I'm glad to hear someone else say this. Last year I was like "is it my imagination, or does my hair look/feel/grow longer with a little heat"? The only thing I can figure is that the heat seals the cuticle and seals in the quality products that most of us use. Even still, I am afraid of heat. I am quite confused now, as I just lost 3-4 inches to breakage and subsequent trim. What I had been doing different is using TheTruthIsHair's Coconut oil regimen. Coconut oil does make my hair feel soft, but I think in a cold climate it hardens and makes the hair too thick and actually causes it to break like a twig coated with ice in the winter. I am going to go back to ORS replenishing for a while because my hair doesn't like too much protein and LIGHTly run a 350 flat iron over it to make sure it stays detangled. I'll do a 1/8" dust with each relaxer which may not be for 3 more months.