Mud Hair Wash=NO DC?

I know isn't it amazing. One of the many reasons why I'm completely sold on this product. I'm retaining so much more hair on wash day than I did before and since retention is key to longer hair, I'm hopeful I'll reach my goal of APL hair by the end of the year.

I'm aiming for full apl, if not bsl. I'm apl everywhere except the front but just barely.

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3 heaping spoonfuls of clay
enough aloe vera juice to make a paste/pudding
a few drops of lavender
a tblsp of avocado oil
mix until smooth (or as smooth as you can get it)

part hair in sections and smooth all over
leave in btwn 10-15 minutes
get in shower & rinse rinse rinse

I shake my hair in the shower to get rid of excess water
and VOILE'! Soft hair, sizzling curls!

I use my Qhemet BRBC and put in 2-strand twist
AFTER my hair air dries a bit.



I didn't have to use as much clay as I did,
but that was my 1st time mixing it.
I did use it on my 4-head as well.
It helped my itchy spot in my hairline
and my 4-head looks really good!:yep: :lol:
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I have Enso's leave in conditioner and I decided against using it because some of the ingredients sound too "chemically." :lachen:I'm going to go back to using Chicoro's leave in and my usual shea butter mix & flaxseed gel.

See that is exactly what I was thinking do you know I was on that computer late last night looking up those ingredients.. lol Oh well I guess I have to bite the bullet on that even their hair butter got chemically sounding ingredients.. Propene glycol so that is going in my to give away box.. I think I will stick with shea moisture and Just natural skin care has great products but their prices are a little expensive.. They have this anti humidity pomade I want to try so bad.. Aveda anti humidity pomade is 2oz for $20 but they have their anit humidity pomade for $26 8oz.. All the reviews on their site is good but I am researching it to see what I can find out about it...

3 heaping spoonfuls of clay
enough aloe vera juice to make a paste/pudding
a few drops of lavender
a tblsp of avocado oil
mix until smooth (or as smooth as you can get it)

part hair in sections and smooth all over
leave in btwn 10-15 minutes
get in shower & rinse rinse rinse

I shake my hair in the shower to get rid of excess water
and VOILE'! Soft hair, sizzling curls!

I use my Qhemet BRBC and put in 2-strand twist
AFTER my hair air dries a bit.



I didn't have to use as much clay as I did,
but that was my 1st time mixing it.
I did use it on my 4-head as well.
It helped my itchy spot in my hairline
and my 4-head looks really good!:yep: :lol:

I have 2 bags of rhaussoul clay in my stash so if I run low of my TerrEssentials I now what to do now
I jsut saw on the bottle that its benznite clay I guess using Rhaussoul clay should be ok
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@HennaRo so glad you're commenting on this board. Before deciding to buy the TE mud wash, I did a lot of research and your detailed reviews over at NaturallyCurly were very helpful in motivating me to try this product. So glad I did and many thanks to naturals like you and Naptural85 for sharing your experiences with this most excellent product.


So glad you found that helpful, completely forgot about that thread! There is another up now with much more favorable reviews lol.
Pictures of hair today after using home made terressentials first day detox. Only coconut oil & flax seed gel in hair.
Pictures of hair today after using home made terressentials first day detox. Only coconut oil & flax seed gel in hair.
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Looks very blingy ecadnacmc. How does this result compare to previous washes? Are you pleased with how it turned out? Also, can you share your recipe for your flax gel? I currently use the Enso gel for my slicking my edges. I do like it but thinking I should try using a gel that is completely natural now that i've decided that the TE mud wash will be a mainstay in my regimen.
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thank you all for your input/experience with this!! i purchased the TE lavendar scent a few months ago. i did not dilute it nor did i put it in an applicator bottle. it was very messy because i was so heavy handed. i did like the way it made my hair very smooth and shiny but i didn't have time to do the 7 day detox. i only used it that day and it has been sitting in my stash. i just didn't know how to place it in a regimen i am still trying to build and perfect.

i have low porosity, SL, fine yet very dense, cottony-kinky hair.

i am going to give this a try again and do the full 7 day detox labor day weekend.

to sum it all up on the detox~you use this very frequently the 1st few days then you reduce the usage. you don't use any other products after it has dried. after you have completed the 7 day detox, you can use this as a weekly/biweekly wash or DC and use NATURAL products for i have the concept right? am i missing anything
Looks very blingy ecadnacmc. How does this result compare to previous washes? Are you pleased with how it turned out? Also, can you share your recipe for your flax gel? I currently use the Enso gel for my slicking my edges. I do like it but thinking I should try using a gel that is completely natural now that i've decided that the TE mud wash will be a mainstay in my regimen.

