MoeGro Challenge!

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I am itching with excitment as I read this thread. I am fairly new here and haven't started anything yet but I really think I am going to try this and the deep condition challenge. I am going to see if I can get the items today and tomorrow so i can start on Monday or Tuesday.

I have short hair that reaches to the bottom of my earlopes in the back and at my jawline in the front. I would love to get shoulder length hair again and maybe even bra strap length. I am so super excited and plan on getting my sister to do this as well. Thank you guys for the inspiration.
Tonight I am taking out all of My micros. I will also be making my second batch of moegro but with Jojoba oil. I liked the first one but Imma switch it up. I am getting cornrows for the next couple of weeks so I shall see what kind of growth I get with the Moegro.
I haven't used MoeGro for about two weeks now (vacation) I can really tell the difference in my adds a level of polish.

At any rate, I used my last batch in my henna (don't know why?? just did) and now I'm waiting on my order of jojoba, nettle root herb and burdock root herb to start my new infusion. I'm doing the cold extraction method this round. I've done a little more research on using nettles/nettle root and burdock root.

The most interesting thing I turned up was:

Stinging nettle formulas are made from the roots and the leaves of the plant.

So I plan to infuse both the leaves (tea) and the root into jojoba.

Nettle Leaves: Flavonoids (isoquercitin, rutin); acrid components, particularly in the stinging hairs (including histamine and 5-hydroxytryptamine(serotonin),formic acid, volatile and resinous acids); silica, glucoquinone, tannins, ascorbic acid and other minerals and vitamins in appreciable levels.

Nettle Root: polysaccharides, sterols and sterol glucosides, lignans, ceramides, fatty acids, monoterpene diols and glucosides

An aqueous extract of nettle was shown to contain ammonium, phosphorous, potassium, calcium, magnesium and sulfur. Vitamins A, B1, B2, B9, C, E and K have been identified from fresh and/or dried plant sources.

...Tea Rinse...:yep:

Other components, such as cytokinnins, leukotrienes, scopoletin, volatile oils, rutin, ketones, ceramides, amino acids, glucokinins, mucilages, phospholipids (betaine, choline, lecithin) and glucoquinones have all been identified in nettle preparations.

MoeGro is an all natural oil based protein hair treatment which also provides all important ceramides (using nettles...don't know about shavegrass) continuously...not bad...:yep:.

"Ceramides are important oil-soluble compounds (or lipids) within hair, responsible for maintaining proper moisture and elasticity. When hair is overprocessed, these essential Ceramides are depleted, causing hair to become dry, brittle and frail."

So for me...if the concoction itself never grows an inch of hair it will feed my follicles and strengthen my hair...all I will need to do is to concentrate on the health of my ends. :yep:

Well...just thought I'd share...:grin:

Have a great week-end, everyone...
So for me...if the concoction itself never grows an inch of hair it will feed my follicles and strengthen my hair...all I will need to do is to concentrate on the health of my ends. :yep:

Well...just thought I'd share...:grin:

Have a great week-end, everyone...

And there you have it.:yep:
For the ladies who are keeping their infusions out in the sun for an extended period as they pour off what they need, I would suggest you either do the cold infusion and/or method or take the herbs out and re-infuse with fresh herbs.

Two reasons:
1. You can only extract so much of the herbs' nutrients in the heat before it stops infusing. And depending on the oil, it may get rancid.

2. Also your concoction will eventually get moldy with old herbs. If you put in fresh herbs, your concoction will get stronger!:spinning:
OK so I actually measured my hair yesterday and I do have some growth. I started on July 24, so it's been 3 weeks and I think I have 1/2 inch of growth. I say I think just because I bloe dried my hair yesterday so that I could relly do it right and I didn't do that the first time. Beacuse of that I won't really claim 1/2 inch. I will just go from here with my measurements.
Congrats on the progress!!

