Mud Hair Wash=NO DC?

Ogoma I think because you use natural products you don't need to do the detox. I did not do the seven day detox on my hair. I only washed twice on the first day. My hair was springing ringlets. RINGLETS! Ringlets I tell you on my type 4.

I used it on DD and left in for an hour or two. I had flat ironed her hair two weeks ago with silk elements and another shine spray. She had lots of cones in her hair from that. So I decided to leave in the mud wash for a while with a plastic cap. I rinsed and realized I didn't need to detox. I use natural products almost exclusively on her hair.

I think if you use mostly natural products you don't need to do all that washing. I thought it was 3xs the first day and 1x for the next 6? I think you were washing too much Ogoma.
I always used a conditioner after. Sometimes I DC then rinse out with conditioner after. Then oyin hair dew/myc styling creme and seal with grapseed oil/evco/walnut oil. I used repair me, 613, then dc with AOHSR on DD. I then followed with oyin and oil combo. Maybe you need gpb or just a creamy moisturizer then oil Ogoma. To answer your question no we have no mushiness. We are just soft,super shiny and bouncy. The products I use just work better now and I don't have to remoisturize as often. Maybe you need light protein.

faithVA helped me out and she knows all about the wash I am sure she has some sage advice.
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Thank you for the advice. I will continue watching my hair.
[USER=334345 said:
Ogoma[/USER];14635453]@faithVA Today, day 3, it was stripped; dry and frizzy. I used Hair Dew today because it was too dry to go to work with just a little oil and butter. My hair feels much better, but it scared me. I used the remaining Sultry Spice and a bit of the Lavender Garden for the the second wash. It only felt stripped after the second wash.

I am not getting breakage or above normal shedding so I'll keep going because I want to experience what everyone has been raving about. So far, it seems the first day was the best.

Thank for you the advice.

The first day seems to feel the best for whatever reason. This is a pro and con because people can stop short when doing the detox. And the detox process can be scary but it will go back and forth until it stabilizes.

You are half way there. Dilute the mud wash if you need to. And don't worry about leaving it on for long periods of time if you are doing so. And don't use any heat. [Not saying you are doing any of that just didn't go back and read your process].

Even when the hair feels dry or stripped with the mudwash I have not noticed any breakage and with a moisturizing product the hair easily adjusts.

If after day 4 you think it is not turning around and you are really concerned then definitely stop. I never advocate doing anything when we are feeling fearful or concerned.
Hmmmm, I guess I should have done the full seven. I was using it weekly. Do I have to start over? I love the results so far.

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[USER=324511 said:
HanaKuroi[/USER];14635927]Hmmmm, I guess I should have done the full seven. I was using it weekly. Do I have to start over? I love the results so far.

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I would say no because in your own words you love the results. So why mess with something that is working? No one can say for sure that you will have better results than you have now. So your hair seems happy so trust your hair.
Just wanted my Los Angeles Mud washers to know that I was in Sherman Oaks and stopped by the Canoga Park Follow Your Heart Store. (Mind you I missed it because the address isn't visible and it looks like a restaurant from the street covered by trees). They have the Body Wash, stuff for the face, Deoderant and the Mud Wash. The only thing they didn't have was the Left Coast Lemon, which is my favorite, and they only have the smaller bottles (8oz). It was only $10.85 and I picked up just 2 of the unscented on impulse and one deoderent. I also asked them about the other sizes and scents and they said they would order it for me, but it's not that serious (I already have 5 large Left Coast Lemons at home, lol, enough for a year at least).

I think I have figured out how to make Terressentials Left Coast Lemon at home. (Not ready to release the video until I test it more and i'm waiting for one more powder to arrive from Most of the stuff I got from Amazon for cheap so once I have used up my stash, and not buy anymore on impulse, lol, then I will just make it at home.

But I just wanted to let you ladies know that it's there.
My hair did not love this detox. It is so puffy and frizzy at the roots. I am going to do a light protein DT overnight. No breakage or anything, but my hair is not looking or feeling right. I think I overdid it. Oh well. I am glad I did it though just so I am not wondering if I should have done it.

Edited to add: I did a light protein treatment and my hair is banging. My troubled crown spot seems normal. I am loving this. I have placed an order for the full size of the Left Coast Lemon and Cool Mint!
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Annoyed with how my order transaction from Terressentials went down. This may be the first and last time I order from them.

I placed my order, then get an email saying thanks for placing your order. Then I get a second email saying shipping would have to increase and a $7 handling charge needed to be added to my total because I live in Hawaii.