My hair is soft & detangled with out a DC. I always DC unless I'm co- washing so I'm ecstatic! It's now the end of the day & my hair still feels soft & moisturized.
I used naptural85 recipe for flax seed gel:

1/4 cup whole flax seeds
1 cup water
Boil & stir consistently until desired consistency.
Pour this through a strainer into a container(she poured into a stocking but this was too cumbersome). Make sure to press seeds against strainer to express all the gel.
Add a splash of tea tree oil as a preservative.
Refrigerate and use as needed.

to sum it all up on the detox~you use this very frequently the 1st few days then you reduce the usage. you don't use any other products after it has dried. after you have completed the 7 day detox, you can use this as a weekly/biweekly wash or DC and use NATURAL products for i have the concept right? am i missing anything[/QUOTE]

Actually it's not that bad. You actually just wash your hair several times @ 1 time for 7 days.
They say do all the washes in 1 shower. I just got in & out to save water & so that I could see what I was doing.

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So with this detox thing, are you washing and putting nothing in after? Or do you wash and then put the mmud wash on next? No one has explained this...

Sent from my SPH-M920 using Long Hair Care Forum App
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So with this detox thing, are you washing and putting nothing in after? Or do you wash and then put the mmud wash on next? No one has explained this...
Sent from my SPH-M920 using Long Hair Care Forum App


Here is the link to the Terressentials FAQ section where they go in detail about their product, the detox, etc:

Here's where they discuss the detox & reasons for doing it:


4. "How is your hair wash different from other products and how will it change my hair?"
Our Hair Wash is a pure, totally natural, clay-based product blended with soothing organic herbals and beautiful, stimulating organic essential oils. It contains no synthetic petrochemicals, synthetic protein or petrochemical polymer plastics, oleochemical surfactants/detergents, or oleochemical emulsifying wax emollients ("vegetable wax," cetyl alcohol, stearates, fatty acids, etc.) to leave a residue on the hair or scalp. As the Hair Wash contains no soaps or foaming agents, there will be no lather at all. The unique mud comes from extensive mountain deposits in Africa and has been used sustainably by humans for centuries to cleanse the hair and body, and is used by top spas and environmentally-conscious individuals worldwide. The clay cleans in a very different manner from conventional shampoo detergents and soaps, forming a colloidal suspension that pulls the excess oils and pollutants from your hair. The Hair Wash works well in either hard or soft water. It can be used by women, men and children over two. (Note: For children between two and five years of age we recommend only Fragrance-free Hair Wash, with adult supervision as the Hair Wash formulas containing essential oils may be too stimulating for children under five. For children over six months and under two, we recommend our Baby Wash or our Fragrance-free Gentle Gel followed with a second rinse of a dilute organic vinegar and water rinse - see number five below.) When the Hair Wash carries the excess oils and impurities from your hair down the drain, no chemical detergents, preservatives, foam boosters, synthetic fragrances, or other pollutants go with it to foul our drinking water.

It is highly likely that your current shampoo, conditioner, hairspray or other styling product contains some type of petrochemical polymer - a PVP vinyl, acrylate, silicone, carbomer, or hydrolyzed synthetic protein (soy, wheat, oat) polymer - all of which add a coating to the hair to make damaged hair appear undamaged. These plastic polymers also glue broken hairs together. Since polymers are difficult to remove with a gentle clay cleanser, it usually takes several washings to completely remove these gummy, oily residues from the hair. As these materials are being removed from the hair, hair may feel stiff, sticky or dry. It may even be a bit more difficult to comb out, especially if it's long. This is because some of the coating agents that you're trying to remove also act as detanglers. Until your hair is fully detoxed, allow a bit of extra time for washing and combing. Be patient and treat it with a little extra care - a simple wooden comb or natural-bristle wood brush will help. During detox you may notice a few more hairs in your hairbrush as the polymer glues are removed - this is normal.

