My Breakage Cure...Heat! Does anyone's hair actually LIKE Heat???


Well-Known Member
Hello Beautiful Ladies!

Lately my hair has been breaking off like crazy! I mean like full on strands and for the life of me I could not figure out why. I literally thought I was gonna overdose on products :lol: I was trying everything I could to stop the breakage. It all began last month when I relaxed my hair which I have done with no problem for years so I am like :perplexed. Well I noticed I had done "other" things as well that I don't normally do which include:

-Aphoghee proteing treatment (have done twice and worked great)
-Jazzi Rinse (black) *Never Again*
-Soft N Beatiful Relaxer (instead of my normal ORS)

At this point I refrained form heat and manipulation but literally it did NOT stop breaking and it was freaking me out! I did Deep Conditioning Treatments which included my One and Only Argan Oil Reconstructive Treatment (which I now love!), increased my moisture and sealing, bunned, cowashed, ect. But my hair was sooo dry and fragile :sad: Well on Saturday I was detagling my hair in front of DH and was on the verge of tears because I had so much progress since I started my hair care journey in January 2010 and went from thin, fragile shoulder length hair to lush, full APL length in one year and I was seeing all my progress literally go down the drain :nono:

So DH in all his infinite wisdom told me to just try to go back to what i did in the beginning of my journey when my hair had become very healthy. Well that was going to a stylist and I was like um no, I got this...I think:ohwell: So I figured at this point it was worth a shot so I attempted to do what she did to my hair and so I completely washed my hair with a sulfate free shampoo and started fresh. I applied some silk elements leave in (which smells amazing) and blow dried my hair (as I cringed from the thought of putting heat on my hair), put a little Argan oil and fluffed it through my hair, then I used my Herstyler Flat Iron (which I LOVE) and it made my hair feel like silk which was a bonus because much to my surprise the breakage IMMEDIATELY stopped and I have not had ANY since and I am still in Awe at the fact that my hair actually LIKES HEAT. The very thing that I have been avoiding for so many months. I now know as long as I use a Heat protectant and adequate moisture which I always do I will be fine.

I have learned that I need to do what works best for my lifestyle and my hair. Every method of hair growth does not work for everybody and that is ok. So I say all that to say...Does you hair like heat too or is it just me:look:?
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Ar eyou sure your hair didn't snap off during the blowdrying process? That may be why you didn't see it when you combed it after.
i defo know that some peoples hair does love moderate heat, sound like yours does :), be careful not to overdo it, im all for moderate heat my sisters hair has benefited from it over air drying less breakage for sure
My hair loves heat. I try to not flat iron more than twice a month though to prevent heat damage.
My hair loves heat and I don't get breakage. I texlax now and blow dry and flat iron my hair every 1 1/2 weeks. I don't have any problems with breakage or with growing out my hair. I've cut my hair into a short bob twice and grew it back out to apl with no problem using heat.
My hair is fine with heat but it takes a long time to iron or press my hair so i don't bother with much at the moment. So I'd say my hair doesn't love or hate heat - it's pretty laid back on the issue and doesn't mind one way or another as long as it's treated right. :)
My hair likes heat too. But I feel that I have taken regimen "recommendations", that I know didn't necessarily work for ME. But I know the LHCF motto: "What works for you, may not work for someone else". So I am sloooowly going back to products and techniques that do work for me.

I am glad that found what works for you OP :yep:
Ar eyou sure your hair didn't snap off during the blowdrying process? That may be why you didn't see it when you combed it after.

Yeah I am sure because I was very careful when blowdrying and there was no hear in the comb, sink, floor, ect. Before when i would comb my hair it would shed bad and now i comb it and nothing comes out at all so there is a definite change in the nature of my hair. I am thinking I just can't airdry right now.
i defo know that some peoples hair does love moderate heat, sound like yours does :), be careful not to overdo it, im all for moderate heat my sisters hair has benefited from it over air drying less breakage for sure

yes I agree moderation is the key I will definitely not be doing it consistently but yeah no airdrying for me although I loved it before, its just not for me.
My hair loves heat. I try to not flat iron more than twice a month though to prevent heat damage.

