MTG is my new Baby Daddy! All new MTG users holla!

I ordered it and received it yesterday...haven't started but I will keep progress pics. I will def be using on my edges because I think my braids this time were too tight :(
LoL @ the title of this thread!

I've only used it twice, but I love the sheen it gives my hair and it makes my NG super soft. I really thought the smell would be absolutely horrible like rotten eggs or something, but its really not that bad. :lol: I plan on using it twice a week begining tonight cant wait to see the great results! :D
started using MTG this weekend also... my daughter said she thought my hair smelt like bacon:( so i've been careful not to get too close to co-workers.. plan on def. adding some EO's to help mask the smell:grin: my new growth is def. softer and has more shine to it than ususal especially since I am almost 9 weeks post relaxer. I think if I am consistant with using it, it should help me get past 12 weeks no problem... just need to work on the bacon smell:grin:
Re: MTG is my new Baby Daddy!

belleza said:
I just started using MTG yesterday, and I plan on using it from now on. I will be documenting my progress with it. I anyone is new to MTG, let me know what you think.

So far, my hair is very silky. I'm using Lemongrass and Eucalyptus EO's for the smell. My goal is bra-strap. :creatures

Mine just came in the mail today. :clapping: I couldn't wait to finish dinner so I could give it a whirl. First impression? The shampoo and conditioner have much slip. Second impression? This stuff stanks! I'm mean S-T-A-N-K, stank. I talkin' fritos, gym socks, and dirty butt stank. :eek: I don't have anything to cover this up! When I read people's comments about the smell I thought "Whatever, I can take it." I'm now thinking, there's no way I'm going outside like this. :nono:
I've been using MTG for about 4 weeks this coming Thursday or Friday, I think. So far, I'm estimating that I've gotten about one inch of new growth since my last relaxer retouch. That's not too bad considering I usually grow half an inch per month. My next relaxer is not for another 6 1/2 weeks. I'd be happy with 2 - 2 1/2 inches of new growth by then. I think if I could get consistent with my vitamins, that would help alot. I haven't taken any since I started the MTG.

I have not noticed any silkiness with my new growth or my hair. It makes my hair shiny but the stuff is oily and it runs all over the place! All down my neck, down my face. Normally, I put it on at night, but I shampooed this morning and, out of force of habit, applied the MTG. Now I have some oily spots on the front of my blouse.

I started wearing a wig last week (just to do something different and my new growth is too thick and nappy...I pull it back in a bun and the front would like like a TWA) and now my wig smells like MTG. I meant to get some EO to mask the smells but the smell didn't really bother me in the beginning...until I used my new Maxiglide with MTG in my, I don't care much for the smell at all.

As usual, I think I've started to ramble. The point is, it seems to be working for me.
I think since we are all new to MTG we should start our own MTG challenge, starting as of the beginning of this thread. I'll continue to bump and update you regarding my progress. :)

...running out of thread, whipping out the MTG flask I have strapped to my leg...umm sulfur, bacon, Fritos, oh my!
I'm not an mtg'er but belleza i bet that lemongrass smells so fresh & so clean. Sorry for the interupution.... :D P.S.Now i will be thinking about outkast's so fresh n so clean song all day long. :)
foxybrownsugar said:
I'm not an mtg'er but belleza i bet that lemongrass smells so fresh & so clean. Sorry for the interupution.... :D P.S.Now i will be thinking about outkast's so fresh n so clean song all day long. :)

You're right, It's smells wonderful. I can smell it in my hair all day.
I think I have gotten about a 1/2 inch in 3 weeks I was hoping for an inch a month I use it every day but I have noticed my hair is alot thicker :eek: and its kind of stiff when I wrap my hair at night and take it out in the morning it just doesnt fall down anymore now its just stiff. Any of you ladies experience this and how did you combat this?
Re: MTG is my new Baby Daddy!

sareca said:
Mine just came in the mail today. :clapping: I couldn't wait to finish dinner so I could give it a whirl. First impression? The shampoo and conditioner have much slip. Second impression? This stuff stanks! I'm mean S-T-A-N-K, stank. I talkin' fritos, gym socks, and dirty butt stank. :eek: I don't have anything to cover this up! When I read people's comments about the smell I thought "Whatever, I can take it." I'm now thinking, there's no way I'm going outside like this. :nono:

Do the shampoo and conditioner stink too?
My update: I am four weeks post relaxer and I have a section of hair that grows really thick (the back area). I had my skeptical friend measure that area and it measured an inch! Now it's only this area, my side are definetely not an inch, but I am so impressed with the MTG!
You all are making me laugh.

I am dealing with the smell better now since I know how to cover it up.

I was putting it in my hair and my husband walked into the bathroom and said "What is that smell? I said its oil that will help my hair grow. He then says "Well is it working because it smells like A$$" :lol: :lachen: I was laughing so hard.

I told him that I had it on my hair the night before and he didn't say anything so obviously I can cover the smell.

It doesn't make my hair soft though..It kind of gives me the same feeling as Surge without the dryness.

I will keep using it.
How do you all know that it's the MTG that's working really well? I use it 4-7 times a week in the night straight and mixed with Surge during the day. Once a week I also give myself a MTG hot oil treatment (MTG with heating cap).

You all have me on so much damn stuff I am afraid to say any one thing is responsible for my hair growth. Is it the biotin? Is it the MTG? Is it the Surge? Is it the MSM? Is it the Jason's Thin-to-thick? ARGHHHH!!!!!!!!!

All I can tell you is that in 3 weeks I now have jussssst shy of an inch of hair on my head. (I stopped shaving my hair down to a shadow as of the beginnin of September 2005). It is curly, soft, getting thicker, full of sheen and just damn gorgeous, if I must say so myself.