Because the majority of synthetic detergents are designed to have anti-static properties, when you stop using detergent shampoos you may experience some static electricity in the first few weeks. The static problem can be addressed by switching to wood brushes with natural (or wooden) bristles and wooden combs instead of plastic ones. It will also help to avoid static-causing situations such as blow-drying your hair and wearing synthetic fiber (petrochemical plastics - nylon, polyester, acrylic, etc.) clothing. All of these transitional inconveniences will gradually disappear as you continue to use the mud Hair Wash. In the detox phase, you might use a spritz of high-quality spring or sparkling water or an apple cider vinegar/water rinse after washing with the mud Hair Wash to help minimize static buildup.

RELAX! Though many people experience none of these problems, everyone is different and everyone has a different "hair history." Above all, it is very important for you to follow the "Detox Protocol" exactly (see below). Do not use any other shampoos, conditioners or styling products as they are not compatible with the mud cleanser and will add plastics back to your hair, taking you right back where you started.

5. "Is there any way I can speed up the time it takes to complete the detox period?"
For the small group of people who have extremely porous hair with an excessive buildup of polymers or sebum, or those folks who may periodically produce excessive sebum or who have an itchy scalp due to hormonal fluctuations, an additional detox step may be helpful in the beginning of the detox, or once or twice a month, as needed. To help remove these gums or oils, use our Lavender Garden, Spice or Mint Body Wash (those with very curly or kinky hair should try our Fragrance-free Gentle Gel instead for extra moisturizing) for 1-3 days before using the mud. The procedure is simply to wash the hair with the Body Wash and rinse well with lots of plain water (repeat, if desired). Immediately after rinsing with plain water, you must apply a dilute vinegar and water rinse to the hair as a "conditioner." Be sure to massage your final rinse choice well into the hair and scalp to remove precipitated minerals deposited on your hair from your castile Body Wash and the tap water. The Body Wash and dilute vinegar rinse is used by some people for their daily hair cleansing needs on a regular basis.

For the vinegar/water rinse, use 1 part organic vinegar to 2 parts water (apple cider or white or rice), or up to a 1 part vinegar 1 part water mixture depending on your preference. Use about one cup of the mixture for short hair, more for longer hair. This rinse used periodically can help to remove impurities and calm static, too.

Another tip to help speed up the "detox" process is to leave the mud on the hair for 30-60 minutes as a mud mask for the hair and then rinse it well. "Baking" the mud mask while sitting in the sun for 15-20 minutes can increase the absorption of the mud.

10. "What is the detox protocol?"
(Please refer to #5 for a way to speed up the time it takes to accomplish this detoxification.)

Refer to the outline below for the seven day Detox Protocol. To start, wet your hair, massage 1-2 tablespoons of "mud" into the hair and scalp for two to four minutes then rinse well. If your hair is longer than chin length, you may need to use more to coat the hair. Try rubbing the mud and hair between the palms of the hands for even coating.
  • Day 1: Three washes, as outlined above (one after the other, leaving the mud on the hair for several minutes before rinsing after the third wash). This is all in the same bath/shower - it's not necessary to take three separate showers!
    Day 2: Three washes
    Day 3: Two washes
    Day 4: Two washes
    Days 5-7+: One wash
Repeat this entire "detox protocol", days one through seven above, one to two times or as required, to remove synthetic polymer coating agents from the hair.
  • Tip #1 - Remember that the longer the mud is in contact with the hair and scalp the more oil, gum and dirt it can absorb and remove. Also, the more frequently you can wash your hair in the first few weeks, the more quickly you'll finish your "detox".