The email also stated that my items were NOT weight or shipped yet. I replied to the email stating that I needed to know the total of my order before shipping to decide whether or not I wanted to proceed or cancel. I also stated how unfair it was, as a consumer, to be hit with "extra" charges after giving my credit card information. My living in Hawaii should have been a factor when I typed in my address before payment.

They NEVER responded. A week later I get a tracing number and an email telling me my item shipped. This is not how you do business. I promptly called and left a message and sent another email stating, again, how unhappy I am with the lack of communication concerning my transaction.


ETA: I read over the website again and saw where it actually states:
SHIPPING/HANDLING RATES ARE AS SHOWN FOR CONTIGUOUS US ORDERS ONLY: Up to $8: $6.95; $8 to $25: $8.75; $25 to $45: $9.25; $45 to $60: $9.75; Over $60: $11.95. For all other orders, the charge is the actual insured air postage plus $7 for handling.

I still think I should have had the opportunity to cancel my order before it shipped.
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Thank you, thank you, thank you for all the help and information you have provided on this thread. While the detox stripped my hair of everything, it is almost as if I have a fresh palette with which to build healthy hair care practices. My hair feels awesome and my crown patch is not acting up today at all.

Thank you, thank you, thank you for all the help and information you have provided on this thread. While the detox stripped my hair of everything, it is almost as if I have a fresh palette with which to build healthy hair care practices. My hair feels awesome and my crown patch is not acting up today at all.

I was a little worried about you yesterday Ogoma. You weren't having such a great experience. But I have promised I wouldn't get attached to other people's results :lol:

And I agree, the detox does give you a fresh palette.

I am glad you are feeling better about it today.
I live in Alaska and when the wrote me saying that I would have to pay more for 2 day priority shipping, I wrote them and asked why? I told them that 2 day priority flat rate shipping is the same to and from all fifty states. They wrote back and said that was an automated message. That I would not be charged more.

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Hay ladies, just checking in, been MIA for a couple weeks.
Still mudding, and like other ladies, after the detox i decided to mud every other week.

by the end of the detox I was actually using 1-2 tbs of undiluted mud for my whole head, also alternating the mud which SM detox mask is really good.

glad to see this little band of mudders is going strong lol
I was a little worried about you yesterday Ogoma. You weren't having such a great experience. But I have promised I wouldn't get attached to other people's results :lol:

And I agree, the detox does give you a fresh palette.

I am glad you are feeling better about it today.

Yesterday when I got home, I noticed my curls were popping despite the awesome frizz I was sporting. It also occurred to me that I had used aloe vera gel that day and the heating was on at the office so that may have caused some of the dryness. I hope I don't over do protein or moisture from here on out and I can maintain this.

I am going to use this 1-2x a month and see how it goes.
Annoyed with how my order transaction from Terressentials went down. This may be the first and last time I order from them.

I placed my order, then get an email saying thanks for placing your order. Then I get a second email saying shipping would have to increase and a $7 handling charge needed to be added to my total because I live in Hawaii.

The email also stated that my items were NOT weight or shipped yet. I replied to the email stating that I needed to know the total of my order before shipping to decide whether or not I wanted to proceed or cancel. I also stated how unfair it was, as a consumer, to be hit with "extra" charges after giving my credit card information. My living in Hawaii should have been a factor when I typed in my address before payment.

They NEVER responded. A week later I get a tracing number and an email telling me my item shipped. This is not how you do business. I promptly called and left a message and sent another email stating, again, how unhappy I am with the lack of communication concerning my transaction.


ETA: I read over the website again and saw where it actually states:
SHIPPING/HANDLING RATES ARE AS SHOWN FOR CONTIGUOUS US ORDERS ONLY: Up to $8: $6.95; $8 to $25: $8.75; $25 to $45: $9.25; $45 to $60: $9.75; Over $60: $11.95. For all other orders, the charge is the actual insured air postage plus $7 for handling.

I still think I should have had the opportunity to cancel my order before it shipped.

To be honest I love the product but hate dealing with them when I have issues with my order. They have treated me rudely before as well, even after I just place an order of over $200 with them, they chraged the crap outta my bank card and kept saying the order was declined all they while I was losing money. In the end they said it was MY FAULT and that THEY are not perfect. It took them over 4 weeks to return my money, never answered the phone or called me back, and sent me a rude email. Now that sage naturalceuticals carries them I will call in my order there or if I am near a store that has it I will just pick it up there.

They pissed me off so much that I started researching the ingredients. I figured out which clays they were using because it's more than one. So now I figured out how to make it at home and I was shocked to see how easy it was. I might get one or two from Sage later just to keep for when I travel. The one I make at home I keep in the fridge for now and haven't tested it's shelf life completely when left in a cool place yet. If it lasts beyond 3-6 months on my shelf then Terressential can bite me, lol. They got under my skin with their customer service and I just don't deal well with poor customer service.

Also, one of their vendors based in Canada sells it online and ships WORLDWIDE, it's only a few dollars more than ordering it from them directly.
They pissed me off so much that I started researching the ingredients. I figured out which clays they were using because it's more than one. So now I figured out how to make it at home and I was shocked to see how easy it was.

makeupvixen do you mind sharing your recipe? I had planned to purchase my first bottle during black Friday but after hearing about your cs experience I have decided against it.

thanks in advance for your response,
I was a little worried about you yesterday Ogoma. You weren't having such a great experience. But I have promised I wouldn't get attached to other people's results :lol:

And I agree, the detox does give you a fresh palette.

I am glad you are feeling better about it today.
faithVA, all of us mud wash users owe you a real debt of gratitude for keeping this thread growing and strong. Its good that you do care enough to get invested in each person's results and outcome. I'm sure your thoughtfulness and responsiveness has been a help to many who would have just given up and remained frustrated with their hair and/or the product. Just wanted to say a BIG :thankyou: on behalf of all LHCF mudders everywhere cause you deserve it!
@faithVA, all of us mud wash users owe you a real debt of gratitude for keeping this thread growing and strong. Its good that you do care enough to get invested in each person's results and outcome. I'm sure your thoughtfulness and responsiveness has been a help to many who would have just given up and remained frustrated with their hair and/or the product. Just wanted to say a BIG :thankyou: on behalf of all LHCF mudders everywhere cause you deserve it!

Wow - hair4today, you have left me speechless. You and all the other ladies are very welcome. But watching this thread, there are mudders here who know as much as or more than me so I can now just sit back and enjoy. :yep:
@makeupvixen wow at your experience. Mine was not as bad as yours but basically Terressentials added an exorbitant shipping and handling charge to my credit card (after the original order went through) so I didn't know until I got my statement. They basically doubled the cost of the product to ship to Canada. Ouch! Although l love the product it really was cost prohibitive. Luckily I was able to find a local store (The Big Carrot) in Toronto who sells the stuff for a slight markup. I can also get it online from Nothing Naughty Naturals (Canadian vendor) for significantly lower shipping costs. Right now, I have enough to last a while but when I run out you betcha I will be making my own stuff using the recipe you provided up thread. Its good to have options!!
I live in Alaska and when the wrote me saying that I would have to pay more for 2 day priority shipping, I wrote them and asked why? I told them that 2 day priority flat rate shipping is the same to and from all fifty states. They wrote back and said that was an automated message. That I would not be charged more.

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I am so happy they responded to you and did not charge you more.

To be honest I love the product but hate dealing with them when I have issues with my order. They have treated me rudely before as well, even after I just place an order of over $200 with them, they chraged the crap outta my bank card and kept saying the order was declined all they while I was losing money. In the end they said it was MY FAULT and that THEY are not perfect. It took them over 4 weeks to return my money, never answered the phone or called me back, and sent me a rude email. Now that sage naturalceuticals carries them I will call in my order there or if I am near a store that has it I will just pick it up there.

They pissed me off so much that I started researching the ingredients. I figured out which clays they were using because it's more than one. So now I figured out how to make it at home and I was shocked to see how easy it was. I might get one or two from Sage later just to keep for when I travel. The one I make at home I keep in the fridge for now and haven't tested it's shelf life completely when left in a cool place yet. If it lasts beyond 3-6 months on my shelf then Terressential can bite me, lol. They got under my skin with their customer service and I just don't deal well with poor customer service.

Also, one of their vendors based in Canada sells it online and ships WORLDWIDE, it's only a few dollars more than ordering it from them directly.

Thank you for sharing. They really need to work on communicating with customers better.

Who is the vendor? I need to check my statements.

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The vendor on my bank statement is TERRE INTERNET 301-371-7333 MD.
I received an email response today from Terressentials apologizing for the lack of communication and explaining the shipping situation. The emailed seemed very sincere. I'll give them one pass for now.
I received an email response today from Terressentials apologizing for the lack of communication and explaining the shipping situation. The emailed seemed very sincere. I'll give them one pass for now.

You should not be paying more for shipping if it is 2-3 day priority flat rate. The price is the same for all 50 states.

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I'm still working on the specifics to the recipe but it's Almost identical to the Terressential ingredient list, so very close. But the hint is it's not just bentonite clay in it, if you look at the back of the label it says clay minerals...