I don't use MTG on my body thank God! You all are responsible for me having to shave my legs for the first time in my life tonight. I have to. I am 38 years old! My husband used to call me bottle because nothing grows on glass. He'd raise from the dead if he could see what's currently on my legs.
y'all I'm telling u, MTG is whats up, smell or no smell, its worked for me for last couple of months, my hair is thick and healthy now. I've also taken to saturating my scalp with MTg the last 2 days.
I am starting my MTG challenge when it arrives. But I have to ask for details on how it is applied. PLEASE before I end up doing something wrong.

1. After washing, do you saturate your hair & scalp with MTG?

2. After you apply MTG, do you leave it in all day? What is the longest you should leave it in?

3. I am clear that you can apply it and leave it on overnight

4. Do you leave it on for more than an overnight period? Say for two days if you wash every two days or more?

Suri said:
I am starting my MTG challenge when it arrives. But I have to ask for details on how it is applied. PLEASE before I end up doing something wrong.

1. After washing, do you saturate your hair & scalp with MTG?

2. After you apply MTG, do you leave it in all day? What is the longest you should leave it in?

3. I am clear that you can apply it and leave it on overnight

4. Do you leave it on for more than an overnight period? Say for two days if you wash every two days or more?


I don't saturate my hair with MTG, it's too oily to do that. I put it in with a old WGO applicator and use it sparingly. I basically put it in and leave it in until my next wash. To wash it out I can't do a CO wash. In order for it to come out I have to use shampoo. So I use a pre-poo elixir from Aveda, then wash out the MTG. I do leave it in for days at a time. Hope this helps :)
So ladies what's the good news? I am still impressed with the MTG and try to leave it on a minimum of 2 days, and 4 at max. Will measure my hair at the end of December. Bonjour
Just ordered guys have gotten me HYPED!!! Hope it's all it's been reporteed to be..
I ordered a 32 oz bottle of the original MTG....and I just ordered Surge Plus 14.
Do I use them independently,
Sorry for being so hair-retarded. Goodness knows I've been doing my own for 17 years now.....but you guys have HEALTHY INFO!!!!!!!
belleza said:
I don't saturate my hair with MTG, it's too oily to do that. I put it in with a old WGO applicator and use it sparingly. I basically put it in and leave it in until my next wash. To wash it out I can't do a CO wash. In order for it to come out I have to use shampoo. So I use a pre-poo elixir from Aveda, then wash out the MTG. I do leave it in for days at a time. Hope this helps :)
i do the same...use an old WGO bottle and use sparingly....i have been slacking though...
brownsugar9999 said:
Just ordered guys have gotten me HYPED!!! Hope it's all it's been reporteed to be..
I ordered a 32 oz bottle of the original MTG....and I just ordered Surge Plus 14.
Do I use them independently,
Sorry for being so hair-retarded. Goodness knows I've been doing my own for 17 years now.....but you guys have HEALTHY INFO!!!!!!!

BEWARE! I used MTG and Surge together, not for maximum growth, but one for my hairline, and the other for the rest of my hair, and experienced burns/scars on the back of my neck and behind my ears. It took some serious ALOE VERA & medicated products to make the burn/rash go away. I discontinued using both of them because I didn't know which one caused it. IMO, I think sticking with MTG first to see how effective it is would be better than using them simultaneously.

ETA: Here's the thread about what happened to me:
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Ugh!!!! i'm dripping mtg today.... I guess i used too much...

You guys, the smell's not so bad?! either it goes away after a while, or I've gotten used to it, but my coworkers haven't even said anything...

I'm expecting great results!
lovelymissyoli said:
BEWARE! I used MTG and Surge together, not for maximum growth, but one for my hairline, and the other for the rest of my hair, and experienced burns/scars on the back of my neck and behind my ears. It took some serious ALOE VERA & medicated products to make the burn/rash go away. I discontinued using both of them because I didn't know which one caused it. IMO, I think sticking with MTG first to see how effective it is would be better than using them simultaneously.

ETA: Here's the thread about what happened to me:
Thank you for the heads luck I would have spontaneously BURST into flames!!!!!

Normally my hair grows a half an inch to 3/4 of an inch per month, with the aid of MTG my hair grew an extra half an inch! :woot: :grin: :yay: I've been using it for about a month and applying with a spray bottle twice a week. I plan to reorder early next year and they better have some in stock when I order too! :lol: I wish I'd known about this sooner wayyy sooner this stuff is off the hizzy fo shizzy! :lachen:
Okay, how ya'll doing out there. I've decided to wait till my next relaxer to post more pictures. My hair grows faster in winter so I want to wait to take pictures so I can be stunned by my hair.

...Oh one thing I learned is to stop using MTG for a least a week before your relaxer...yow!
Obviously I have a hidden growth treasure in my bathroom that I have been neglecting and could have got a couple of inches of growth since Aug. Arrrgh why do I have to be so lazy! I jump back on the wagon and I riding that horesy! lol haha
To those of you who are concerned about MTG running down your necks and backs; use a medicine dropper to apply it. The dropper works really well and it allows you to concentrate on the parts in your scalp only. It makes the application of the MTG more precise and accurate, and you can absolutely control the flow of it.

In addition to this, you don't waste as much of it because you control the drops. If you do your scalp like this, it will not be so messy and wasteful. The bottle will last a lot longer this way.

This is just a suggestion. It has been working well for me. I am new to the MTG thing, but I find that the medicine dropper makes applying it very precise.

Hope this helps ladies.