    Tip #2 - For very thick, frizzy, kinky hair or hair with "locks," you can dilute the mud to a thinner consistency for easier application, but do NOT add water to the Hair Wash bottle!
Please understand that the protocol outlined above is the average length of time for natural, non-chemically processed hair of short to medium length. The longer, thicker or the more chemically-processed/damaged the hair is, the longer the time it will take to completely "detox" it. Remember that however long it takes, it will be worth it.
Hope this helps!:yep:

ETA: So for the "official" detox period you would just use the mud wash & nothing else (no shampoo, no conditioner, no nothing) ... then for regular use, most people use only all-natural products (mostly homemade) as conditioner or moisturizer as needed, however many also use commercial conditioners & moisturizers as well (as long as they don't contain silicones or other "heavily coating" ingredients) with success.... from what I've read/seen it depends on the person.
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So with this detox thing, are you washing and putting nothing in after? Or do you wash and then put the mmud wash on next? No one has explained this...

Sent from my SPH-M920 using Long Hair Care Forum App
The mud wash is a shampoo alternative that can be used to detox also. The detox process is explained in great detail on the Terressentials site. Once detox is completed, you can use the mud wash as you would shampoo to cleanse your hair. Many are finding that because of its moisturizing and detangling properties that other wash day steps (pre-poo, lengthy detangling, oil rinsing, co-washes, moisture/deep conditioning) can be eliminated thus shortening the wash day significantly. Post wash, depending on the moisture requirement of your hair, you can choose to apply a leave-in and styler of your choice or not. The company's recommendation is that you use leave-in or styling products that are 100% natural because these work synergistically with the mud shampoo. Based on my experience this is not necessary as I'm seeing great results either way.
to sum it all up on the detox~you use this very frequently the 1st few days then you reduce the usage. you don't use any other products after it has dried. after you have completed the 7 day detox, you can use this as a weekly/biweekly wash or DC and use NATURAL products for i have the concept right? am i missing anything

The first two days I washed 3 times in the shower, the other 2 days I applied it, detangled and left it on for an hour and the last day I steamed with it for 30 minutes. I did that because I read this from the site and tried it.."Another tip to help speed up the "detox" process is to leave the mud on the hair for 30-60 minutes as a mud mask for the hair and then rinse it well. "Baking" the mud mask while sitting in the sun for 15-20 minutes can increase the absorption of the mud."

As far as how often to use it, that's up to you. I'm using it bi weekly, some do monthly or weekly(I did weekly in the beginning).


Start with wet dirty hair, apply mud wash to scalp and some throughout the length of your hair. Detangle if you can and twist. When you finish your entire head rinse off completely. While rinsing you can do the 2nd and third wash(that's how I did it).

Since I don't follow directions I used a conditioner(tresemme naturals) to make my hair feel normal(not a necessary step though). Afterwards some put oil and let dry or use some sort of twisting butter. I used a leave in(oyin hair dew) and sealed with burnt sugar. My hair was thrilled.

Now the directions obviously does not go with what I just typed but it has worked perfectly fine for me.

After watching Naps newest video I tried using AVC first, rinsing then applying the mud wash. Works very well-I will continue to do it that way.

I hope all that made sense:spinning:
So does it mean that you're never allowed to allowed stylers (gels, cream with hold, etc.) again?

You're supposed to use all natural products for best results. But I've only completed two days of detox thus far and my hair is way easier to detangle and I notice that I need much less product. The flax seed gel did nothing for my hair before the detox, now offers great hold. I'm using way less oil to seal and my hair still feels moisturized. I'm definitely fighting HIH disease :spinning:
So does it mean that you're never allowed to allowed stylers (gels, cream with hold, etc.) again?
Terressentials advocates a natural approach to hair care so they recommend natural oils and stylers to compliment usage of their mud shampoo. Some follow TE's recommendations as outlined and some do not. What appears to be consistent for most users of the mud wash regardless of use of natural vs non-natural moisturizers, stylers, conditioners, etc is that just by incorporating the TE wash in their regimen many are seeing an improvement in the condition of their hair -- from dry, frizzy, hard to detangle hair requiring constant moisturizing -- to easily detangled, soft, defined curls needing less moisture.
Ok, I'm finna order this ****!