OK so I actually measured my hair yesterday and I do have some growth. I started on July 24, so it's been 3 weeks and I think I have 1/2 inch of growth. I say I think just because I bloe dried my hair yesterday so that I could relly do it right and I didn't do that the first time. Beacuse of that I won't really claim 1/2 inch. I will just go from here with my measurements.
OK so I actually measured my hair yesterday and I do have some growth. I started on July 24, so it's been 3 weeks and I think I have 1/2 inch of growth. I say I think just because I bloe dried my hair yesterday so that I could relly do it right and I didn't do that the first time. Beacuse of that I won't really claim 1/2 inch. I will just go from here with my measurements.

congrats on your growth!! :yep:

I wanted to know if anyone doing the moegro challenge is also deep conditioning their hair every week. I just permed my hair and I am just learning about deep conditioning my hair on a regular basis. For those who do both, do you put the moegro everyday?

How does the deep conditioning work? Do you just put in a deep conditioner and no shampoo? I just want to be on the right track as I start this hair growth journey,. Thanks a whole bunch.
A quick question for those using aloe vera juice in their mix. Do you find it necessary to keep your MoeGro mix in the fridge since the aloe vera juice bottle says to refridgerate once its been opened.
I use aloe vera gel but it requires refrigeration also. Vitamin E oil is a natural preservative. That's what I use to preserve my mix. I would never remember to apply it If I left it in the fridge.
I made a concoction similar to the MoeGro. My purpose is to use this for its moisturizing properties. If I get growth that would be great too.
*nettle leaves
*nettle root
*Burdock root
*Coconut oil
*Jojoba oil
*papaya oil
*acovado oil
*Grape seed oil
*Sweet almont oil
*Alovera Gel.
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keep us posted fabienn! I'm on the no ruler until my nappiversary this october. It will be a year since my last relaxer. Although I have trimmed, and even during my bc I cut a little lower than the line of demarcation, I think I am going to be ahead of schedule. Probably not by much yet, but I think I will be.
I made a concoction similar to the MoeGro. My purpose is to use this for it's moisturizing properties. If I get growth that would be great too.
*nettle leaves
*nettle root
*Burdock root
*Coconut oil
*Jojoba oil
*papaya oil
*acovado oil
*Grape seed oil
*Sweet almont oil
*Alovera Gel.

Your ingredients look good...lots of 'em..what are your ratio's for each one?

I know you'll get that moisturizing from nettles, jojoba and aloe...pls keep us posted...:grin:
Hey ladies...I know its been a while, but I have tweeked my formula a little... I went to Vitamin Shoppe and didn't realize that they had a section filled with different extracts. Well, before I purchased, I went online and did a research on different hair growth ingredients and the common denominators were Horsetail, Rosemary, Capsicum (Cayenne), Nettle and Aloe Vera and Jojoba (Vitamin Shoppe Brand).

While I still have a significant amount of my Moe Grow mix (some still marinating and very potent) I purchased the Horsetail, Rosemary and Cayenne extract and added several drops to my mixture for extra potency. All I can say is wow....the growth is phenomenal.....

I figure this would give some of the ladies ideas if they did not have access to purchase the natural herbs, and didn't haved time to infuse. You can mix the extracts with the Jojoba oil and still get the same results. The extracts are just more potent.

Happy Hair Growing!
Hey ladies...I know its been a while, but I have tweeked my formula a little... I went to Vitamin Shoppe and didn't realize that they had a section filled with different extracts. Well, before I purchased, I went online and did a research on different hair growth ingredients and the common denominators were Horsetail, Rosemary, Capsicum (Cayenne), Nettle and Aloe Vera and Jojoba (Vitamin Shoppe Brand).

While I still have a significant amount of my Moe Grow mix (some still marinating and very potent) I purchased the Horsetail, Rosemary and Cayenne extract and added several drops to my mixture for extra potency. All I can say is wow....the growth is phenomenal.....

I figure this would give some of the ladies ideas if they did not have access to purchase the natural herbs, and didn't haved time to infuse. You can mix the extracts with the Jojoba oil and still get the same results. The extracts are just more potent.

Happy Hair Growing!