So how do you dry your hair during the other times and what are your go to styles when not flat ironing? Before I was airdrying and then doing braidouts.
My hair loves heat and I don't get breakage. I texlax now and blow dry and flat iron my hair every 1 1/2 weeks. I don't have any problems with breakage or with growing out my hair. I've cut my hair into a short bob twice and grew it back out to apl with no problem using heat.

Thats awesome! I am glad to know I am not the only one:yep:
When I was relaxed my hair LOVED being blow-dried. My hair would have no body and would break like crazy, every time I air-dried.
When I wear my hair straight I never have to deal with some of my hair's biggest enemies: tangles, matting, and SINGLE-STRAND KNOTS(especially!). It's much easier than having to detangle and style my natural hair daily. And my hair has always fared well against heat damage. So, in this way, heat is definitely good for my hair.

..except blow dryers. They are the DEVIL. Air drying 4lyfe.
yeah heat styling keeps me sane. i dunno about blowdrying though. i am currently liking the airdry/rollerset scene:yep:
So how do you dry your hair during the other times and what are your go to styles when not flat ironing? Before I was airdrying and then doing braidouts.

I get my hair washed and set on rollers once every two weeks. So for the first week, I set my hair on rollers and wear it curly and for the second week I flat iron my hair at the beginning of the week and wrap it at night.
I DID! Although, I like air-drying more because it requires no work. :D

ETA: I hope I made sense, I did prefer blow-drying more than anything else but one day I had to air-dry by accident and it was a whole lot simpler from then on. I do get what you're saying, heat really did help me because before I got a hang of my regimen, air-drying used to make my hair poof. I think I would go back to blow-drying sometimes when I'm waist length because I really did like the results.
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This is >>>me<<< My hair loves protein hard soft in between, and heat. My hair loves to be flat ironed. Honestly I haven't seen much damage from the flat iron as when I leave it "natural" I now have smooth ends. I am planning/intending to attempt a rollerset again to alternate my heat usage, so maybe rollerset one week and flat iron the next or something.
My hair loves heat but I don't flatiron that much. I partially airdry then blowdry and I'm good to go.
yes!! this also a new revelation for me. as long as my hair is clean and moisturized, my hair loves heat from a flat iron. i hate blowdrying and hot combs, and airdrying leads to automatic ssks, unless i spend hrs detangling before, so i usually sit under a dryer.
My hair loves heat.

But I have gotten away from using it as much and my hair is warming up to the Idea protective styling, I have found the products that make them work and look great :), lol

I have also gotten away from blowdrying with a comb tho and that’s a big deal for me!

I got the right products and airdrying is going good, although I always dry in a pony or bun.

I will never stop all together using heat. I love my Amika too much!!

Ok, I sound repetitive, lol

yes I agree moderation is the key I will definitely not be doing it consistently but yeah no airdrying for me although I loved it before, its just not for me.
My hair likes heat. I flat ironed my hair daily....(I know you all are shaking your heads at me) for most of my life and had no issue. I have always had shoulder length or longer hair with minimal breakage.
putting heat on my hair), put a little Argan oil and fluffed it through my hair, then I used my Herstyler Flat Iron (which I LOVE) and it made my hair feel like silk which was a bonus because much to my surprise the breakage IMMEDIATELY stopped and I have not had ANY since and I am still in Awe at the fact that my hair actually LIKES HEAT. ?

Is it because you straighten all the little hooks? Is your strand one texture or are there several due to changing up relaxers and whatnot? If so, then the heat might just be evening out your hard breakpoints between two textures.
My hair loves heat as well...I tried everyone elses techniques n airdrying. I think my hair suffered. Someone said there is a right way to airdry and Blowdry. I'm incorporating more heat back into my regimen!
You are correct! My hair is different textures from switching up relaxers this last time:yep: So I have to even out my textures. I relax in another 2 weeks so I have no idea how I am gonna correct that without overlapping.
Is it because you straighten all the little hooks? Is your strand one texture or are there several due to changing up relaxers and whatnot? If so, then the heat might just be evening out your hard breakpoints between two textures.
It's good that you realize what's good for you before you experience a setback. :yep: Good for you!

My hair loves heat as well...I tried everyone elses techniques n airdrying. I think my hair suffered. Someone said there is a right way to airdry and Blowdry. I'm incorporating more heat back into my regimen!