Moisturizing hair with oil as opposed to using a commercial moisturizer.


Well-Known Member
I have noticed that when i have dry feet or hands and i use any of my lotions whether its lubriderm or B&BW...I notice that my skin will feel oily yet still feel dry. As if the lotion sits on my skin but doesnt truly moisturize it. (Hopefully yall know what i'm talking about it.) Then I tried using just grocery store-bought grapeseed oil as a skin moisturizer and it keeps my feet/hands moisturized all day long, and it never fails when i do use it. So a lightbulb went off. *ding-ding-ding-ding* If oil is more moistuizing than using a commercial lotion, then maybe i should start using an oil to moisturize my hair as well... So after doing research I find that Safflower Oil is highly moisturizing and it's fast absorbing to the skin as well as the hair. And the oil contains a high amount of linoleic and oleic acid which is very beneficial to the skin. And best of all it's super light and easily absorbent. Soooo, anyways, i'm going to give it a try insead of using any commercial moisturizers.
Anybody tried using oil, only? i'm scared of being protein deprived....Anyone have any suggestions of a lite protein that maybe i can add to the oil?