I've read about cayenne used in growth formulas. Thanks for the heads up on your new mix and your growth...... :grin:

How many drops/tsp of each did you add to your mix?

Thanks for sharing w/us...great info.
Just a question, are any of you using aloe juice instead of aloe gel? How is it going, and any thoughts would be appreciated even if you havent used it
I am going to start using my creation of the Mo' Gro oil in just over a week. Because I don't know too much about mixing, I am going to cheat a little bit.

Doo Gro Mega Thick Growth Oil (ingredients below) + 1 oz each of the Horsetail and Nettle Extract and 1/4 oz of Rosemary Oil (keeping under the 10:1 ratio of carrier oils to essential oil).

Wish me luck!

Doo Gro Mega Thick Growth Oil Ingredients
Soybean Oil, Soy Methyl Ester, Sweet Almond Oil, Oat Extract, Oat Protein, Meadowfoam Seed Oil, SheaButter Extract, Fragrance, Propylparaben, BHA, Tea Tree Oil, Retinol (Vitamin A), Tocopherol (Vitamin E) Matricaria Extract, Goldenseed Extract, Hops Extract, Soap Bark Extract, Calendula Extract, Henna Extract, Horsetail Plant Extract, Safflower Oil
Since I been using mine, I been feeling the tinglies and the itchies. I hope that's a good sign.. I can't wait to take this weave out and see!
How are ya'll making the mix? Are you stirring our aloe juice/gel in after you infuse the oil or just shaking it up in a bottle, mixing it in your hands (which is what I have been doing)?
I am going to start using my creation of the Mo' Gro oil in just over a week. Because I don't know too much about mixing, I am going to cheat a little bit.

Doo Gro Mega Thick Growth Oil (ingredients below) + 1 oz each of the Horsetail and Nettle Extract and 1/4 oz of Rosemary Oil (keeping under the 10:1 ratio of carrier oils to essential oil).

Wish me luck!

Doo Gro Mega Thick Growth Oil Ingredients
Soybean Oil, Soy Methyl Ester, Sweet Almond Oil, Oat Extract, Oat Protein, Meadowfoam Seed Oil, SheaButter Extract, Fragrance, Propylparaben, BHA, Tea Tree Oil, Retinol (Vitamin A), Tocopherol (Vitamin E) Matricaria Extract, Goldenseed Extract, Hops Extract, Soap Bark Extract, Calendula Extract, Henna Extract, Horsetail Plant Extract, Safflower Oil

:lick::lick: Sounds good to me!
My scalp has been soooooo sore since I started using this stuff. I hope that means its working.

I'm suprised your scalp is might want to look at your portions and a possible allergic reaction to (horsetail/nettle/eo???)

Aloe is great to soothe and heal the scalp, returning it to a proper balance...maybe take a few days off to evaluate where you are and how your scalp is feeling. :yep:

Take Care
How are ya'll making the mix? Are you stirring our aloe juice/gel in after you infuse the oil or just shaking it up in a bottle, mixing it in your hands (which is what I have been doing)?

I add the aloe to a portion of the mix that I'm using and shake that.
I still have infused oil w/no aloe or eo in reserves for the next batch.

I would think whatever way works for you is great....:grin:

I'm suprised your scalp is might want to look at your portions and a possible allergic reaction to (horsetail/nettle/eo???)

Aloe is great to soothe and heal the scalp, returning it to a proper balance...maybe take a few days off to evaluate where you are and how your scalp is feeling. :yep:

Take Care

I think I will up the amount of aloe and make sure to shake more vigorously before applying. I've always had a very sensitive scalp. On the plus side I have gotten quite a bit of new growth since I've been using it. I got my weave installed 11 days ago (the same day I started using the MoeGro) and I can feel tons of new growth already (guessing its about .25 inches which is my usual total for a whole month)
Well I started in the middle of August. I'm using the moegro as a base before applying MT, my progress pics aren't until September 23, but I will post on that date. I can't tell anything right now, but I'm also 4 months post relaxer and experiencing alot of shrinkage.