So I have been breaking down what those minerals consist of. Bentonite, Rhassoul and a small amount of Kaolin. I love being a college student because it gives me access to my Science Lab and the professor's advice, YAY.

The Lemon is my favorite so that's the one I'm working on duping.

When I have officially unlocked the key I will tell you gals and then release a video. But as most people that know me, I hate giving out misinformation and wrong stuff. So I would rather be 100% certain before I go telling people what my dupe recipe is without having tested it for a good period of time.

I live in Los Angeles and have a lot of access to those holistic stores and I'm getting my ingredients from them. I did substitute only a few items because I wanted added slip so I added marshmallow root (boiled and strained in aloe vera concentrate) and I also added hibiscus. Even took some chamomile and boiled it in the aloe juice. I'm thinking about boiling in some rose but again, I have to test it. I don't just want to whip up something on a whim and call it something. I like to test, test, and re-test, then test some more.

But again, I will let you ladies be the first to know once I have perfected everything and tested it properly.
I'm still working on the specifics to the recipe but it's Almost identical to the Terressential ingredient list, so very close. But the hint is it's not just bentonite clay in it, if you look at the back of the label it says clay minerals...

So I have been breaking down what those minerals consist of. Bentonite, Rhassoul and a small amount of Kaolin. I love being a college student because it gives me access to my Science Lab and the professor's advice, YAY.

The Lemon is my favorite so that's the one I'm working on duping.

When I have officially unlocked the key I will tell you gals and then release a video. But as most people that know me, I hate giving out misinformation and wrong stuff. So I would rather be 100% certain before I go telling people what my dupe recipe is without having tested it for a good period of time.

I live in Los Angeles and have a lot of access to those holistic stores and I'm getting my ingredients from them. I did substitute only a few items because I wanted added slip so I added marshmallow root (boiled and strained in aloe vera concentrate) and I also added hibiscus. Even took some chamomile and boiled it in the aloe juice. I'm thinking about boiling in some rose but again, I have to test it. I don't just want to whip up something on a whim and call it something. I like to test, test, and re-test, then test some more.

But again, I will let you ladies be the first to know once I have perfected everything and tested it properly.

@makeupvixen I'm all ears!:grin: Some people state somewehere(here: ) that their extracts are liquid/alcoholic and there is 10% in the mix.

(I copy and paste:"All their hair washes have alcohol-based extract in them. Over the phone, in fact, the rep told me that a bottle of hair wash was about 10% alcohol. That's a big number and might be a mistake. I've emailed the company to double check and haven't heard back yet--will post answer if & when they respond." )

If I wash my hair with clay and aloe juice only, it seems like I need to add something that "breaks the sticky gunk". I am trying to add ACV for that reason. I wonder if the alcoholic nature of those extracts is what breaks the gunk. Maybe this would also explain why there are no preservatives (since alcohol preserves), who knows.
At the moment it seems like it needs something slippery, something that breaks the gunk, something moisturizing, something liquid, the clay and I wonder if it needs to be preserved. Hmmm.
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@makeupvixen I'm all ears!:grin: Some people state somewehere(here: ) that their extracts are liquid/alcoholic and there is 10% in the mix.

(I copy and paste:"All their hair washes have alcohol-based extract in them. Over the phone, in fact, the rep told me that a bottle of hair wash was about 10% alcohol. That's a big number and might be a mistake. I've emailed the company to double check and haven't heard back yet--will post answer if & when they respond." )

If I wash my hair with clay and aloe juice only, it seems like I need to add something that "breaks the sticky gunk". I am trying to add ACV for that reason. I wonder if the alcoholic nature of those extracts is what breaks the gunk. Maybe this would also explain why there are no preservatives (since alcohol preserves), who knows.
At the moment it seems like it needs something slippery, something that breaks the gunk, something moisturizing, something liquid, the clay and I wonder if it needs to be preserved. Hmmm.

I think that's what's missing from my last batch because I was trying to use some things without it. Like the linden and nettle extract that people order online has alcohol in it. I think I might stick with the hibiscus liquid because it has brandy in it as a preservative. Then I tried the marshmallow liquid like a YouTube did and I noticed there is glycerin in it so I decided to only use the marshmallow powder but its too gritty so I tried boiling it in the aloe vera juice and using a cheese clothe to strain it, maybe I will use a nylon stocking... But I think that may be too much work for people and I want to keep it simple.

But I'm still mixing and testing... Thanks for the info hun, this weekend I'm going to be playing in that lime essentials to figure out how much is too much