My 4a/b bra strap hair is super tangled


New Member
Hey all, I need some advice. I have been lurking on the board for some time and really appreciate all teh advice you ladies share. After reading hundreds of posts regarding tangled hair, I have become a pj trying to use the recommended products. Since nothing has worked thus far, I figured I would write my own post so you guys could get a better understanding of my hair and then recommend a conditioner based on my description of my hair. Ok, my hair is very coarse, I am sure it is 4/a/b or just plain 4b. It used to be very thick, and it is still somewhat thick, ( as people say to me all the time )but I think it has thinnned out over the years. It is 2 inches past bra strap (I'm 5'8) and it is cut in layers. I just dont know what to dow ith my hair. It has never been thisling before. I have worn braids (small individuals-human hair) for 2 years staright and took them out 5 months ago, and that has truly what made my hair grow to this length. Now, that I am trying to take care of my hair, it gets so tangled EVERY time that I, or the beauty salon, wash it. the only time it is tangke free is when i have a fres relaxer. 2 weeks after the relaxer it tangles up again. iy is to the pint where I will only go to the salon during the first 2 weeks of my relaxer bcause afterwards i know they will rip those tangles without any hesitation.
when i wash it at home, I am sure to wash in teh shower under the showerhead with CON shampoo (green and white bottle)this makes it soooo soft. then i alternate between conditioners (havent found a good one yet) I have tried CON conditioner, aubreys gpd, paul mitchell the detangler, nexus humectress, lekair cholestersol (hated it), and other moisturzing conditioners. nothing seems to make it ultra soft. it seems as though the longer it gets, the more it tangles. please ehlp me, i dont want to go back to braids. i have hair, i want to sport it.
i also have the k-cutter comb, while this helps with the tangles, i still ahve tangles. please any suggestions with any great detanglers would be great. why is it that my hair always gets tangled. it is making me crazy. oh, i use razac as a leave in mixed with wgo.
You might want to try putting your hair in 4 large plaits and wash your hair like that. After washing your hair, undo the plaits comb conditioner through your hair re-plait and then wash out. You may be able to keep your hair under control better this way.
My hair tangles alot also. These are the products I find work excellent as a detangler

Profectiv Phase 2 AntiTangle Leave in

Cantu Break Cure Strengthening Treatment- I use this as a daily moisturizer and detangler when I wash. Works great and leaves my hair super soft after drying.

Aveda Sap Moss Nourishing Concentrate - after washing my hair in the sink, I was able to comb thru my hair with out a tangle after using this. I use it as a hot oil treatment, not a pre shampoo.
I think sectioning before washing and washing one section at a time is the best suggestion. Also, do you detangle your dry hair before you wash it? That might also help.
I agree with jd. detangle your hair before you wash it. i used to use pure silicone shining spray to detangle my dry hair because i knew i was going to wash it out right after.
a good one is sebastians glossing spray. its in a small blue bottle. but any serum spray will do really.
I agree with what the other ladies have said. I have found that the best way keep my tangles to a minimum is to wash/condition/comb-out my hair in sections.

I recently started doing this, and it has made a BIG difference. I part my hair into about eight sections. Comb out the sections and put each section in a scrunchie. Then I get in the shower and undo a section, wash that section, rinse that section, then apply conditioner. Then while the conditioner is in my hair, I use my K-cutter and comb the conditioner through my hair. I then twist that section or reapply the scrunchie. I repeat this over all eight sections. Then I rinse my entire head of hair (still in scrunchies.)

Also, I use Cream of Nature nourishing conditioner in the white bottle with the purple writing. I have found this to be the absolute best conditioner I have ever, ever tried for making my hair soft, shiny, and detangled.
Denali03 said:
When was the last time you had a trim? My hair starts tangling when my ends are damaged

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This happens to me too! Good question.
Hey all, thanks for the responses. My last trim was in Febraury. my girlfirned trimmed my hair, it is not even but she cut all the split/ragged looking ends off. as a result, my left side is about 2 inches longer than the right. this is ok, since i wear my hair in a moist bun about 80% of the time. when i do wear it out it is in a roller set so the thickness and layers camoflauge (sp?) teh uneveness. thank goodness. also, i have been using surge and i must say my scalp is really sore. ia m not sure if its becase my hair is growing becasue my haoir is underprocessed (or texturized) so when it is wet it looks like i have anout 7 inches of new growth. i never can tell
Are you making sure your hair is detangled BEFORE you put it in a bun? I can see that if you didn't, that could lead to tangles.
Here's a simple answer: Johnson&Johnson's Kids' Detangler. Strawberry (bright pink) smells great. We have the same exact hair type so I know how you feel.
Nay said:
I agree with what the other ladies have said. I have found that the best way keep my tangles to a minimum is to wash/condition/comb-out my hair in sections.

I recently started doing this, and it has made a BIG difference. I part my hair into about eight sections. Comb out the sections and put each section in a scrunchie. Then I get in the shower and undo a section, wash that section, rinse that section, then apply conditioner. Then while the conditioner is in my hair, I use my K-cutter and comb the conditioner through my hair. I then twist that section or reapply the scrunchie. I repeat this over all eight sections. Then I rinse my entire head of hair (still in scrunchies.)

Also, I use Cream of Nature nourishing conditioner in the white bottle with the purple writing. I have found this to be the absolute best conditioner I have ever, ever tried for making my hair soft, shiny, and detangled.

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How long does all that take you Nay? My problem is that it when I do the sectioning thing it takes soooo much longer, and the water in my shower starts getting cold so I have to hurry out.
broken record: section hair and plait it before getting in shower. only comb your hair in the shower if u are doing a protective style. dont wash your hair in the sink.
How long does all that take you Nay? My problem is that when I do the sectioning thing it takes soooo much longer, and the water in my shower starts getting cold so I have to hurry out.

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I've never actually timed it, but it doesn't FEEL like a really long time. I do worry, though, that I'm going to use all of the hot water and that there won't be any left if my husband needs to take a shower. I turned up the temperature on the hot water heater, so it hasn't been a problem so far.
soulchild said:
A great detangler is Rusk Invisible.

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Ditto. This was my saving grace through my transition. I also second the washing hair in 4 sections (this has saved me TONS of hair).
Whenever I am post due a relaxer I have to change to detangling products and be much more careful with my hair the tropical avocado creme conditioner detangles my hair well and con
Digital Rain,

Your hair is so beautiful!! I would love to know your regimine and products???

DigitalRain said:
My hair tangles alot also. These are the products I find work excellent as a detangler

Profectiv Phase 2 AntiTangle Leave in

Cantu Break Cure Strengthening Treatment- I use this as a daily moisturizer and detangler when I wash. Works great and leaves my hair super soft after drying.

Aveda Sap Moss Nourishing Concentrate - after washing my hair in the sink, I was able to comb thru my hair with out a tangle after using this. I use it as a hot oil treatment, not a pre shampoo.

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I used to have the same problem. Although patience and a multitude of products were helpful, it turned out that my washing technique was the cause of all of my problem.

I used to lather and have my super long hair purched on top of my head (copying off of the shampoo commercials). I found an article from a salon in Australia that said that hair should never be pulled up when washing. Instead, you're supposed to leave hair hanging and use your palms to gently create a lather that is worked down the shaft of hair.

I'll see if I can find the article. It' made all of the difference for me. I don't have to use nearly as much detangler or cream rinse.