What are you going to do about her hair?


Well-Known Member
My sister took my niece to get her hair flatironed for her sixth birthday. The stylist asked my sister what she was going to do about my nieces hair-hinting that it was time to relax my nieces hair. She was kind of unnerved about the prospect. She told me she didn't want to relax her daugher's hair until it was neccessary. Of course I told it was never necessary to relax and my sister-in-law chimed in that relaxing her hair that young would ruin her hair. I was so mad I didn't know what to say and told my sister not to relax my nieces hair no matter what he said. Yes my niece has hip length and thick. But if you don't want to spend the time to do all that hair just tell her you can't flat iron it or charge more for the length. But I am not surprised because he made some comments about my how "thick" my natural hair was and if it was "knotty" he wouldn't be able to do it for me. Its time for me and my niece to find a new stylist. If he pressures my sister int relaxing my niece's hair its going to be ugly because I am going to be all over him and my sister.
That ticks me off to no end. My niece has WL hair. If my sister ever thinks she's putting a relaxer in that girl's hair, I'm going to go off. But, then again, my sister most likely won't since she's transitioning now.
Its really sad that a so called professional would be willing to relax a 6 year old's hair simply to make money. No doubt he had $$$$ in his eyes thinking of all the re-touches that would be in her future. Tell your sister not to go back to that joker. Good grief!
My hair was the same way and my mother was a hair stylist and even she got tired of doing it because it took so long. She would take me to the salon (couldn't go to hers because she worked in yt salon) and all the women would pretend to be busy or start running off and only one lady would do it. But eventually the hassle got to my mom and she caved and relaxed my hair. Bad move..:nono: