going on, but then he sent me an email saying that his uncle, who was like a father to him (his own father was distant), had died in a really bad motorbike accident. To make it worse, he was the last person who spoke to his uncle before he died. His uncle told him on the phone that he was going to the store on his bike and he would call him when he got back. He never made it back :sad:

He said he hadn't slept or eaten for days and that he was so hurt that he cried for the first time in his life. I could really feel the pain in his words. He asked me to pray for him, changed his facebook profile pic to one of his dead uncle (his sister did the same thing) and then disappeared.

My question is at this early stage do you think I should call or leave him to grieve? Should I just give him space? We had gotten to know each other quite well but I've never suffered a bereavement before and I don't want to intrude. Because we weren't officially together I'm not sure if he considers me close enough to not see me enquiring as prying (if you get what I mean). I'm pretty worried about him but I know he's not alone, he has plenty of family around him.
Just be a friend right now. This man is his father in your friend's heart. So he's probably very torn up right now. Check in on him but don't pry or make him talk too long. Unless of course he wants to. Pretend this was a coworker or female neighbor you just started a friendship with. What would be appropriate? A card (uplifting only), modest flowers or plant, drop a dinner (covered dish) off-don't stay, 10 minutes at the max unless he sincerely asks for you to please stay a while, a three minute call " just checking on you is there anything you need me to get for you or an errand you need me to run?". Be there, but only as much as he wants you to be. Men aren't good at handling emotions. You have to be very sensitive to what he's saying but not saying.
I say call and check on him, but take your cue from his lead as too how much thereness or space he wants
stay in the loop and check on him a few times a week via email, fb, text and/or phone.....he's likely to need a little space right now, just gauge things and proceed slowly.
Check on him, ask him if he has eaten and if not carry a healthy lunch for him. Treat it just as you would treat a friend in that circumstance.

My prayers go out to him and his family.