After the detox and for moisturization, I think I may use AVJ (ph of 4-4.5), distilled water and glycerin and seal with my 100% organic palm butter (vegetable shortening) and see how my hair does without a real "conditioner"...what do you think of this?
I think I am doing it wrong then because during the detox which I am still on I did use a little leave in but now I am seeing that I shouldn't use anything until the end of the detox but I haven't used anything bad for my hair either everything has been natural.. Today is day 3 for me and I won't use anything for the rest of the days
I want to thank everyone for commenting on this post .... I myself actually never did the detox but after reading the the responds in this post, I started and it really makes a HUGE difference... I had a serious dry patch in the crown area of my head and day by day I notice the area is actually able to retain moisture. I'm sure by the end of the detox the issue will be gone. I highly encourage everyone to try this product out because it will def simplify your natural hair reggie ... Good luck to everyone and please let me know if you enjoy this product as much as i do :)
Hey ladies :grin:! I just wanted to inform you that faithVA wanted to respond to some of your questions but she is still locked out of the forum. She can view the post but can't respond to any post or private messages. Admin is suppose to be fixing the problem soon. I'm sure soon as she has permission again she will answer your questions about the mud wash :yep:.
Off topic but sorta not, since using the mud wash and completing the detox period, have anyone notice certain areas that may have been a slow growth area or wirey/prone to breakage have changed for the better??
Wow love your curls @LadyMacgyver, your hair looks so shiny and defined. Is this your normal curl pattern when your hair is wet?


I could have sworn I answered you on this.. I didn't want u to think I didn't want to answer you but I went back thru the thread and did not see where I answered u. Yea this is my normal curl patten when wet its just a little less defined. Its more defined with product.

I could have sworn I answered you on this.. I didn't want u to think I didn't want to answer you but I went back thru the thread and did not see where I answered u. Yea this is my normal curl patten when wet its just a little less defined. Its more defined with product.

What is your curl patten?
What is your curl patten?

It's more like spiral and corkscrews in the back area.. That front part is usually the hardest part to get a curl pattern but with that Terressential I actually see a curls more.. The front part I usually see more waves.. When I do put product on it and detangle my ends are more spiral that ever then.. I thought about doing a hairstyle where I would plait my hair and leave the ends out since they are so curly but not sure how it would turn out..
Off topic but sorta not, since using the mud wash and completing the detox period, have anyone notice certain areas that may have been a slow growth area or wirey/prone to breakage have changed for the better??
McQuay30, I did not detox so can't speak to that part of your question. Perhaps tashboog or faithVA can when her access is restored. What I can say is that since switching to the TE mud wash as my shampoo, I have noticed that the ball size of the hairs I use to lose post wash (both shed and broken) has decreased significantly-- from approx. 1 inch in diameter to about 1/3 inch in diameter. I have very fine hair that is prone to breakage so I'm hoping this will translate into better retention/growth.
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I've done clay washes in the past...before I lost my path:rolleyes: but i'm back on grind and have an easy Mud Mix to share:

2 TSP of Amla (powder)
2 TSP of Rhassoul (powder)
1 capfull of Grapeseed oil
1/2 tsp of Coconut oil
Aloe Vera Juice...just enough to mix into a non drippy paste.

You can substitute whatever nourishing oils you want. This was enough for my (now) SL hair.
I love this stuff. My favorite is the Cool Mint. My hair feels like buttery velvet. My hair feels and looks amazing. I didn't do the detox because I didn't think I needed to. I don't use products with synthetic ingredients or petrolatum/mineral oil products. I only use water based products and products with all natural ingredients. I don't get product buildup because my wash my hair regularly. I'm good :yep:. Anyway, this mud wash is amazing. Honestly, I don't think I can make a knock off that comes close to this. I've used bentonite clay plenty of times, different ratios with different ingredients and never has any clay treatment made my hair feel the way this mud wash does. Never has any shampoo or conditioner for the matter. I still prepoo and DC with my curl rehab, but seriously I don't need to and that is impressive.

Another thing I've noticed with my hair since using the mud wash is that my hair looks darker. I have black hair, never colored it (I've henna'd in the past but since my BC that hair is no longer on my head) and my hair just looks darker.

I know the shipping of this stuff is kind of high, but they have samples and if you buy two you can get the $6 shipping. Just to try it out I don't think it would hurt.